Chapter 22: a new start

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      Two weeks after Sauria, I decided I should settle down somewhere to make a living since I wanted to start fresh with my girlfriend Krystal. We knew each other for only two weeks but we just actually click in that we should be more than friends since we both felt the same way. Fox decided to head to Zon, my home planet when I was younger.
     Fox landed the Great Fox into a Military hanger that he just rented recently.

I woke up by the landing jolt and sat up and stretched. Krystal was still peacefully asleep next to me in my bed. But she got up as well.

"Morning Krystal." I said.

"Morning Stan." She said.

I got up and got some clothes on and got ready for the day. We all looked around Zon city and see Humans and Anthros walking around the city together, eating, holding hands, talking to each other without fear. Fox and and the team decided to look around the city and have some past time. As for me and Krystal. We decided to head to my old neighborhood in the suburbs. I'm starting to remember some memories when I was younger but I try to think of the good things to avoid triggering my PTSD.
Then, there it was. My home in front of me. The grass was bad and brown with trash blown over the yard. The white paint on the house was chipping off and in bad shape since the wood is severely swollen and damaged. I slowly walked to the front door and opened it slowly. Krystal can sense my emotions spilling out of balance. The living room was covered in dust and webs and was never touched in years and all the furniture was still there. While Krystal looks around the Kitchen, I went to a bedroom which was my bedroom, I started to remember everything. I seen my old toys still lined up in a shelf and my bed was still made but covered in dust ever since. I started dropping tears when I walked into my mother Audrey's room. Everything was still there and the picture of my mother and me as a toddler. I picked up the picture frame of it and my eyes let's all the water works out. I tried to hold it all in but it was too much.
Krystal noticed and went to the bedroom and saw me crying while sitting on the bed. She sat down next to me and tried to comfort me.

"Stan, I know how you feel. But your mom is in a better place." She said.

"I know but.... It's just hard..." I said as I was sobbing.

Krystal hugged me tightly. I felt better since her caring helps me control my PTSD without my medication. Later we called the landlord and we bought the house from him. Later on... Starfox and my friends helped us reconstruct the house. Fox picked up the trash from the yard and fixed up the front of the house. I helped the electrician fix up the electricity in the house. Peppy took down the molded covered walls. It was a hard job to renovate the house but I enjoyed doing it because it was my mother's house. I was hammering nails to mount the walls in place and cleaned my old room. Katt and Miyu painted the house in a nice white color coating.

"Dang it, I got some paint on my favorite shirt." Miyu said.

"Don't worry I got some on mine too." Katt said as she laughs.

Fox and Falco placed some new windows for the house and fix them in place. Slippy fixed up the front porch while Krystal made some lemonade for everyone. I helped Fay placed new carpet for the rooms and the living room. We worked hard as a team that we were almost done fixing up the house and I little tired but Im almost done reseeding the front yard to regrow the grass . The sun started to go down a bit and everyone started to take a break and have dinner. Fox ordered some pizza and some Pepsi for us to eat and drink. Krystal was curious about the modern world and stuff that she had interest of the food and sugar drinks that she never tried before.

"So this is pizza?" She asked.

"Yeah with great crust of cooked dough with tomato sauce and cheese with peperoni in a slice together." I said.

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