Let Go

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Harry POV

"That's it." Zayn said throught gritted teeth. "I'm calling him."

"Oh come on mate! You dont mean that!" I argued.

"Yeah, well she dont like me Harry."

"How can you be sure?"

"I just know."

I threw my hands up in defeat.

"Well mate, there you have it. If you ain't gonna fight for the girl, you aint gonna get the girl."

I walked out of the room and stormed downstairs. If Zayn was gonna sulk about his relationship then I would let him. After all, he was the one who didn't go after Ariana after she walked out on him. If he wanted her so bad he would've went after her. So yeah. He was gonna call Jai and ask him to Ariana's birthday party. And I was gonna let him.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Liz's number.

"Hello, Harry?" She answered on the second ring.

"Hey Liz. We have to talk about Zayn and Ariana." I sighed.

"Really? What's she done?"

"It's more or what he's done."

"Harry.. Are you saying-"

"Noooo! Nothing like that." I chuckled.

"What then?"

"They aren't on the best terms if I'm honest."

"Oh yeah?"

"Ariana walked out on Zayn because he tried to have sex with her-"

"Uhm, too much info." Liz said awkwardly.

"No you have I listen to it all or it won't make sense!" I pleaded.


"So then he comes and moans to me the morning after about how she doesn't even like him-"

"But, Ariana does like Zayn?"



"Oh yeah! He's gonna invite Jai to Ariana's party."


"It's bad isn't it?"

"Well yeah!"

"So are we gonna sort this out?"

"Uhm, sure."

"Okay. Bye." I bit my lip to stop myself from calling her babe.

"Bye Harry. Have a good day."

She hung up.

I took a deep breath and carried on walking along the corridor.

Then I heard it. It sounded like... weeping and sniffling. I walked up to the door and knocked on it gently.

"Uh, everything alright in there?"


That voice. That's when I read the room number.


Louis and Eleanor.

"El? Let me in!"

I heard the door unlocking and was face to face with a teary Eleanor.

"He's gonna kill me." She let me in.


"Shit Harry I can't do this anymore."

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