Chapter 4

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A slow,comfortable and cosy awareness came over me as I stirred, stretching lazily, moaning as a ecstasy spread through my fatigued limbs.I smiled burying my face into the clean fresh laundry smell of my pillow.

My skull ached though; one by one I peeked my eyes open.

Only, I wasn't at home.Memories hit me suddenly of the man in the car and then running through the forest. I riocheted up out of the bed, eyes wide. Waking up in unfamiliar places better not become a habit.

What the hell!? I glanced round, alert.I was still wearing my light summer dress from yesterday. I was in a light ,airy,entirely unfamiliar room. The carpet beneath me was thick and soft and spotless. Long,elegant white drapes framed a set of paned doors that appeared to lead onto a balcony.How odd, this was all so clean and...comfortable. Surely most kidnappers wouldn't normally make their victims so comfortable.

Then again...Is there even a standard of conformity for kidnappers ? The minute I regard myself as being in a normal situation is surely the minute I surrender to insanity I thought dryly, smirking for a flash of a second...despite my immediate fear.

What sort of crazy man was he, saying he was a werewolf and that I was his mate ? This had to be some odd scary sort of cult. I gulped...remembering how he'd said mate, with such conviction. If I didn't get out of here it could mean rape and worse. Heart thumping I padded cautiously to the glass paned doors...

The view was magnificent.

Directly beneath me was a well manicured garden with a manicured lawn that rolled out to meet the thick textured expanse of the forest; and finally I could see mountains on the horizon.

I was shocked when I pushed half heartedly on the door handle, to find it pushed ajar with ease.Hesitantly I stepped quietly onto the platform, poking my head just outside the door.

However I heard a loud creak behind me and froze. I didn't want to turn around. Terror shot through my veins.I wanted to run or jump out, off the balcony in reach.But I couldn't. I knew I was too high up.

Sharply I released the breath that was caught in my throat.

"I wouldn't try anything to drastic if I were you"

The voice was warm, amused and teasing...musical - like honey manifested through sound.A shiver danced up my spine. It was him . What did he say his name was again? Alastor.

"Why not?" I replied evenly.

"Well, you wouldn't get far . We're miles from town here.The pack and I would catch you before that; save yourself the breath."

Definitely some sort of cult. Who calls themselves a pack?

I heard the him thud softly across the room and I stiffened,turning. There was literally centimetres between us now.His gaze was fixed on mine, his lips close emough to brush me. Inexplicably heat rose under my skin.

"Also", he continued"I mean you absolutely no harm. You're my mate. My future best friend and life partner.The other half to my soul. "

The look on his face was so intense,it cried out to something in me. My body shuddered as he stepped closer. I was terrified but elated, shocked.

I knew I had to choose my next words carefully. He was crazy. But calm. I didn't want to trigger sone psychotic episode. "So where are we? Is this pack that you talk about a sort of cul-closed community?" I asked, but my voice was shaky.

Alastor smiled. His face completely lit up,his eyes shining; they were mesmerising and...mischievous.He had this angle to his jaw that was so smug suddenly. Teasing.

"Oh you think we're some wierd group of extremists who are a cult, No,no; we're werewolves.We exist.We are human beings who's souls just happen to be part wolf. I'll show you Rose...I bring a whole new meaning to the words Sexy Beast."

He winked.

I was now just in shock and confusion. How could he promise to show me the impossible? He must be completely crazy? What if he actually meant he was going to do some wierd sacrifice ritual psycho crap with a wolf so he would "absorb" its "life energy" ?

Looking down I realised he had entwined his fingers with mine.

"Come on, I need to show you"he said and suddenly he swept me up into his arms.

"What are you doing! I can walk!"

"I know.You just won't walk as fast as me"He replied, teasing again.

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