Chapter 24

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Paul's P.O.V

"Hey Isla. How are you cookie?" I asked as I popped my head around the corner of the door. She was smiling when I first pocked my head around the corner. How amazing she is, she can still smile even though she's led in a hospital bed.

"I'm actually really good thanks Pauly. What about you?" She asked. Considering she was in the hospital again she sounded really strong. He skin wasn't pale, sh was smiling and she still had that amazing shine in her eyes. I only wish that that shine was mostly of a childs.

Oh how I wish for her to be a child again. Back when it was easy. Back when she was happy with parents who loved her, and sisters who could be with her every second of the day to protect her. Back when she had her innocence. Back when she was 4 years old.

"I'm okay. Was just reminiscing a little." I said walking into the room and slowly closing the door behind me. I went over and sat on the big, dull green couch chair next to the bed.

"About what?" She asked turning on her side with curious eyes. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders and down her back.

"Just about when life was simpler. It doesn't matter. What matters is that your alright." I changed the subject. There was no need for us to get all mushy, and sensitive.

"Well there is something I have to tell you. You won't like it. I have already told Harry. I just want you there when I tell the rest of the boys." She explained. I just nodded my head and resisted my urge to sit on the side of the bed, stroke her hair and tell her everything was going to be alright. "Pauly. My Gastroenteritis is permanent."

Isls's P.O.V

The look on Pauly's face when I told him my gastroenteritis was permanent killed me. Almost literally got me in tears. His face was hard and his lip was pulled in a tight line. But in his eyes I could see the pain. I could see how upset he was, and how much he wished that it was him with this and not me. But it was, so he had to deal with it, so did I.

"Don't do this to me now. Please Paul. Just help me get through it. Don't go all mushy and emotional on me. You know I hate that stuff. We will deal with this, together. I have you, the boys, my sisters, Jamie and his family. I have all the support I need." I pleaded.

"I know. I'm sorry. I can't help but think you deserve more than this." He said looking down at his hands.

"I'm getting it though. I got offered to be signed to SyCo by Simon and some guy called John offered to sign me to his dance label. Then two other guys called Ben and Chase make merchandise and they were willing to do it for me. I am getting what I deserve."

He smiled weakly up to me. It wasn't forced though, it was a genuine smile. "Good. So what are we doing now?"

"Can you go out while I talk to the doctor about what's going to happen?" He nodded and got up. He kissed me lightly on the head before leaving the room and retrieving the doctor for me.

The doctor walked in an closed the door behind him. He then went and grabbed the clip-board and sat in the ugly green chair Paul was sat in earlier. "So , Isla. How is the boy with this?" He asked just making small talk. I smiled slightly.

"Harry's alright now. He's a little afraid that everything might be his fault. You try explaining to that boy that I have had this for years."  I said nonchalantly.

"How do you know you have been living with this for years if you had no symptoms?" He asked suspiciously.

"The other doctor told me. Also, I had been getting symptoms." I explained quietly. I was ashamed of what I did, but that was the past now.

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