Chapter 3

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Iva Rose


The trees are densely packed in the wood and I stumble over the twisting fingers that crawl from the trunks. After 15 minutes solid of running all out, a pain slices through my side.

Just what I need- a stitch.

I slow, limping carefully now; I think I've hurt my ankle too.I guess converse aren't the best shoes to  be doing Cross Country in. Small cuts are scattered over my arms now and my tights are ripped and laddered.

Looking around I take in my surroundings.Its hushed here and there's no sign of a road near or anything.Usually I might get feel creeped out with being so alone in this shadowed isolate clearing but at the moment I'm just in tentative relief that I've gotten away.

In the distance I can hear water somewhere, a soft gushing buzz that floats in the air.

Shivering in the cold morning air, I begin making my way towards it.



I almost chuckle at myself; one kiss from my destined mate and I had completely let my guard down... but then it was the kiss of a goddess.

I knew I could catch her in minutes if I wanted to but I found myself compelled to see what she'd do as I watched her run away.Being part wolf, the chase only added to her appeal for me -submissiveness was no fun without a little fire.

This was all pack land-As it was, she wouldn't be able to get past the border patrol . I'd called ahead to let them know I'd found her. My Mate.Mine.My wolf was done playing.

I stripped quickly,tied my jeans around my neck ,shifted and set off after her; if she didn't think I was a werewolf she certainly would soon.

She was at the river.I paced towards her silently,hidden in the undergrowth, appreciating the nymph like vision before me . She was clearly trying to get across; currently attempting to push a log into the waters flow.But it was too light to withstand the current and to her frustration  would not stay stable.She stumbled into the water, kicking the log.

Rose let out an exasperated gasp, running her fingertips back through her messy hair-God she was beautiful ...consternation flitted across her features and then to my amusement she began to unpeel the now destroyed tights from her legs.I watched in anticipation as pale peachy legs were revealed and wincing, she dipped a toe in the water and picked her shoes up.

Suddenly It hit me- she was going to wade across the river.It might only be waist deep for her but  it was icy cold at this time of year for a human. I shifted, hastily tugging on my jeans and lept down to stop her . She whipped round in alarm, swore and slipped over mid pivot-landing hard in the water, her head hitting a rock.

Iva Rose...


Pain splintered through my temple and the cold frigid current soaked my silky dress.I was gasping in  the cold air, shivering frantically as he picked me up.Blinking I felt pain ricocheting around my skull.The shock took over...

"Oh my God...Why did I do that? Why the f-f-fuck did I d-d-do  that? it's so  cooooold!!!!"

He chuckled...CHUCKLED!

"GEES AND THEY SAY CHIVALRY IS GONE" I tried to snap but my teeth just chattered.

Half heartedly I beat his chest.....

"mmmm, so warm....why are you so warm" I asked, my teeth chattering, I snuggled into him.

My head was throbbing and I felt woozy.

Shivering like a wet rat, I looked at up him with big dazed eyes.All fear was gone after my knock to the head.

"So this is what it takes for you to relax i my presence" he muttered,meeting my gaze with a dry smirk but serious eyes.

And what eyes they were...

....damn it i was cold though. ..

"Hold on Honey" He whispered then suddenly we were speeding through the forest, the greenery whipping past and blurring .I screamed in alarm, closing my eyes and cowering into his chest.When at last we came to a stop he slid me down til my feet it the ground. ...

"Oh ...good lord" I glanced up...into those warm whisky eyes, swaying closer...


"I think I'm going to be sick" I slurred and collapsed backwards. ... the sexy beast I am.

please comment or vote if you want me to carry on! even one teeny tiny vote or comment and i will... if not I'll take it to mean people aren't into it and I'll just stop...i hope you like what you've read so far :) xxx more feedback = more story

thanks x

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