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Someone was shaking me. Shaking me right back into consciousness. I could hear a desperate voice, familiar and pleading, saying my name off in the distance, begging me to wake up. I groaned, trying to reach up and touch my still throbbing head, and my eyes snapped open abruptly when I realized that I couldn't.

My hands were still cuffed behind my back.

It was dark, too dark. It took my eyes a moment to adjust but I could see a figure leaning over me, felt something dripping down onto my face. After a few seconds my eyes finally adjusted and I could make out Jade's panicked features, could see the rivers of tears streaming down her face. It was her tears that were falling on my face.

My stomach dropped when I realized where we were.

We were in a cell. A small one with four cement walls, a heavy metal door, and a caged overhead light that barely illuminated the space with its dull lightbulb inside. A thin sliver of light shined in from beneath the metal door and the break in the concrete they called a 'window'. There was a twin sized rusty metal frame with the thinnest mattress I'd ever seen on it. A metal toilet with a sink sat in the corner.

It was my cell.

We were in my old cell.

The one they kept me in between missions, when I wasn't on ice, when I was allowed to rest or when I was being punished. I could still see the marks from my metal fists in the walls.

Jade was all but sobbing, sniffling and talking, but between the sobs I couldn't understand her frantic words. Her hands were gripping the material of my shirt tightly. I forced myself upward, leaning against the cement wall behind me. I wanted to hold her, to comfort her and offer reassurances, but the best I could do was lean forward, putting my forehead against hers.

"Jade, Sugar, listen to me," I said making her fall silent. "Calm down. Take a deep breath," I urged. She was seconds away from hyperventilating at this point. "Come on, deep breath. Show me."

She looked at me hesitantly, but did as I asked, breathing in deeply as her eyes slid closed and letting it out slow. She repeated the action two more times, I nodded encouragingly. When she opened her eyes they were still filled with panic and fear, but her breathing had calmed.

"Good. Good girl. It's going to be okay, alright? I promise. It's going to be okay."

It felt like a lie, but I wanted to ease her fears.

"Where are we?" She asked, taking in her surroundings. "What are they going to do?"

"We're in Russia, I know that much," I sighed, staring at the imprints of my metal fist on the walls. "This is my cell." '

Her face fell as she looked around with wide eyes. "This...This is were they kept you?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

Her eyes were watery once more. "Oh James," she breathed.

"I need you to keep it together for me, okay?" I said quickly at the threat of more tears falling from her eyes. "Just keep breathing. Stay calm. Can you do that for me?"

She nodded, wiping at her eyes and taking another deep breath. "Y-Yes."


Her being here with me worried me. Hydra wanted me back of course, but she served no purpose to them. All they had to do was wipe me, brainwash me, and say my trigger words and I'd be completely under their control. Though Shuri had removed the programming from my mind, she had warned that it would be easy for them to put it all back if I was ever captured. They didn't need Jade here to turn me back into the Winter Soldier, and they'd never let her go now, which meant they intended to kill her. They were leaving her here to toy with me, to remind me of what I was going to lose, to punish me for getting away. The thought of them hurting her filled me with rage. My fists clenched behind my back and I struggled to remain calm for her, not wanting to scare her any more than she already was.

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