Chapter 1

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The girl  sat curled up in the corner behind the last row of bookshelves in the library.The electric hum of the lights filled the long warm area.The clock ticking curtly was the only other sound in the otherwise peaceful room.

She looked up sharply at it from the book she was reading, suddenly aware of the time.

Hastily, she packed up and checked out the book was so engrossed in.The elderly lady at the front desk smiled warmly at her,handing back the book.

"There you are Dear , lovely book that, so romantic",She grinned nodding at the copy of Pride and Predjudice in Ivy's hands.

The girl smiled wryly, blushing.

Stuffing the book into her bag, she thanked the lady and rushed out through the foyer and hopped quickly down the stone steps outside, slowing her pace now that she could see the deserted bus stop at the end of the street. 

Shivering she glanced around the silent white tinted frosty street.The night was dark now and bitterly cold but she felt somewhat self conscious,on edge.She smoothed her hair under her soft grey beanie.

Reaching the shelter she perched on the bench retrieving the book from her battered leather satchel. 

As she brushed the cover with her fingertips and traced the spine of book her thoughts turned again to the librarians comment.

You had to have great belief in humanity she thought , to believe you could find all you wanted and needed in life in a relationship.To trust another completey, to desire only them, to love each other as much in 20 years as you did when you first started out.People changed and with change came compromises,new desires,new goals. She so desperately wanted to believe in the sort of epic, passionate,sweet,everlasting love portrayed so powerfully in books and films but really...? How was it  possible in a world as ordinary as hers,with so very many flawed people?

She gulped back at the lump that had risen in her throat suddenly saddened at her lonely philosophising.With a heavy wistful sigh she reopened the book and resumed reading.

Unknown to her ,a man stared intently from the shadows of the trees in the park opposite, his eyes glinting golden in contrast to the harsh black night as he declared softly to the bewitching ebony of the shadows one simple word... 



It was silent  but for the occasional dog walker or car passing on the dark street.The pavements were treacherously icy.

He knew he was close, his heart thumped erratically.An electric tension gathered in his muscles.He felt restless. He knew she was here.

Suddenly he became aware of muffled footsteps on the snow a hundred metres down the road. His senses were suddenly overwhelmned with a warm mellow and deliciously sweet scent. Stepping out slightly from the shadows then he froze.It was her.He gazed, transfixed on the angels sweet petite figure.She was curvaceous,elegant; with wide almost violet eyes.Her hair a billowing golden riot in the breeze of the cold night air,

her lips were a deep rose and even at this distance his eyes were perfectly able to take in her every aspect.

Pulling his hood over his head, he began following her, remaining unseen under the gloom of the trees that lined  this side of the road.She stopped at the bustop and he made his decision. He had to take her now, his sanity depended on it.

Crossing the road he joined her on the bench.

She glanced up briefly, stiffening , fear and then wariness reflected in her deep indigo eyes, until the man let his hood fall to hus shoulders. Her mouth dropped open ever so slightly as she took in his smooth chiselled dark features. The sense of fear only heightened but a frission of a different kind seemed to seize her nerves.She wanted to look away until he met her eyes  and then it seemed sone inevitable force had been set in motion. His irises were like chocolate but with a whisky fire too ...her stomach flipped strangely.

"Good Evening".

It slipped out automatically.Her heart hammered.

He smiled.

"And to you" he replied. "Do you know what time the last bus is?"

"I think its only another 10 minutes, though the weather might slow it."

She relaxed slightly. He clearly wasn't a druggie or intending to mug her.When was the last time anyone got mugged by a druggie who said good evening first?

There  was a  weighted pause and a glimpse of mischief that seemed to skate through his eyes before he  proceeded...

"It's late for a young lady like you to be out."

Usually she would feel  annoyance at this sort of advice, particularly from a stranger. But this only made a smirk spread across her face.She winked and responded evenly "I could say the same about you"...he was clearly no more than 25.

"Oh really?"

"Yes...but I shan't because that would patronise."She said,grinning."I was just reading at the library though, nothing too rebellious or dangerous. "

He chuckled.He already liked this wit and fire.

"So what's your name? " she dared to ask,"I don't think I've seen you around before. "

"It is a small town...I'm Alastar" he replied, suddenly his expression intense, prompting her to give her own.-"Iva Rose"

"Pleased to meet you Iva Rose"he replied, his face grave us he held out his hand to shake. Hesitantly she took his hand but only a second later she felt a sharp prick in her finger. Glancing up with a frown the last thing she registered was anguish marking his darkly handsone features as he said "I pray that you will forgive me for this one day my dear Rose"

She felt firm arms cradling her.

Then a velvet darkness enveloped her consciousness...

Tell me if you want me to carry on xxx ;)

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