lihiko vs Kumagawa

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lihiko go near to Kumagawa and say.

lihiko: I'll take him down, run when I'm doing this.

Medaka: Wait...

lihiko: Now or I kill you by my hands.

All of them obey his order.

Kumagawa:[ I see, old manner, 1 vs 1, okay.]

lihiko and Kumagawa start a life death batle. While Medaka and the others run.

Medaka: We can't leave he.

Eraser: He's the one who has more chances, trust in him.

lihiko has an advantage in this batle.

lihiko: FRESH.

He attacks and press Kumagawa who is trying to avoid damage because of his style.

Kumagawa:[ Za Warudo.]

The time stop but Ihiko seem don't be affected.

lihiko: You forget? No skill and their consequences work on me.

He attacks Kumagawa who only block the attack using a glove.

Kumagawa:[ I see, so if I upgrade my strenght, I can protect myself but I can't hurt you.]

lihiko: That's the why Ajimu couldn't kill me.

Kumagawa:[ I see it but you should know, I'm the antagonist or the protagonist , you are a secondary character, you can't kill me.]

lihiko: You and Ajimu are really equal.

Kumagawa:[ You are calling someone equal to a not equal? It doesn't make sense .]

lihiko: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you should know you are really funny.

Kumagawa:[ Let's see if you'll think I'm funny now .]

Kumagawa release the same murder intention he releases before.

lihiko: You think this will scare me?:

 Kumagawa:[ No, I don't.]

Ihiko stop and think for a second.

lihiko: You are so dirty.

Kumagawa:[ Yes, your friends will die.]

Medaka and the others were suffering to walk.

Wind:[ Boss murder intention, this bastard.]

Medaka: We can't leave Ihiko alone, if he come here, he think he can beat him.

Wind:[ I called help already, me and my friends are exhausted, you and your friends regain your power today and Tsurubami  can't do a lot of things there.]

Tsurubami: He's right.

Medaka: But.

Naze: You already call someone right ,Wind?

Wind:[ Style users, they are coming, I called them when I was going to your party.]

Zenkichi: We have to help them.

Gravito: How? All of you stop you training 10 years ago, you don't stand against someone who trained in this 10 years.

Meanwhile Ihiko was winning against Kumagawa, he wasn't injured but he was totally in the defense.

lihiko: If the others were here you would be dead.

Kumagawa:[ If they were here they would be my hostages.]

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