Chapter 2

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Iva Rose POV


Mmmmm...There is a certain bliss in that few moments when you're just waking up and have yet to open your eyes . You're aware only dimly of your senses-the warmth of the blankets around you, the distant background worries, no thoughts. I let out a soft whimper and yawned, trying to stretch....

"You're awake"

I open my eyes in shock.Blinking rapidly I quickly realise I'm lying not on a bed, but the back seat of a car.I look down first-my hands are tied together, then my gaze shoots upwards to the face that spoke.It is smiling, crinkles around the whiskey eyes.

I remember now- coming out of the library; this is the man from the bus stop, the man who calls himself Alastar.My heart sprints, thumping like the sound of a contracting carton as it glugs out milk . Confusion swirls but at the forefront is fear. How did I get here? what does he want? I panic....could he have raped me? but I reason with myself, my clothes are relatively unrufffled and I'm not really in any discomfort.But he did drug me...I feel stiff, my joints are chalk, scraping one another. I'm scared but a strange numbness holds me from hysteria.

Outside I can see the sun rising on the horizon, yellow wisps of clouds streak the lightening sky.Dawn is a quiet time on the roads. It feels surreal.

"Who are you?"I say softly.

"I really am called Alastor", he grins brightly,"and it is ....despite all appearances...a pleasure to meet you.Kidnapping isn't usually my thing."

How wierdly cheerful-This is not reassuring.

Alastor is slowing the car. I watch warily as he takes a turning  left down a lane into the thick forest.I become increasingly terrified,fidgeting frantically with my restraints.

"I can feel your fear.Don't worry I'm not a serial killer...or a rapist-This is my home"-He pauses to park the car, then turns to face me "-Now yours too."

I swallow, frowning, my eyes pooling with tears in fear-"What do you mean? What do you want ? Why do you live out here?

I'm not staying here; you can't just kidnap me- People will be looking for me!

I have a family...and friends and there are Cameras outside the library even if not the bus stop! The police will find me! They have DNA stuff! Let me go..."

... I trail off, my voice now hoarse from the rant.

His cool collected countenance has not changed one bit.In fact, the corner of his mouth quirks in amusement; His whiskey eyes ,twinkling, meet mine, yet  ...they seem longing or sad too.

He gazes at my now hysterical state for  a few moments more,then abruptly moves to get out of the car.I try to scramble away as  opens the door near me, but it's no use. I  sit there helpless; cringing away from his broad and tall frame even as a step warily out of the car...but next thing I know he's untying my restraints.

Alastor reaches his  hand slowly out and to my astonishment caresses the side of my face softly even as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"They will not find us, my DNA stuff ,as you so eloquently put it, will not be detectable. I am not human Iva Rose-I am werewolf and you are my mate.I take you because you are mine to claim."

And then...before I can even process what he has just said he steps forward, pushing my body up against the car  with his and then, slowly, hesitantly but oh so tenderly lowers his jaw to mine and kisses me.

Theres immediate passion between our  lips and all i can think about suddenly his warm body against mine and how dominant his soft moist mouth is against mine, his tongue pushing and twisting with mine. His hands entwine around my wrists, holding them back above me.

He pulls away, smiling and I gasp for air, sanity finally flooding through my veins again.

My cheeks are burning fire, I can feel it beneath my eyes.

"That was my first kiss", I blurt dizzily.

Alastore eyes shine.

" Don't worry, there will be many more,Rose"he replies, seeming smug.

I squirm under his hot gaze as he runs it over my body.I gulp...I have to get away..This man is dangerous as he is hot.As he steps back, still smirking I see my chance.

Abruptly I turn and sprint as fast as I can off into the wood.

Tell me if you want me to carry on xxx

Sorry this is short :F

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