Ultimate Minus Vs Soulless Abnormal part 1

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Fire: What a hell are you doing?

The Heir: Why are you asking this?

Fire: Because the hole city is watching.

Kumagawa:[ And?]

Fire: The most of them will be unconscious and someone can die!

Wind:[ You are the only who care about It .]

Kumagawa Akami enters in the room with a cellphone in his hand.

Kumagawa:[ Father what a hell are you doing here?]

Akami: I'm here because Kurokami called and insist to talk with you.]

Medaka: Kumagawa what's happening and why you didn't contact us in 10 years?

Kumagawa:[ Because It wasn't necessary to talk with you and this is the end of something that happened when I have 10 years.]

 Wind: [ It's a life or death battle Medaka. Boss why are you doing this?]

Kumagawa:[ Doing what?]

Wind:[ Trying to kill us, you don't a motive for being so determinated.]

Kumagawa:[ Because if I don't do this I'll die.]

Wind:[ You are the kind of character who didn't cares about if you'll live or die. And yes, I can break the 4th wall.]

Kumagawa:[ I do what comes to my mind, independent of what, you should know this.]

At the same moment The Heir tries to punch Kumagawa who obviously block it.

The Heir: Let's start?


They starts to try to punch each other in hyperspeed when Kumagawa says.


The Heir: Jojo know? Serious?

Kumagawa:[ Yup.]

They fight in iquality for some minutes.

Kumagawa:[ Your eye is good.]

The Heir: Yes I know but your eye isn't so bad 

At this moment Kumagawa creates his screws and Heir his light swords.

The Heir: Omae wa mo shinde iru.

Kumagawa recues in the moment a lot of hands stars coming from the ground.

Kumagawa:[ Hey, I don't want to have the same fate of Cell or Kira Yoshikage.]

The Heir: I thought you forgot about this power.

Wind:[ Hey no one will like you if you don't let they finish to talk.]

 Both of them stops and wait.

Zenkichi: Hey  Kumagawa why you didn't call us for help?

Kumagawa:[ Wow you lose again Zenkichi and the motive is you would be useless.]

Medaka: How did you know this?

Wind:[ His voice is weaker than before.]

Medaka: But How he It isn't a draw or I lose after a lot of difficulties?

Kumagawa:[ The reason is simply, your voice isn't so weaker, I mean both of you are probably hurted but your is stronger.]

Naze: But how you know their voice is different from before if you didn't listen to us in 10 years.

Kumagawa:[ Because of Zenkichi, you probably know about the listen your hair.]

Medaka: Yes I found out when I left the school.

 Medaka goes in front Zenkichi and search from his hair and found out one brown listen.

Medaka: Why you put one in he?

Kumagawa:[ Because I known he would be Anshin'in champion who would tries to beat you in her arc.]

Wind:[ And he probably put one white in Anjimu's hair too.]

At this moment Kumagawa attacks with his screws on The Heir who counter with light swords.

Medaka: Kumagawa we will help you. Where are you?

Kumagawa:[If anyone come he will die, only me and Ihiko can fight with them, you who lost your abnormal would be useless.]

Medaka: So why you don't call him?

Fire: Because we'd know and create a style to counter him, his is weaker than before.

Returning to the fight both are fighting with their all and they have the same strenght.

Wind:[Let's kill da ho.]

Fire: Huh.

The batle becomes a three versus one. But nothing changes, they continue in iquality.

Wind:[ Come Boss let's go one x one.]

Kumagawa:[ Come wind!]

They fight only using their hands, but their fight seems like a theater.

Medaka: They are acting?

Fire: No, It seems like that because Boss is who trained my brother.

Continues in the next chapter.

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