Ultimate Minus Vs Souless Abnormal Part 3

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Fire: Blazing Hurricane.

Wind:![Destroying Wind.]

The Heir: Lightning Bolt.

Kumagawa: [All Fiction!]

Those three attacks are erased by All fiction

The Heir: I understand, but Trickstar why don't  you surrender? Both of us know your role in this world.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, but only because you like your role don't think for a moment I like mine's.]

Medaka: What did you mean?

They attack each other in hyperspeed with their weapons(screws ,light swords and fists covered by fire and wind).

The Heir: Trickstar fate is to be like a ladder rung, his existence suits only to help others to take their best.

Zenkichi: This is a lie.

Wind:[ Is it? All of you have your mental problems have been solved except Kumagawa's. Is this really a surprise? And you who are his friends don't see it or ignore it? Boss you really need better friends.]

Everyone of his friends whose are watching  were in shock with the revelation.

Kumagawa:[ Can we start to fight seriously?]

The Heir: I think we reveal enough information.

Wind:[ Let the carnage begin.]

Fire: You will die today Boss.

But before they can act.

Wind:[ Hey, Hey ,Hey. Heir-san.]

The Heir: What?

 Wind:[ Can I fight 1 vs 1 with him first?]

Fire: Go brother.

Kumagawa:[ Come Wind.]

They attack each other with their weapons(screws and wind shurikens).

Wind:[ You see Boss, my techinique is now in equality with your's .]

Kumagawa:[ I see so I think I need to play harder.]

Kumagawa appear behind Wind whose have a Book Maker screw in his heart.

Kumagawa:[Book Maker 1st property I can seal everything I don't have that you have.]

Wind:[ How?]

Kumagawa:[ I've already identified all your physical and psycologic weak point's everyone has one.]

 Wind: [But I thought Medaka and Ihiko don't have one.]

Kumagawa open one big and cruel smile

Kumagawa: [They don't have physical weak point's, but I never  show you how to identify psycologic weak point's. ]

Wind blaked out.

Fire: You'll pay for that, Burning soul!

Fire starts to create one armor of fire which flames reaches 3000 celcius.

Kumagawa: [ So cool, I will do it too.]

Kumagawa creates the same armor of him.

Fire: That is...

Kumagawa:[ Book Maker 3rd property which allows me to impose my imagination on the reality.]

On the streets watching Tv.

Oudo: This Kumagawa bastard.

Munakata: Why you're so angry?

Oudo: I want to kill the bastard who stole my skill!

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