Tea and Cuddles- Thomas

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I wake up and I hear coughing. The strong arms that should be wrapped around my waist, aren't there. I open my eyes to see Thomas sitting up with his back away from me, coughing. Ahh, so that's where the coughing was coming from.

I start moving towards Thomas. I hug him from behind. He is still warm so I can tell he just woke up. "Good morning handsome" I say in my morning voice.

Thomas turns around and pulls me up onto his lap so that my legs are on either side of his waist. "Good morning beautiful." He turns away and starts coughing again.

"Are you feeling all right babe?" He shakes his head. "Aww poor Thomas."

I feel his forehead to see if he has a fever. His forehead is burning hot and his cheeks are flushed. He is definitely sick. "Thomas, you should lay down and sleep it off."

"But I don't want to sleep." He whines. Thomas tends to get either whiney, grumpy or clingy when he's sick. It doesn't bother me though, he has been grumpy before and I could barely get him to do anything.

"Please Thomas. We can watch your favorite movie." He shakes his head again. "Do you want me to make you some tea?"

He quietly mumbles in his groggy, morning voice. "Yes please."

"Ok. I will make you your favorite tea, but you have to stay in bed ok?"

He grins at me, "ok y/n. I will stay here."

I smile at him and kiss his cheek. I get out of bed and make my way to our kitchen. After grabbing the water boiler and filling it up, I turn it on. While I wait for the water to boil I grab Tommy's favorite mug and a little bit of honey. I grab some vitamins that will help him with his cold and tea bag.


The water has finished boiling so I pour it into Tommy's mug. Then I place the tea bag into the mug. I wait for two minutes to make sure that the tea is ready. Then I add a little bit of honey to make it a little sweet.

As I'm stirring, I feel two strong, muscular arms slide around my waist. "What's taking you sooooo long." Thomas asked as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Tommyyy I thought I told you to stay in bed..."

"You did. Then you took foreverrr and I missed you sooooo much y/n!" Yup he is definitely clingy.

"Well then big guy, here is your tea." I hand him his tea. "Now how would you feel about cuddling?"

His eyes lit up and he smiled. "Yes yes yes yes yes! I would love that very much!"

"Well then I will race you to the bed!" And with that I ran into our room, waiting for my boyfriend.

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Hello! Sorry for not uploading I've been very busy with school, but now I'm on summer break so I will try to upload more!

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