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Goal: 20 likes + 10 comments until next update.

01: Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will "swipe your grub."

02: Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."

03: Hide dairy products in inaccessible places.

04: Speak so quietly that your family always have to get you to repeat it.

05: Down a can of Coke in one and then burp loudly.

06: Change channels five minutes before the end of every show.

07: Continuously mumble during a conversation.

08: Move people's bookmarks ahead three pages when they aren't looking.

09: Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone's road maps.

10: Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookie parts back in the tray.

Please VOTE.  Also, comment which one was your favourite. (:

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