Chapter 26: The Oympus Mons

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         A few days later in space, Krystal was still concerned about me after what happened of me of almost suffocating in space. While I was in the armory, Elizabeth and I are working and repairing my armor for the next mission. We decided to attack the Oympus Mons since the SDF captured and imprisoned some Anthros for execution.

After I finished repairing my gamerknight armor and about to hit the hay. I saw Krystal waiting for me on the bed.

"Stan can we talk for a minute?" She asked.

"Sure". I said as I got under the covers.

"Stan, I don't want you stick you neck out into something dangerous too often. You almost died by suffocating."

"Krystal don't worry. I'll be fine and I have to defeat the SDF since I have to."

"Why Stan, is it because of your mother?" She asked.

I hesitated to answer since it did hit me in the heart.

"Stan, I know it hurts of what he did but you have to be careful to yourself. I don't want to lose you."

Krystal then hugged me tightly and started crying.

I hugged back since I know that moment of my close death did scare her.

"Please Stan, I don't want to lose you." She said.

"I'm sorry, I'll be careful."

A few days later we saw The Oympus Mons stationary at the asteroid belt. It was our chance to save the Anthros captured and Salen might be there.

Tim slows down the Retribution and keeps it hidden from enemy sight. We all got in our jackels and slowly head closer.

"In position." I said as I headed to the airlock to head inside.

Brock hacked the door and opened it.

We all headed inside and sneaked down the hall.

We splited into two teams, and try to look around for the brig. Me, Krystal and Brock went left and we were in the barracks and see a few SDF soldiers having a conversation.

"Which is more ugly, cats or wolves?" One of the soldiers ask.

"I say wolves since they are more vicious with their fangs."

"Should we kill all the wolves in the brig later?"

"Yeah why not? They deserve to be dead." The second SDF soldier said while he laughs.

As the soldiers separate, I pulled my knife out, and got close to attack.

I covered his mouth and slid his throat easily and hid the body in a locker.

I signaled my team to come closer and saw another soldier making his bed. I sneaked quiety and slit his throat and put him in the bed.

"Alright we're clear." I said

"Which way should we go next?" Brock asked.

Krystal uses her telepathic and said, "the brig is that way."

We went further down the steps and noticed the alarm sounded.

"They know we're here!" Krystal shouted.

"Then, let's take care of them!" Brock shouted as he fires his rifle

We started firing our weapons at the enemy. And I used my sword of slicing the enemie's heads off and made an opening for us to push forward.

Meanwhile at the bridge...

"Sir, we have been boarded!" Bradley shouted

Salen noticed and shouted, "Kill them!!"

We made it to brig and saw many anthros beaten, tortured, and starving to death.

We started opening the cells and helped them escape.

"Hey Tim, we have some civilians to be transported." I said.

"Okay Im sending a dropship close and I'm activating camouflage setting so it won't be on their radar." Tim said.

We escorted to the hangar and no enemies were around.

Tim flew the dropship inside and opens up the hatch and the Anthros ran inside.

But one a Fox Anthro noticed her daughter wasn't with us.

"Where's my daughter?!" She shouted.

"Don't worry we will find her." I said.

Then the SDF started firing at us from the catwalk.

"Ambush!" Brock shouted.

"Go! Go! I'll find the child!" I shouted.

"No Stan, You're not doing this alone!" Krystal shouted.

"Just please make it back this time!" Brock shouted as he flies the dropship away.

Krystal and I fought through the enemies soldiers one by one to make back to the brig.

Krystal slammed the door and locked it to prevent the enemies from entering. We looked around the brig and I saw the fox child crying in the corner of a cell room.

I went to her and squated to her level.

"Hey its okay. We're going to get to you out of here." I said as I picked her up and carried her.

We looked for another way out and went to a different hanger and I summoned my jackal spaceship to arrive. But then someone in a mech came down and attacked us. It was Captain Bradley Fillon of the SDF.

I got in my Gamerknight Armor and defended Krystal and the child. I fought Bradley and he was a challenge. Krystal hid behind crates while holding the anthro child in her arms.

"Give it up Stan! You won't win. Salen is stronger than you are!" Bradley Shouted as he hit me into a wall.

I got up and threw a drum of fuel at him and ignited it with my rifle. It exploded and Bradley got killed instantly by the blast. The explosion caused a chain reaction by the other explosive material that caused to severely damage the engines of the Oympus Mons.


Salen got angry and set the ship to self destruct and got in his red Knight armor and flies back to Mars.

I got up and everything was on fire and inferno and Krystal grabbed my arm and pulled me in the jackal.

She got in the cockpit and flew the jackal out in time before the Oympus Mons exploded into bits of debris.


We sent the Anthros to safety at the Zon base and the child was happy reunited to her mother. We decided to head to Mars to finish off the SDF once and for all. But we weren't alone. My brother Fox and his team and the UNSA and the Zon military joined forces to defeat and wipe out the SDF. I hope Salen gets what he deserves for what he did to my mother Audrey

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