Bonus Bonus Chapter: Three Years Later

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A/N: Bucky and Jade stuff just won't leave my mind so here's another chapter. Its sweet and very fluffy and a little smutty and short. Enjoy.


"Bucky, you're joining us for drinks?"

I was already shaking my head in answer to Sam's question, waiting until I felt the slight jarring landing of the quinjet on the tarmac to grab my duffle from between my feet and stand. "Nope, I am going home."

Sam frowned. "Oh come on, one drink? Everyone's going. We should celebrate a successful mission."

"What's the point when I can't get drunk? And besides I have someone waiting for me."

Steve chimed in to back me up, rising from the pilot chair. "He hasn't seen Jade in over a week, the last thing he wants is to go drink with us."

"She can come too. Tell her to meet us at the bar," Sam reasoned.

I shook my head again walking toward the bay door of the quinjet that was already opening. "I have plans for my wife. Plans that don't include the two of you or anyone else," I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

Steve chuckled and Sam shook his head in disgust. "Fine, we didn't want you to come anyway. Go home and be nasty."

I intended to. I'd been away from home for 8 days and there was nothing I wanted more than to wrap my arms around my wife and spend the rest of the night and most of tomorrow in bed.

"You two have fun," I said with a wave, walking off the quinjet.

"Give Jade my love!" Steve called.

"Will do!"

Jade and I have been together for three years now, married for one and it'd been the happiest three years of my life. We had our own apartment not far from the compound. Jade was still working in pediatrics though she'd gotten the Charge Nurse position she'd been wanting and had been doing that for a year. I was officially an Avenger now, per Stark, though it was Sam, Steve, and I who did most of the avenging. Tony was settling down with Pepper and focusing on more humanitarian work with Bruce at his company, and Natasha was off in Russia looking for her family, Thor had returned to Asgard to see his aging father and Clint had decided to retire leaving Steve, Sam and I to pick up the slack.

Life was good. I had a routine. I had structure. I was off my meds, but still regularly attending therapy. I had a home and a life. Best of all I had an amazing, patient, and loving woman who accepted me for who I was and loved me unconditionally, and I couldn't wait to see her.

"Sugar!" I called as I stepped into our apartment. "I'm home."

My duffle hit the ground with a heavy thud and I kicked off my boots, waiting for her to come running from our bedroom and leap into my arms like she always did. Only this time, she didn't.

"Jade?" I called walking down the hall.

I could hear the bathroom faucet running, the sound of water splashing. I stepped into our bedroom and found the bathroom door closed. I tried the knob, it was locked. I knocked softly with my knuckles.


"James?" I heard the faucet turn off, her voice full of surprise.

"Yeah, it's me, open up," I chuckled.

The bathroom door unlocked and opened revealing my wife in all her beauty. She was wearing my red henley, an article of clothing she regularly stole from me, with her dark curls pulled up in a bun with a satin scrunchie. She smiled widely at me and leapt into my arms, hugging me tightly and wrapping her legs around my waist as I caught her. She took my face in her hands kissing me with all the exuberance of a wife that missed her husband. I returned the kiss eagerly, licking into her mouth and digging my fingers into her skin.

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