What happened to start this war?

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Kumagawa:[ Yup let's go.]

Healer: Or you want to see panties?

Kumagawa:[Can I, can I, can I?]

Healer: Yup see it.

She lifted her own skirt, Kumagawa sits on the floor and put his face under her skirt.

Kumagawa:[ What a good view.]

Healer blush.

Healer: You really think it?

Kumagawa:[ Yup, I'm a pervert after all.]

Healer: Thank you.

Kumagawa:[ Why are you here? You start to talk with me by a motive, I see it in your eyes.]

Healer: Wind is strange today and his... eyes when go next to a certain girl become purple. His brothers are acting by the same way but only his eyes become purple.

She looks really sad.

Kumagawa:[ I can see it later.] 

They joke with some people. After that they would go see what's going on. Both are hidden seeing  Wind, Heir and another girl.( Kumagawa is increasing his presence so they would think he is only in bad mood, and couldn't see his exactly location.)

Her nickname is The Controller, her ability will be explained below, her real name is Kurome

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Her nickname is The Controller, her ability will be explained below, her real name is Kurome.

Kumagawa could see what Healer spoke before, Wind eyes were glowing  in a purple color.

Wind:[ So why you called me here Controller-sama?]

Controller: We want to know everything you know about Kumagawa.

Wind:[ Boss have one instable mind, a important mood and is smart.]

Heir: What the mean of important mood.

Wind:[ If he is in bad mood and someone doesn't calm him, the other way is letting kill someone, the longer he is in bad mood, more people will need to die, he has a limit he can counter himself.]

Heir: Okay, return to your room and wait for instructions.

Wind:[ Understood.]

Healer go near to Kumagawa and say.

Healer: She can really control minds.

Kumagawa:[ No.]


Kumagawa:[ I know you can see it to, watch the relationship between Controller and Heir.]

She look to them.

Healer: She like him.

Kumagawa:[ And he think anyone beyond him is an insect, so you really think if she could the people who she control will adore her like a God? This skill probably allows her to manipulate emotions.]

Healer: Yeah, this is strange.

Kumagawa attack Healer with a screw who counter and smash the ground with the right hand.

Healer: You and your habits.

She release his head.

Kumagawa:[ I lose again.]

They go to class to think about it.

Healer: But why are they doing this?

Kumagawa:[ They are after me.]

Healer: Why do you think that?

Kumagawa:[ If they can control anyone they would try to control influential people, so or they can't control everyone or what they want is something they can't get with the emotion control, so is something even who has can't give even if he wants.]

Healer: Your title.

Kumagawa:[Yes, with this he can do everything in this school except expel students.]

They kept walking until stay on face with one 3rd year of high school student.

His nickname is The Visionary, his skill allows him to see 5 seconds of the most probable future, he gave the title of Boss to Kumagawa after Kumagawa did something he couldn't see, his true name is Kyojin

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His nickname is The Visionary, his skill allows him to see 5 seconds of the most probable future, he gave the title of Boss to Kumagawa after Kumagawa did something he couldn't see, his true name is Kyojin. 

Visionary: So the biggest loser is here.

Healer: What you want ? 

Visionary: I was bullying other kids, now It's your turn.

Kumagawa:[ I will tell you a secret.]

Kumagawa approached his ear and spoke low .

Kumagawa:[ When we divided the students in positives and negatives, I told them you were a positive, but the truth is that you are a negative.]

Visionary: WHAT?

Kumagawa:[ Speak low, I know you have the inferiority syndrome, probably because of your parents, so don't bully me and I don't reveal it. You know, the star of this school been a negative, this would be real bad for your reputation.]

Visionary: Bastard!

He leaves they alone.

Healer: What did you tell him.

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