Chapter 2

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Isla's P.O.V

"OH MY GOODNESS! REALLY? ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?" I yelled across the table.

Scarlett threw her hands over her ears and yelled back, "Bloody hell Quinn. Did you really have to do that?" We both had low patience. I laughed at her and grabbed Brooke. I hugged her really tightly.

"You haven't brought the tickets yet, have you?" She looked at me confused. Lexi and Scarlett looked at me the same.

"No, I haven't yet." Brooke said slowly.

"Good! Don't buy them yet!" I yelled. I went to the living room, grabbed my phone from the chouch, and ran up stairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me and jumped onto the bad.

I unlocked my cell and dialed Niall's number. "Hello?" I heard a sleepy voice say. I looked at the clock and  it said 4pm.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." I said laughing at him. As soon as he heard my voice I heard him perk up.

"Oh my carrots! Quinn! How are you?" He was exited. I could hear him jumping on his bed.

"Nialler, clam down. Stop jumping on your bed." He stopped jumping and clamed down. "Good. I'm amazing. How are you?"

He thought a little while and answered. "Well, the boys and I just had a movie night to cheer Liam up. He was upset about upsetting you. Are you sure your okay? Are you in denial and still think hes coming back on monday?" He asked. Niall was always one to get concerned about almost everything.

"I'm great and I know hes not coming home on Moday. That's why I want to talk to you." I could almost picture a curious grin rising on his face.

"What you want Quinn? Anything at all." He said. I was thankful that Niall was so helpful.

"Could you get me 4 flight tickets to NY?" He replied almost instantly.

"And why would you want them?" I smiled.

"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. Can you ask managment if I can stay with you for the rest of the tour?" Niall litterlally screamed at the top of his lungs. "Nialler, please, calm down. No one els can know about this. Kapish?" He made a sound that sounded like a yes.

"I will get right on it for you babe." He said.

"Thanks a million hun." Then we both hung up.

I went back down stairs and talked to my sisters about my plan with Niall. They thought it was amazing and thought I was a genius. If I heard corrcetly Scarlett actually said, "Quinn, you are a genius." And gave me a huge hug.

"Good going sis." Brooke said, congradualting me.

"Thanks." I replied hugging her tighter.

"I think you just saved us loads on the flight tickets squirt." Lexi said.

"I know I did." It felt good having my sisters applaud me for something. They usually only insult me and make fun of me.

Niall's P.O.V

"I will get right on it for you babe." I said to Quinn over the phone.

"Thanks a million hun." She said and hung up.

I threw my phone on the bed and wondered how I was going to acomplish my mission. I had to first get plane tickets for 4 people, and I told myself I wanted to get them first class. Then, Quinn didn't ask, but I was going to get hotel rooms for her and her sisters. Then I had to convince managment to allow Quinn to tag along for 6 months on tour.

"Oh, what have you gotten yourself into Niall?" I said to myself.

Harry walked into my hotel room. "What you talking about mate?" He asked.

Complications (One Direction/Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now