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My session with Dr. Lewis was tense and distracted. The hour went by unbearably slow and I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to the girl and her interaction with me and then with Steve. She was somebody to me, but who exactly I was still fuzzy on. It was clear from the way that I had been dreaming about her, and the gut wrenching hurt on her face when I didn't remember her, and the unusual feelings of anger I felt at Steve touching her, that she mattered to me. Had I been sleeping with her? Dating her? But if I had been sleeping with her or dating her, why hadn't Steve told me about her? Why hadn't I written about her in any of my journals?

All these unanswered questions only left me with more frustrations.

I was out of Dr. Lewis' office before he finished saying 'that's time for today, Sergeant Barnes', all but running from the room and striding purposefully to the elevators, taking it up to the living quarters. I bypassed the common area where Natasha, Sam, and Thor were currently hanging out and went straight to Steve's room knocking once. I didn't wait for a response, pushing the door open and finding him sitting on his bed, phone to his ear as he talked lowly.

He looked up at me in surprise. "Just call me back so I can apologize properly please, I really am sorry," he said into the phone before hanging up. He pocketed the phone. "Hey Buck-"

"Who is she?" I shut and locked the door behind me, in no mood for pleasantries or interruptions.

Steve hesitated. "Bucky-."

"I've been dreaming about her since I woke up in Wakanda," I cut in before he could protest. "And she knew me. Clearly she's someone to me. I saw you talking to her. Tell me who she is."

Steve slid over to make room for me on the bed. "You should maybe sit down."

I didn't want to sit. I wanted to stand, but I knew Steve's stubbornness. He wouldn't answer me until I sat. I did begrudgingly.

"Her name is Jade Johnson."

I was abruptly propelled into a memory, one of her sitting across from me in a diner, smiling nervously. 'Well I'm Jade Marie Johnson', she had said, laughing softly, looking up at me through her lashes, sending my heart fluttering and butterflies swarming in my stomach.


"Who is she to me?" I questioned.

Steve took in a deep breath. "To really explain I have to start at the beginning."

"Go on."

"You went drinking with Thor one night and you got very drunk from what you told me-."

"We can't get drunk," I interrupted with a frown.

"You can if you drink Asgardian alcohol that is made for Gods, which you did.  You met Jade while you were out and you brought her back here to..." he trailed off and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Right." I didn't need him to elaborate.

Steve turned a light shade of red and cleared his throat. "She snuck out the morning after, I caught her on the way out. Well me and the rest of the guys," he nodded toward the common room. "It was embarrassing for her, but it made me come in and check on you and that's when I found her ID in your room. You didn't remember her when you woke up, because of the hangover and the alcohol, and I convinced you to take the ID to her and ask her on a date."

I huffed. "Typical."

Steve gave me a brief frown before continuing. "You went, things went well, you went out to eat, she gave you her number and kissed you on the cheek. Then you came back to the compound and after talking to me and Nat about it decided it would be too dangerous for you to be with her or be around her and you never called her.

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