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The cold, damp air that came with the night flowed through the car once Ethan rolled his window down a few inches.

Ava was prone to trusting her gut instinct- and right now it was telling her that Mitch's life was in far more danger than her own. A self-less trait she carried with her into her adulthood. Even as a child, Ava thought of others more than herself. That compassion was tucked away for quite a while now- but the danger of losing someone she swore to not fall for, was the sole reason that part of her was resurfacing. If it had have not been for Mitch entering her chaotic life, Ava was certain she would lose hope of finding a way out of her current situation. The thought of coming to his aid, and saying fuck this to the cia's strict rule of agents becoming enamored. Ava kept the thought of seeing Mitch again, and focused on feeling his embrace once they got to safety, as the car drove further and further into the treacherous part of Paris.

Ethan seemed to be buried in his own thoughts, his cold eyes staring straight ahead. Ava pondered on how she would get herself out of this mess, without causing any further altercations. The last thing she wanted was to lose any chances of escaping, so she opted to remain quiet until they reached the location of the gang leader, which she planned on taking down at any given opportunity.

"We're almost there- I'd keep your mouth shut when he arrives, he doesn't like whiny women", Ethan spoke as the car began to gradually slow down.

The sheer urge to left hook the dark haired agent was almost becoming impossible, but Ava took a breath, and fought the urge. "Out of curiosity, what exactly is in this for you?", she retorted blandly, her eyes peeled on the road ahead. "Money? Being a big kiss up to your boss and money? Or are you just trying to prove to everyone who ever doubted you that you can be a big, bad criminal?", she added with a mocking tone.

Before Ava could turn her head to see his reaction, a face numbing punch impacted her left jaw. The force of Ethan's direct hit caused the brunette's upper body to jolt to the side, hitting her head off of the passanger window in the process. Her hand instantly grasped her jaw, which throbbed immensely from the pain.

"That's what happens when you don't keep that pretty mouth of yours shut", he seethed as he pulled the car over to an empty sidewalk.

Ethan then proceeded to lift the handbrake up, and swiftly opened his door, stepping out into the damp night. Ava glared at him as he slammed the door shut out of anger, and strolled over to her side of the car. The passenger door swung open- a nine milimeter taurus pointing at her head. Ava froze still, her hand still latched onto her swollen jaw. He gestured the gun, signalling for her to get out of the car. Ava obliged, and kept her hands raised in the air. Once she stood on the sidewalk, Ethan zapped the car to lock it, and gestured for her to walk straight ahead, the gun still aimed at her head.

"The first door to your right, keep quiet and go inside. And remember I have a nine milimeter pointed at your skull, so don't try anything stupid".

Ava did as she was told, the adrenaline of finally discovering who the ring leader to the terrible crimes was, gave her vast energy to keep going, despite the throbbing pain of her left jaw. The entire street was dark, with no street lights in sight. Everything around them was quiet- not the slightest sound of noise to be heard. The atmosphere of it all gave Ava goosebumps. This side of the river was eery, and extremely unsettling. Ava hoped she wouldn't have to endure the dark ambiance for long, but it seemed very unlikely, given the lack of help on this side of the city.

"Go, keep the feet moving- I have other places to be tonight".

"I can't fucking see anything. Doesn't your boss pay his electricity bill?", Ava countered out of agitation.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - Mitch Rapp Where stories live. Discover now