Emotional support

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Let's face facts Puffy is one-hundred percent a support character. We don't deserve her.

Requested by @dumb3itch thx for the idea :)

Niki felt empty, she didn't know her morals anymore. She let her rage and anger blind her from what was really important. She wanted to speak to her Wilby again. The closest she got was Ghostbur, but being around her friend's dead ghost made her feel sad and unlike everyone else, Ghostbur's blue did nothing to cheer her up. It made her more upset.

Niki spent her days wandering around aimlessly trying to find some sort of emotion, some kind of support but no one reached out to her. She tried getting help from the Syndicate but they just brushed her off and told her that she didn't have to worry about anything. Niki let her hair grow long, she didn't bother to cut it or continue to dye it anymore, so its colour was just a dark dull greyish-pink. Niki was not physically but mentally lost with her Wilbur. 

One day CaptainPuffy saw her platonic (is it platonic?) wife Niki. She could see that something was off. Niki didn't have her cherry sweet aura that she normally carried around with her, instead, it was a lonely depressing one. Puffy needed to help her, she looked so upset. "Niki!" Puffy shouted causing Niki to turn around with her head almost completely staring at the ground beneath her. "Hey Puffy" Niki's voice was dull, it had no sign of emotion at all. 

Puffy almost cried hearing her wife so emotionless. "Niki, oh my God are you ok? What's the problem? Do I need to kill someone?" Puffy said, Puffy's tone of voice sounded so concerned which made Niki a bit happier to know that someone cared. All of Niki's bottled up emotions came rushing to the surface she grabbed the collar of Puffy's captain suit and started to cry. 

"I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE PUFFY, NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO ME, I CAN'T TALK TO ANYONE WITHOUT HAVING TO HELP THEM INSTEAD OF MYSELF. I MISS WILBUR, AND I CAN'T HAVE HIM BACK, I WANT TO DIE AND SEE HIM AGAIN" Niki let everything that she had been holding in for the past half a year out. Puffy did nothing, all she did was listen like a good friend would do. After Niki was done Puffy stroked her hair.

 "Shh Niki, you don't need to die, you're too good for this bitch of a world, I get it the minute you find what makes you happy it's immediately taken away from you" Puffy let out her own tears thinking about Dream going insane or Foolish getting killed. "I think you need to talk to Ghostbur, or just yell at him, anything to get your feelings out" Puffy advised and Niki nodded. 

Niki then ran off to find Ghostbur to talk/yell at him and let go of the feelings that she had held onto for so long. When she looked almost everywhere there was no Ghostbur, she was standing on the glass that covered up the once proud nation and she saw the floating ghost there too. 

Niki ran up to him and said "Ghostbur I need to talk to you, anything I'm about to say or do is just for a vent and don't take it literally" Ghostbur was confused but he nodded and Niki went off. She yelled at him telling him that she wanted Wilbur and how that she blames him for the destruction of her home. Ghostbur was shocked and sad but he quickly reminded himself that this wasn't what Niki actually felt. 

After Niki was done she panted, she felt no anger, no sadness, she finally got rid of the emotions that have been following her around everywhere she went. "Thank you Ghostbur," Niki said almost crying with happiness. From now on anytime she would have a problem she knew to go to Puffy for help.

Hi, I don't know why my chapters are short and shit but they are and I'm really sorry.

If you can't tell, I'm very bad at writing angst, like horrible, this is basically me writing how I feel about something. Fun fact I took a Dream smp character personality quiz and the first time I got Sam and the second time I got Niki.........I'm pretty sure no one cares, sorry.

I hope you have a good day/night

Thoughts? Suggestions? Requests?


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