The End

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A/N: This is the last chapter. Thanks so much for reading!


The politeness ingrained in me a little too hard by my parents had won out when I should have said politely told Tony 'no thanks' to his movie night and let Bucky take me into his bedroom.

Bucky tried to act like my politeness hadn't bothered him, like he had been more than happy to join his fellow Avengers for movie night if that's what I wanted; but I knew by his tight lipped smile and his tense shoulders he was not pleased.

Though Tony had been patting the spot next to him, Natasha and Clint quickly hopped up and offered Bucky and I the loveseat instead. Clint took the seat beside Tony, which made the billionaire frown, and Natasha joined Sam and Steve on the floor at Clint's feet. I slipped my jacket from my shoulders and Bucky took it, setting it aside with his. I sat first, Bucky joining me, grabbing the blanket throw from the back of the couch and offering it to me. I was relieved to have something now that my jacket was gone exposing my shoulders, and with so much of my legs exposed I knew I would be cold in no time.

It was Natasha's turn to choose a movie and once we were all settled, she started a romantic comedy that I had never heard of, but boasted about an overworked city woman finding love in the country side in the description. Tony groaned his irritation at her choice as Natasha smirked triumphantly and winked at me when she caught my eye. And movie night began.

Once the movie started Bucky seemed to relax and so did I, actually getting engrossed in the plot, the throw pulled up to my shoulders keeping me warm and my head resting against his shoulder. Or at least I'd thought he'd relaxed. He was the perfect gentleman until about thirty minutes into the movie when he turned his head, leaning in towards me, whispering low so that only I could hear.

"I don't know how much more I can take of this, Jade," warm breath fanned over my ear. "I can't focus on this ridiculous movie when all I can think about is how badly I want to taste you right now."

Heat flooded me at an almost embarrassing rate. I lifted my head, looking up at Bucky through my lashes to find him staring down at me with those lusty blues.

He leaned in closer until his lips were brushing my ear, his voice a husky whisper. "It's driving me crazy, Doll. I'd rather have you spread out on my bed right now with my face between your thighs." He punctuated his statement with a gentle squeeze of my thigh where his hand had been resting innocently most of the movie.

I gasped softly at that imagery, I knew all too well what his mouth could do. My heart started to race and the ache that had been steadily growing since dinner, that I was ignoring for the sake of participating in Avengers Movie Night, was throbbing impatiently now. I pressed my thighs together hoping to lessen the ache and moisture growing there, my eyes darted to the other Avengers who were somehow engrossed in the romantic comedy some of them had been groaning about before. He couldn't do this to me, not here, not now. We just had to make it through the movie.

"James," I tilted my head up towards him, whispered very softly in his ear. "Don't..." it came out in a pleading whimper, with no conviction. I had been hoping to deter him, and it was clearly unsuccessful.

"Don't what?" His voice sounded so innocent, his hand moving up my thigh under the throw, dipping between them, resting heavily there. "Don't tell you about how badly I want to taste you right now? Or feel you come all around me?"

I shivered. I couldn't help it. I had to bite my lip to keep from letting out the moan that had welled up in my throat. I couldn't take another second of this torture.

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