Chapter 11

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Lexi's P.O.V

We hadn't seen Isla for a week now. It was weird being the youngest. We all missed her. She was loud and annoying but always entertaining. She was caring and loving and never got into any trouble. We hadn't heard anything from her since the day we left. We don't know why but the concert was cancelled.

I was sat on the couch just watching TV when I heard a car pull up in front of the house. I got up and looked out of the window. I saw a black limo pulled up in front of our house. "Brooke!" I yelled.

She came running down the stairs. "Lexi? What's wrong? I don't see anything wrong here." She was saying.

I smiled and said, "Look out the window and tell me this is normal?" She stood in the next window and looked at the limo, which now had a man stood by the side with a piece of cardboard saying 'Lexi, Scarlett and Brooke Quinn'. I had no idea what to think. So, without thinking, I opened the front door and walked up to the man. Brooke yelled at me to get back into the house but I didn't listen.

I walked straight up to the man and said, "I'm Lexi. Why are you here with a limo?"

The man lowered the cardboard and said, "We have to go now. I'm going to take you to London." I just stared at him then laughed.

"Okay, where's the hidden camera's?" I asked looking around but he wasn't amused. He said again, "Get your sisters, get your shoes on-" I looked at my feet, no shoes. "-and get some money." I did as he said. It would be cool to know why we were going to London. If Brooke said no then I would just get in then she would have to come.

"C'mon girlies. Get your shoes on. Were going to London!" I screamed walking in through the door. Brooke gave me daggers.

"And just how are we getting there?" I laughed at her and pointed to the limo. "No! We are not going in the limo!" She yelled. Scarlett came down with her shoes on and a hand bag.

"We get a limo? Cool!" She yelled bouncing to the door. "Lex, I got £300 in my purse." I smiled at her.

"Good. Brooke, were getting in that limo. You can't stop us, but you don't have to come." I said with my hand on her shoulder.

She sighed, "I'm not letting you go alone. Anyway, it's an adventure!" She slipped her shoes and and we all ran out to the limo.

Isla's P.O.V

*2 and a half hours later*

"Quinn!" Louis called to me. I rushed from Niall's apartment to Louis' to see what he wanted. "The limo is coming down the street. Go!" He ordered.

I rushed to the elevator and clicked the ground floor button. By the time I reached the bottom floor the limo was pulling up.

I ran out of the elevator and headed to the door. I reached outside and the door to the limo opened. I was stood there panting and sweating. I was waring one of Liam's old check shirts he let me borrow so I could ware it around the apartment because all of mine were to nice. I also had some denim shorts on and some trainers.

Brooke was first to get out of the limo. I made sure the limo windows were blackout's both ways. So neither Lexi, Scarlett nor Brooke knew where they were until they got out.

I was doubled over trying to catch my breath. I'm usually really fit and I run more than that, but my stomach was killing me. Brooke screamed when she saw me straighten up. "Isla!" She exclaimed and came running towards me. I extended my arms and Brooke ran into them. Behind her I saw Lexi and Scarlett come running to me also. They joined in the hug.

"I missed you guy's!" I said. I still didn't have my breath back. Scarlett pulled away concerned.

"Quinn, are you alright?" She asked looking in my eyes. I doubled back over and held my stomach. I managed to send a smile her way.

Complications (One Direction/Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now