The Start of the End parte 1

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Medaka and Zenkichi arrives in the party where the others are waiting.

Akune: Why you take so long to come?

Medaka: We were fighting each other.

Tsubari: Who win the batle?

Zenkichi: We talk about it later. When we were coming back, we see something in the some TV outside. Put in channel 55.

After putting in it ,they can see one gold door next to it, Kumagawa (Who didn't changed anything in these 10 years )was talking with someone.

After putting in it ,they can see one gold door next to it, Kumagawa (Who didn't changed anything in these 10 years )was talking with someone

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Kumagawa Akami, Misogi father's

Kumagawa Misogi: [So here is where you return to home, I can end this alone.]

Akami: Are you sure? I can help you.

Misogi: [Your minus is useless in batle leave this to me.]

Akami: But fighting with the the Heir who will have help alone is suicide.

Misogi:[Probably. I calculate I have 5% of chance by getting out there alive.]

Akami: Our instincts are getting lazy we are been observed.

Misogi: [Is probably The Observer, he is transmiting it to others, or are the Hankoiwa people or the hole city]

Akami: Can you show yourself?

A voice like a announcer talks.

Observer: So you discover me, but is useless everyone listen to you.

Misogi:[ So?]

Observer: So everyone knows you are going to die.

Misogi:[When I said it is a suicide misson, it means that is a misson with low percent of surviving and is impossible to get out with out a permanent damage phisical or mental.]

Observer: How you can be so calm?

Misogi:[ For me the smaller is the chance better I play, and can you stop filming me please , because for getting out off here I will have to kill anyone who enters in my way] 

Medaka and the others tries to think who is The Heir

Akune : Is that person too strong even to Kumagawa?

Medaka: Why are you asking this?

Akune: Because as the way this man talks it looks like Kumagawa is weaker than The Heir.

Medaka: First this man is Kumagawa Akami is Misogi's father, second you're probably right.

Akune: Wow kumagawa doesn't look like this man.

Zenkichi: Forget about It, by the way kumagawa is so confidente.

Medaka: What's your point?

Zenkichi: He probably still has his power but how? I think all strong powers were gone.

Medaka: I don't know but.

Akune: But?

Medaka: Akami has a lot of influence and  power, so he probably knows how to stay with your abnormality/minus.

Zenkichi: He has more power than Kurokami's family?

Medaka: No, but all countries owe something to him and his minus The Researcher  allows him  to see something in anytime by reflexes like water and glass.

Kikajima: So why Misogi didn't use this before?

Medaka: I asked to Akami says that only would help with information If Kumagawa do something in trade.

Naze: Do what?

Medaka: Depends of the information requested.

On TV Kumagawa Misogi pass for the porta golden door alone.

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