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"How long has this been going on?".

The voice of Stan Hurley was unusually calm, but stern nonetheless. Mitch had drove straight to the safe house after the heated argument with Ava, and was currently sat in Stan's office, pondering an answer to his much expected inquiry.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sir", Mitch retorted, his sleep deprived brain interrupting his train of thought.

Stan leaned back in his chair, his blue pupils fixated on the young assassin sitting across from him. The ex seals officer didn't know which was more insulting; the fact that Mitch thought he had no idea what was going on between him and Ava, or the fact that it even happened in the first place.

"Cut the crap, Kid. I've been around the block a lot longer than you have", Stan countered as he levitated his legs on top of the desk.

-" I couldn't give a shit who you get with, but Ava, is an employee in your line of work. You know the rules. So, if you want to continue working for this corporation, it ends now", he spat, the tone in his voice growing increasingly higher.

Mitch sat there. His arms crossed, his eyes peeled on the desk that divided him with the stern man. He knew Stan was right- about everything. A few months ago, Mitch wouldn't have dreamed of breaking the rules and allowing himself to succumb to feelings of any sort. But he fucked up. Mitch was in too deep to go back.

He loved her.

"I want her off the case", Mitch eventually spoke, his voice low and regretful.

"It doesn't work that way, Mitch. It's not in my hands".

"I'll discuss it with Irene then", Mitch countered, rising to his feet.

Stan released a prominent sigh through his nose, relaxing his form into a standing position. "You're doing the right thing, kid. If having her around you means jepoardizing your job, having her dismissed as your partner is the right way to go".

Mitch briefly turned his head towards Stan, nodding in understanding before exiting his office. He hated himself for what he was about to do, but he couldn't risk her safety or their jobs any longer.


The lonely journey from the hospital to the safe house was a fresh reminder of how much everything had changed since last night's ordeal.

Ava, still physically in a bad way, was determined to show Irene her capability to assist the case in Amsterdam. She didn't care how badly her ribs ached, or how tender her fractured jaw was. Nothing would get in her way to fly to Amsterdam.

Fighting through the slight pain that shot up and down the left side of her stomach, the brunette strode inside Irene's office, where she was met with two familiar faces; one of whom was Mitch.

"Ava- good morning", Irene spoke with a surprised tone. "Mitch just told me about your hospital discharge, how are you holding up?".

"Better if I was guaranteed a spot on the Amsterdam case", Ava countered, her eyes briefly averting to Mitch, who kept his gaze elsewhere.

There was a momentary silence- Ava had taken a guess that Mitch mentioned something to Irene only moments ago, and it boiled her blood.

"How about we discuss this in private, hm?", Irene gradually retorted, gesturing for Mitch to leave.

The assassin silently huffed as he exited the office, his brown eyes landing on Ava before he reached the door. For a moment, Ava could've sworn he looked somewhat sympathetic, along with   anger; leaving the brunette frazzled with mixed emotions.

Irene strolled around the furnished oak desk, her expression neutral- but Ava could see the worry in her eyes, and it infuriated her to the bone.

"Irene- is there an issue with you or Stan on me wanting to stay on the case?", the brunette suddenly asked, standing across from the desk with her arms crossed.

The olive toned woman grew a thoughtful look, nonchalantly clasping her hands together. "I'm gonna be real with you, Ava. You shouldn't be out of the hospital this early, let alone back working on the case".

"Can't you see I'm fine? It's just a few bruises, nothing that can stop me from keeping my job".

Irene released a profound sigh, "Ava, you were severely injured last night. In fact, you're lucky you even came out of that building alive; and you still want to continue working?".

"You don't understand", Ava countered, briefly chewing the inside of her cheek before continuing. "This case means everything to me, Irene. I can't quite, not when we're so close to the end. Please", she whispered.

Irene, although in two minds over her decision, nodded her head in agreement. She understood what it meant for the brunette to complete the mission, so, with a heavy heart, she agreed.

"On one condition".

"Of course, anything".

"You stay in the observation unit with the rest of the team. Stan can manage with Mitch and the ops".

Ava's face turned white. A part of her wanted to hate Mitch Rapp. Hate him for making her look so frail and weak, and incapable of keeping her rank as one of the recruited assassins. But then again, how could she? If it wasn't for Mitch, there's not a chance she would've made it out of the vacant building alive.

Why was it so hard to hate him?

"Fine", she eventually retorted. "When do we leave?".

"Tomorrow morning. We'll take private transportation there- the embassy has been notified of our arrival and ensured private suites for the team- but", Irene paused, diverting her eyes back to Ava. "The suites are two persons per room, and I hate to say it, but you'll need to share with Rapp. The embassy is generous, but not generous enough to accommodate each person with a private room", she added with a firm look.

Ava's heart fluttered at the latter. The sheer thought of the awkward tension in the shared hotel room made her quiver to her core. Could it possibly get any worse?

"As long as he stays out of my way, there won't be a problem", she eventually countered.

"I don't understand, I thought you two were getting along?"


Irene studied the brunette for a moment before averting her eyes to the door. "Then I'd suggest working on that. Amsterdam isn't going to be a breeze, Ava. Especially if you two aren't on talking terms".

Ava sighed heavily, "I know. I'll sort it out. I'll see you in the morning", she added while slowly backing towards the door.



"Do me a favor and rest up?"

"Roger that, boss", Ava retorted jokingly, earning a look from Irene.

As the brunette exited Irene's office, her mind refocused on Mitch; and the dreadful shared room situation. It was bound to be awkward between the pair, but on the other hand, Ava found herself not entirely dreading the situation.

And she wondered if Mitch had the same feeling..



I'm aware I'm not great at updates, really sorry!! But this story is certainly not over yet!
Thanks for the love on the story so far❤️

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - Mitch Rapp Where stories live. Discover now