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It had been a couple of hours since Ava arrived at the American hospital of Paris; with Mitch currently fast asleep in the corner chair of her room.

It was reaching four in the morning, but Ava hadn't slept a wink since arriving a few short hours ago. How could she possibly drift into a peaceful slumber after the night she endured? Not even the medication she was given helped- and it had been quite a strong dose, considering the injuries her body obtained. A concussion, fractured cheekbone, and several stitches above her left eyebrow, were all an evident reminder that her job as an agent was just as deadly as Irene warned her.

On the other hand, it allowed Ava to feel something. Something she hadn't felt for quite a while; pride. The brunette was proud of her accomplishment in tracking down the ring leader Marcos, who was, as of tonight, Europe's most wanted criminal.

Stretching her stiff limbs, Ava rolled onto her right side, in clear view of Mitch Rapp in his unusually cute sleep state. As she studied the sleeping assassin, Ava wondered what would happen when all of this was over. Aside from returning to the states, would they have to go their separate ways as agents? Or would the CIA decide to keep them both as permanent employees? Of course, she hoped the later would come true.

"You're supposed to be resting", Mitch suddenly spoke, catching Ava off guard.

Her eyes quickly shifted back to his form, "I'm in bed aren't I?".

"You're supposed to be sleeping", he countered, forming an unimpressed expression.

Ava lightly huffed in return, switching her position to lying on her back. "I can't sleep- there's a gazillion things going on in my mind".

Mitch briefly rubbed the bridge of his nose as he shifted in his chair to lean forward. "I know, but can you try?", he asked in an almost plead-like state.

When Ava didn't respond, Mitch released a heavy sigh. "For me?".

Hearing Mitch Rapp speak with such care for her wellbeing struck Ava with several emotions. She clearly wasn't used to this side of the assassin, but she liked it.

"Fine, but no promises. This place is just as noisy as daytime hours", she retorted with an eye roll, much to Mitch's amusement.

Mitch then subtly observed the brunette as she shifted in the hospital bed. The swelling around her eye and the top of her left cheek made him vexed beyond words. He scolded himself for not beating the pathetic life out of Ethan- but on the other hand, he'll more than likely have a fate worse than death when he goes behind bars. The latter satisfied Mitch immensely.

"What's with the face?", Ava suddenly asked, interrupting the assassin's wicked thoughts.

Mitch adjusted his form on the chair, slightly leaning forward and clasping his hands together. "What face?", he countered innocently.

"You literally just smirked", she retorted, furrowing her eyebrows.

Mitch pressed his lips together, finding her response utterly amusing. "I think the nurse gave you too much morphine, you're obviously hallucinating".

Ava pondered his words, her eyebrows raised once she realised Mitch was probably right. "Well, I do feel a little.. weird".

Mitch grew a wide grin as he gazed at the brunette, but his expression quickly changed once his dark thoughts returned.

"Ava- I would feel a lot better if you sat the rest of the case out. At least until we get back to the states", he sighed while leaning back into his chair.

The brunette turned her head to face the assassin- an icy glare being sent his way. "Are you serious? Just because I was caught off guard last night doesn't mean I c-"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - Mitch Rapp Where stories live. Discover now