Isla's P.O.V
"Were here! Were here! Were here! Were heeeeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeee!" Niall sang as we walked off of the plane. I couldn't help but laugh at his boyish charm. The boys followed behind, singing back-up for him, and I followed even further behind, scrolling over my Twitter. It hasn't shut up since Harry and I's song hit the Internet. Also, #Harla is now the top world wide trend.
"Come on, Isla!" Zayn shouts. I look up, and notice that I have stopped right in the center of the walk-way. I smile, embarrassed, and speed towards Zayn.
"Harry?" I ask, looking around for my boyfriend. I only see Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall, all grinning like idiots. I can only assume something was going to happen. "Where is Harry?" I ask, quite concerned at what they have planned. Suddenly, someone behind me obstructed my vision, by placing a blindfold on my eyes. "Harry!" I yelled, knowing it was obviously him.
"Yes? Wait! What? Why is there a blindfold on my girlfriend? Guys! Help me!" He yelled, panicking, which only meant it wasn't him who put the blindfold on me. I started hyperventalating, and shaking quite dramatically.
I then felt hands grab my waist, and I screamed. "Babe!" Harry yelled. "Calm down!" He begged. "I was joking, okay?" He asked after I had calmed a little. I nodded. "But you have to keep the blindfold on." He added.
"It wasn't a very nice joke." I stated.
"I know babe, I'm sorry." He said.
"It's okay baby. But why do I have to keep it on?" I asked, after forgiving him for his horrible idea of a joke.
"Because you still don't know where we are, but you will, when you take the blindfold off." He said. I just nodded and allowed him to take me away. "I hired a little car to get us around." He said, as I climbed in.
"Little?" I asked. "It's huge! Is it a Range Rover, just like the one you got at home?" I asked, and I heard a little giggle. "Anyway, I'm sure we will get lost." I said.
"I've been here before, so we should be alright. Anyway, if we did, it would be more of an adventure! And it would be fun!" He said, very happy.
"For you." I said. "Because I am blindfolded, so I won't be able to see anything." He chuckled, and started the ignition.
For the trip, we didn't really talk, it was more than less silent, besides the radio that was on. But the silence, it wasn't awkward. It was blissful, because Harry and I were together, and I was savouring every moment with him.
The ride wasn't long, and we pulled up to a mystery destination. "Are we here?" I asked, curiosity overpowering me.
"Not exactly. We're at the hotel. I want you to change into something for the heat, because you will die in that." He said about my outfit. "So. We will go to our room, close all the curtains, and you can dress." He said. I didn't really listen, because I got stuck on his words- 'our room'.
He pulled me into a building, and into the elevator. We went up, god knows how many floors, then walked into our room. Harry left me at the elevator, and closed all the curtains, then removed my blindfold. I looked around, and saw it wasn't just a room. It was a huge penthouse, with like, 4 bedrooms.
"You like it?" He asked, as I looked around in awe, my mouth gaping wide open.
"Like it?" I snickered. His face dropped, then I added, "I freaking love it!" And his smile reappeared.
"C'mon. Lets go get dressed." He said, leading me upstairs and into a master bed-room. I looked around, and it was huge, with baby blue walls, coral pink curtains, and a huge white, king sized bed. It was the perfect colour clash. "Over here." Harry motioned to me. He lead me to a door, on the other side of the room.
"This is the bathroom." He said, then walked to the other side of the wall. "And this is the walk in closet, that I gave to you." He said, still beaming, his smile being so contagious, I was now sporting one.
"Thank you so much! This is just amazing!" I exclaimed, overjoyed with Harry's generosity.
"Get dressed." He demanded, pushing me into the closet and closing the door. I wasn't in there long. I decided on a pair of denim shorts, superman top, a dog tag chain and a pair of blue converses. To top the outfit off, I got a little butterfly clip, and clipped back my fringe, and put my favorite shades on.
I walked out, and Harry had changed into a blue shirt, with white 3/4 shorts and a pair of blue vans. He attempted to tame his curls, but failed, at had a pair of shades on, also. When he saw me, he pulled them off, and stared at me wide eyed. Instantly I became self conscious.
Harry's P.O.V
When she stepped out of the closet, looking the way she did, I couldn't help but stare. She is so beautiful, it's almost supernatural, like she shouldn't exist, like nothing like her exists. But, no one else like her exists, she is so unique.
"What's wrong?" She asked, looking quite selfconcious, because her shoulder were curled in, and her arms were in front of her body. I smiled slgihtly, walked over, and pulled her arms away from her body.
"You are so beautiful." I reassured. She smiled huge, and for the first time, I noticed she does have a dimple. It's a little one, in her right cheek, right on the corner of her smile. "You do have a dimple." I said, and picked up a hand mirror, which was led on the chest of draws behind her.
She looked in it and smiled hugely. "You have a left one, I have a right one!" She exclaimed. Her smile transferred to me. I then placed the blindfold back over her eyes, and she groaned.
Isla's P.O.V
Once we were back in the car, it was the same as the ride to the hotel, silent, but nice, no awkwardness at all. This is the kind of thing I appreciate, just being able to spend time with the ones you love, because you don't know when you won't be with them anymore. It would have been better, if I wasn't blindfolded.
The ride it's self, again, wasn't very long. About 20 minutes, but it was nice. We were both belting along to some of my favorite songs, that Harry, being the best boyfriend he is, put on a disc for me
A/N: Sorry it's kinda bad. I had writers block! :/

Complications (One Direction/Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*
FanfictionA tale of a previously normal girl gone big. Isla Quinn is best friends with biggest boy band, One Direction. Everywhere she goes, and everyone she meets, she makes a huge impression. Everyone loves her for her individuality. Isla's story: She goes...