The End of Kumagawa.

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Erase: Erase of space.

One black energy appears and goes in the direction he use his hand in hyperspeed.

Gravito: Gravity attraction.

Wind:[ Divine wind.]

Fire: Blast burn.

One huge tornado goes from Wind's hand, and a huge fire goes out of Fire's hand.

Magma: Meteors rain.

Ice: Absolute Zero.

All attacks goes after Kumagawa who creates a sword and says.

Kumagawa:[ Full counter.]

All attacks were reflected, but at his weak point Heir comes up.

The Heir: The Thief 3rd property Metaphysican Thief

He touches in Kumagawa's back and a purple energy goes out.

Wind:[ What did you stole from him?]

Fire: His body resistance?

Gravito: His physical strength?

The Heir: His positive emotions.

Eraser: He has It?

The Heir: If he doesn't have it he couldn't feel fun of something. I think he has a lot of it.

Kumagawa: (So this is the end, but why I can still listen to her last worlds. Sorry Anshin'in-san I couldn't match your expectations.)

Wind:[ Stand up Boss or you like to die while you're helpless?]

Kumagawa:[ Your real batle stars now but first a question, if I give you a reason you can give my emotions back?]

The Heir: No, It's a recent ability, I can't give it back.

Kumagawa:[ I see so you open the Pandora's box and ''kill me''.]

This music starts to play.

Kumagawa: So this is the end, I think I lived a good life but now is time to disappear.

The Heir: What are you talking about?

Kumagawa:[ Emotions are part of your personality, If you lose them you'll die and another personality will born. So this is my end.]

The Heir: Stop kidding, Kurokami lose it and regain that back...

Kumagawa:[HAHAHAHA. She didn't lose them idiot, she have it sealed. It's different.]

Kumagawa:[I need you to do some favors for me quickly.] 

Kumagawa:[Use Non Fiction on Wind memories.]

The Heir: ????

Kumagawa: [In the past he was the nearest to be my best friend, he know a lot of things about me obviously I erase his memories.]

The Heir: Non Fiction! Now try to remember what he want you to.


In a big school on the roof there are two people.

Wind:[ Hey Boss]


Wind:[ Without your mask what did you think will happen if you lose your bad emotions. It'll be good right?]


Wind:[ Why not?]

Kumagawa:[ If you lose your bad emotions you'll lose a part of you. Positive and negative emotions are part of you, even if you don't like them.]

Wind:[ And what did you think will happen if you lose your positive emotions?]

Kumagawa:[ Knowing me, I probably would kill everyone I know.]

Wind: [Why?]

Kumagawa:[ I don't know, discover it.]

                                               End of flashback

Wind fall on his knees down and says.

Wind:[Oh my god]

Kumagawa:[ It's not your fault Windy.]

Fire: Brother.

Wind stands up and say.

Wind: [You can't give it back to him, so give back the skills of his friends and quickly.]

The Heir: No.

Kumagawa:[ You should listen to him.]

Fire: I agree.

The Heir: Okay.

He snap his finges and everyone skills return to them.

Emukae touch in desk which start to rot 

Medaka: So he return they back but why?

The Heir: I still have the abilities The End copied but I'll lose they in one day.

Wind:[ Good. How much time left for you?]

Kumagawa:[ A minute.]

The Heir: Why you ask me to do that?

Wind:[ Book Maker creations works depending on his concentration and motive but he's unstable making his minus becomes weaker. Now he lost his positive emotions, he'll use it in 100%]

 Kumagawa:[ And after I kill you all, I'll probably kill everyone I know. So father run now!] 

Akami don't question, only runs.

Medaka: Where are you going?

Akami: Out of here.

Medaka: But...

Akami: I don't care about what you'll talk so don't try. 

Suddenly the weather closed. Everyone can feel fear and weaker person can die.

Zenkichi: I think I'll die.

Medaka: Sister take him out.

Naze: Ok.

Naze and Zenkichi leave the room.

When Medaka look the TV again. Kumagawa's smile disappear  and they can see a demon behind him.(They see the demon that they feel more fear)

The Heir: I see. 

Even Heir was shaking.

The Heir: So this is fear.

Kumagawa: [ I'll kill you first.]

Kumagawa appear behind of him.

Kumagawa: [The One is useless.]

Various debris which normally would be smaller than a finger appear piercing his chest. They have the same size of a sword

 Kumagawa:[ You really don't think, I would create a style to counter the possibility of you copy this ability. I didn't have the opportunity to use it before.]

Heir vomits blood.

Kumagawa:[ Undo The One to activate All Fiction or you will die.]

The Heir: All Fiction.

One Book Maker screw appear behind of him.

Kumagawa:[ Book Maker 1st property, everything you have that I don't become useless and everything you have which is bigger than I have will reduce to my level]

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