Throwing Caution to the Wind

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A/N: Things get a little... spicy in this Chapter if you catch my drift lol just fair warning.


I had done something to upset her.

I had been far too forward with my "teaching" and now I felt like a jerk. I couldn't resist the opportunity to feel her against me or touch her smooth skin when she was so close to me. Sure, she had almost kissed me earlier, but that didn't mean that I could brush up against her like some horny pubescent boy.

I sat in the chair in the kitchenette, trying and failing to read a book I had found in my go bag, the tension in the shared space between us growing too intense to ignore by the second. I had scared her or made her uncomfortable and she hadn't said a word to me since asking to take a break; had only gone to sit on the bed, looking flushed and uncomfortable and purposefully avoiding my gaze. Nearly an hour had passed since then, the clock showing that it was well into the afternoon.

Glancing up at her over the pages of my book, I took her in. She was laying across the bed on her stomach, her head at the foot of the bed and her feet at the top, a pillow folded and resting under her chest to prop her head up to watch television, her arms folded on it and supporting her head. She had let her curls loose from the towel, and they had dried into a jet black mane around her head, making her even more beautiful if possible. She laughed at something on the television, filling the room with the glorious sound of her laughter, her whole face brightening as she did and I felt my heart flutter in my chest; butterflies swarming eagerly in my stomach.

My god, she's stunning, I thought to myself. The thought of her being scared of me or uncomfortable didn't sit well with me.

Setting my book aside, I rose from the chair, clearing my throat as I did which called her attention to me. "Jade, can we talk?"

She nodded, reaching for the remote and muting the television again, moving to a crossed legged sitting position on the bed, holding her pillow in her lap. She looked worried as I joined her on the bed, sitting on the edge, a safe distance away so that I respected her space.

"Is something wrong, James?" She asked.

I loved hearing her say my name. It used to annoy the hell out of me, which is why I went by Bucky, always associating the use of my first name with the way my mother said it whenever I was in trouble which had always sent an involuntary cringe down my spine; but hearing Jade say it was like music to my ears.

"No, Sugar, not at all," I said, shaking my head, noticing the way her eyes widened a bit at the pet name I called her. They just slipped out, I couldn't help it. "Well, at least I hope not."

Her brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Did I...Did I make you uncomfortable earlier? With the touching and stuff? While I was showing you the self defense moves?" I motioned to the spot where we had been practicing.

"Oh, no," she said quickly, shaking her head, that faint hint of red returning to the tops of her cheeks. Her eyes dropped to her hands, which were playing with the tag on the pillow in her lap. "You didn't make me uncomfortable at all."

I didn't believe her. I must have done something. She had been acting tense and weird since the interaction. "You know you can tell me if I did. I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me or...scared of me."

Her eyes snapped to mine, surprise crossing her features before she was shaking her head and scooting closer to me on the bed. "James, no, I am not scared of you," she said, reaching out and touching the flesh of my arm. "I promise you that. And you didn't make me uncomfortable. I would tell you if you did."

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