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I have no idea where this idea came from but be thankful it did, this is going to be one of the most fluffyiest things that I have ever written in my 13 years of living.

Everything in this chapter is platonic little reminder (:

Sam was learning about all the different things he could do with Redstone. The 1.17 update had come and had given Redstone a whole new section. Sam tampered with his Redstone machine for hours, he wanted to get it just right. You may be asking what was he building well it was a rocket.
(my brain is dead I couldn't think of anything else.)

Sam had wanted to take Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Purpled on a rocket and fly over the entire smp together, Tommy could already use his wings to fly but Sam wondered if he could take all of his adopted sons on a fly all at once.

Sam decided that he was done for the day, his shoes were covered in the Redstone dust and so were his hands. No joke Sam looked like a very dark tomato with all the red powder covering him.

Sam placed down a button and gently pressed it. The Redstone-powered door lowered and Sam walked into his house closing the door behind him. The door came up just as fast as it did when it came down.

Sam walked to his room and saw his dog Fran, her collar was still bright with the yellow dye that Sam collected from the dandelion that Sam had picked out for her. Fran was sleeping peacefully on her blue little bean bag.
(I'm making beanbags a thing in Minecraft.)
Fran's tail was in her mouth and there was some fur on her teeth.

Sam went in his closet, petting Fran's head on the way, and placed his boots on the mat that was in the corner. The dust almost went everywhere when they made contact with the solid ground. Sam shut the door and left Fran in the room still sleeping.

Sam then heard a soft giggle come from his left. Sam didn't go straight for his sword like most people on the smp do, instead, Sam went to investigate the noise that he had heard just a few seconds ago.

The giggle sounded again and Sam knew he was close, the giggle came from behind one of his chests. Sam slowly broke the chest dropping a few items on the floor and revealing what had made the sound.

Sam gasped as he saw a small child no older than 7 with a little bit oversized purpled hoodie. Sam took a closer look and saw that they had dirty blonde hair and cute little purple eyes. The child held a small iron sword in its tiny hands. Sam took the sword out of the child's grasp "whoa there little one, you're going to hurt yourself if you play with that, it's not a toy."

The child glared at Sam and jumped up on him as an effort to get his sword back. Sam's eyes widened and he put the sword in one of his chests and gave the boy a wooden sword instead. "In the name of bedwars! I want my iron sword back!" Bedwars?

"What's your name little one?" Sam asked the child looked at Sam and said "Grayson but I would prefer if you call me Purpled" Sam's eyes widen "how-when-who?" Sam tried to form a question but was cut off by a smashing sound.

Sam picked up Purpled and ran to his kitchen where he saw two boys running around. "Twubbo I wanna pway wifh da reddy stuff" Sam saw what he presumed to be a baby Tommy and Tubbo running after each other. "Bwut I wike da way it glows" baby Tubbo said.

Sam put Purpled down on his couch and ran over to the two British boys. He saw that they were playing with Redstone, Tommy's hair was covered in the red glowing dust and Tubbo had a bit of it in his smol little hands.

"What happened to you three?" Sam mumbled to himself he grabbed Tubbo, who climbed up onto his shoulders and started to play with Sam's messy hair. Tommy lept onto Sam's back and clinged on Sam's sweater. Little Tommy and Tubbo both said at the same time "helwo Sammy!" They both giggled after that sentence.

Sam's heart melted when he heard that. He got Tommy off his back and cradled him in his arms. Purpled got off of the couch and hugged Sam's leg, Sam didn't interject when he felt Purpled grab his leg. Tommy grabbed Sam's hand and put one of Sam's fingers in his wittle mouth.

Tommy didn't bite on Sam's finger, he enjoyed it, it made him feel safe. Sam loved how adorable the three looked, he didn't want this moment to end. Tommy looked up at Sam and his beautiful, innocent blue eyes shot through Sam's heart.

Purpled let go of Sam and sat back down on the couch, asking Sam to sit beside him. Sam complied with Purpled's request and sat beside him, still holding Tommy in his arms and Tubbo on his head. Tommy let out a short and high pitched sneeze, causing Sam to aww and hug the blonde tighter.

If you thought that this couldn't get anymore adorable, you thought wrong. Sam looked at the entrance to see that it was open and a small enderman hybrid stood there with a block of grass in his hands.

Sam smiled and knew right away that it was Ranboo. Completely ignoring the logic behind how this happened or why it happened Sam asked Ranboo if he wanted to come over. The hybrid nodded his head and skipped playfully over to the couch and he fell right over it crashing into Tubbo.

The two fell down, little Ranboo landed on a pillow and little Tubbo landed on Ranboo's lap. "Sammy!" Ranboo said when he saw the creeper hybrid with little Tommy in his arms. Sam smiled and brought the two in closer, Tommy got out of Sam's arms when he saw that Ranboo wanted to cuddle as well.

Tommy tackled Tubbo to the ground and they both laughed. The blonde and the brunette started to play another game of tag. Tommy dragged Purpled into the game and soon enough, three wild children were running around Sam's house and Ranboo got sleepy so he just fell asleep right in Sam's arms.

Tommy picked Tubbo up off his feet and ran away from Purpled, who just accidentally ran into a wall and blamed Tommy for it. Tubbo held onto Tommy and smiled. Purpled soon got tired and gave up, sitting back down with Sam and leaning his head onto Sam's leg.

Purpled dozed off as well leaving Sam there, unable to move without risking Purpled or Ranboo waking up. Tommy put his best friend down and Tubbo started to tickle Tommy right in his venerable spots, his neck and stomach.

Tommy cried tears of happiness, asking, no, begging for Tubbo to cease the attack and struggled to get out of the bee lovers hold. Tubbo increased his tickling speed and Tommy started to laugh harder, he uncontrollably almost kicked Tubbo's leg while squirming around.

"Tu-u-bs ssss-tt-oo-pp" Tommy said in-between his laughter. Tubbo finally stopped and Tommy let out a huge breath of relief, but Tubbo wasn't done, he was just giving Tommy a breather. Unnoticeably, Tubbo slid his hands down to Tommy's feet and carefully removed his shoes and socks.

"What are you? NO HAHAHAHA!" Tommy squealed when Tubbo started to tickle Tommy's feet. Tubbo had to sit on Tommy's leg to keep him from getting away. Tommy tried to push Tubbo off him but Tubbo just held onto his leg and clinged to it.

Sam put Ranboo down gently and slowly got up from the sofa. (or couch, whatever.) Purpled shifted over and rubbed his head into Ranboo's chest.

Sam grabbed Tubbo by his waist and lifted him into the air and off of Tommy. Tommy panted and smiled "tank you Sammy" Tubbo was giggling in the air. Sam took Tommy's hand and walked the two over to the bedroom.

Tommy and Tubbo both snuggled up to one another almost immediately after Sam had left them in the dark in the bedroom. Purpled sleepily stumbled into the bed and wrapped Fran's tail around himself like a blanket.

Fran didn't mind it at all so she just sat there. Ranboo and Sam both came into the room last. Sam layed Ranboo down beside Tommy and the four all layed there.

Sam wasn't planning on turning them back to their normal ages any time soon.

Finally done this chapter yay!

I was crying after watching one of Foolish's streams and my sister had the audacity to say and I quote:

"it's just roleplay, there'sno need to be sad" LIKE BITCH YES THERE IS!!


One the happy side of things IT'S ALMOST THE END IF SCHOOL, for me YEESSSS.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Requests?

Love you all 💓

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