Maybe I Should

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Ariana's POV

We decided on Italian food because let's be serious, it's just amazing and I love Italian food, y'know, proud Italian. I still couldn't get Jai off my mind. He is my boyfriend and I love him, I just wish I could be there with him. Also, I'm having mixed emotions about Zayn. I keep telling myself i just want someone there with me so it gets Jai off my mind, but I'm not sure it's just that...

Harry's POV

Hiz? Nope. Larry? Already taken. Helizabeth? Maybe. Ugh, what was i doing? I actually really like a girl this much, for real this time. I don't see why I can't date her, not as if she has a boyfriend like Ariana does, bad luck for Zayn. I mean, after all the business on the floor, he can't admit he doesn't like her a little bit, right?

Zayn's POV

I like Ariana, but I'd never take another guys girl or make a girl cheat on her boyfriend...I wouldn't like it if my girl cheated on me. I sat in between Louis and Liam in the restaurant, opposite Ariana. I couldn't help but have a few glances in her direction as she ate her spaghetti. It was adorable, she kept missing a strand and it hung out of her mouth so she sucked it up and it hit her nose, leaving pasta sauce on her. She looked around to see if anyone just saw that, embarrassed. Luckily, the boys, El, Liz and Frankie were all having conversations and not really taking any notice of their surroundings. Then she looked at me. I gave her a smile. She looked down.

"Excuse me everyone but I have to go to the bathroom." She said.

Ariana's POV

I rushed to the bathroom. He looked at me?! I actually couldn't believe this. Then it hit me that Jai just left this morning and I promised love him forever. I do love him and miss him... so much. And I just met Zayn for real this morning. Oh Zayn... No wonder he's a heartthrob. Tall, dark, handsome...

"Ariana?" I heard Liz's voice. I turned around.

"Oh hey Liz." I said.

"I know it's nice to have daydreams but not when everyone's waiting for you." She said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry for holding you all up.." But She cut me off.

"Ariana what's up?" She was concerned.

"N-nothing just.."

"Ariana." Her voice was stern.

"Okay!" I sighed and looked down. "You know me and Jai...?"

"Uh huh." She replied.

"Well, give me your opinion and don't worry, I'll respect your views. D'ya really think we're gonna last?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" She said.

"Liz please." I was about to start begging her.

"Okay, alright." She started. "I'm not exactly sure you guys will work out.." She looked as if she was ready to be beaten by a stick.

I think my sigh must have sounded as if I was relieved.

"Why, what's happened?" She asked.

"Nothing's happened just i can sense something."

"Oh so now you have superpowers?" She giggled and I did too.

"Liz, I want to love my boyfriend but I just can't." I said.

"Why can't you?" She asked.


Zayn's POV

"Okay lovelies are we ready to go." I was waiting outside the girls bathroom for Ariana and Liz and they'd just come out now. Liz had a mischievous look on her face but Ariana seemed down.

"Hey what's up?" I asked her, genuinely concerned.

"Oh, it's a long story and you wouldn't wanna listen.." She replied.

"I've been told I'm a good listener. Seriously, you can talk to me about anything. Girl stuff, boy troubles.." I saw her flinch when I said boy troubles. "So, it's about a boy."

She looked up at me and sighed. "I need to make a decision and fast, without anyone getting hurt." Was she talking about Jai? Was she gonna break up with him? Did I have a shot? No Zayn. You're here to be her friend.

"So, what's this decision about?" I asked, trying to not sound nosey.

"I can't tell you. Top secret."

"Ariana. Please?"

"Fine... I don't think me and Jai are gonna work out."

"Why do you think that?"

"Long distances, phone bills.."

"But isn't that how you met? Internet? You've been doing that for five months prior to your meeting." What was I doing? I shouldn't be giving her reasons to stay with him!

"And I don't want to wait another 5 months until the next time!" She sounded sad.

"If you loved him..."

"No Zayn, don't you dare give me that shit. I don't know if I love him. Lets be serious, I just met him."

"Did you sleep with him?" I asked with a smirk. She didn't think it was funny though.

"I'm not easy. Don't you even dare. I wouldn't ever do that!" She protested.

"Whatever.. Anyway more on this decision."

"I've started to like another guy. But I more or less just met him, and that's just as bad as me and Jai. I mean, I don't even know this guy, at least me and Jai talked."

"Maybe you should get to know him."

She looked at me just as our ride got here. "Maybe I should."

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