Chapter Ten- Sexual Tension

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Warm air blew on top of Ava's forehead as the car drove past street after street.

It had been roughly twenty minutes since Ava, along with Mitch, were dismissed by Irene to return to the brunet's hotel. Stan had returned to his office with Irene, after the tough revelation of Ethan's true intentions, in order to calm the brunette down. Everyone sympathised with the relatively new assassin, but swiftly instructed her to get it together, in order to complete the case. Irene then informed Ava, and the rest of the CIA, of her next move in regards to the case. Due to the severity of Ethan's part in the crime, it was crucial to not allow him the insight into their revelations of his intentions, because it could ruin their chances of finding the ring leader and ending the gang once and for all.

Unfortunatly for Ava, she would have to play a vital part in the new plan- which wasn't going to pleasant. The young agent, although fragile at this given time, had the task of remaining naive to Ethan's plans of kidnapping her, and had to allow herself to be taken. Irene has the notion that this will lead to them discovering the leader of the gang, even though the risks are high for Ava's safety. The brunette know's her well-being is at stake, however, the thought of finally capturing the scumbag and ending his awful crimes is giving her the motivation to agree to the plan. Mitch on the other hand, isn't on board with the plan.

" When is this ridiculous silent treatment going to end?", Ava asked to break the uncomfortable silence in the brunet's car.

Ava peered at his hand on the steering wheel as he gripped it tighter, revealing vivid veins. "When you tell Irene you aren't going to continue with the case", he countered with a bland expression.

" Mitch, you know I'm not going to do that. Do you even realise what's at stake here?", Ava retorted, growing more agitated by the second. " We're so close to finding the ring leader, and we can't risk losing that".

Mitch continued to ignore the brunette, his jaw clenched at the latter of her words. How could everyone be okay with her risking her own life like this? The whole ordeal baffled the assassin- but, he wasn't going to let his objections show itself in front of her. His ego refused it.

"Where the hell is your hotel anyway?", Ava's voice reeled him back to reality, much to his dismay.

"You'll find out when we get there", he coldy replied.

Ava turned her gaze to the brunet, eyebrows knitting together in sheer confusion. She couldn't fathom why he was acting like this, when everyone else was fine with her part on the mission. Then again, once she pondered reasons as to why he was so against it, it suddenly hit her.

"You're worried about me, aren't you?", she abruptly asked, which led to the assassin stiffening his form.

"I'm not dignifying that question with an answer"

"For fuck sake, Mitch, why can't you just be honest with me? Why is it so hard?", Ava pestered as the car came to a gradual stop.

In the split of a second, Mitch had unbuckled his belt and dove forward towards Ava, roughly pressing his lips against hers. His sudden movement caught her by surprise, but nevertheless, she quickly registered what was happening and began motioning her lips with his, allowing his tongue to slip through and collide with hers in sync. Ava was still buckled in her seatbelt, but Mitch swiftly used his free hand to release it, and firmly pulled her body on top of his lap. The abrupt gesture made Ava's sex ache even further, which soon increased once she could feel his hardened length against her trousers. A breath hitched in the brunettes throat when Mitch's hands grabbed her ass, and forcibly pressed it against his hard on. The brunette unknowingly released a moan against his mouth, causing Mitch to grip his hold on her ass even harder.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - Mitch Rapp Where stories live. Discover now