New Job

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Bangchan : *looked behind surprised*
With Y/n
Y/n : ..... *comparing the ring with the ones stray kids wearing in a picture *
It's obviously one of their ring....
Y/n : Now what should I do??
Y/n : Wait I know ask Google!
*searches in Google*
Y/n : "What to do when you mistakely take something from kpop idols? "
Google : Keep them to yourself you lucky bitch.
Y/n : ..... What the hell?
*calls Jiah*
Y/n : Hey...
Jiah : Hey sorry about that.. Haha... I couldn't go with you..
Y/n : It's okay we can go next time but there is a problem...
Jiah : Huh what happened?
Y/n : Actually so one of the member's ring mistakely fell into my bag...
Jiah : Wah you lucky-
Y/n : Can you stop with that -_-
Jiah : Haha well you can keep it to yourself... Or you can go to JYP building to return it. If you are lucky you might even meet the members.
Y/n : Good idea!
*already imagining her reunion with Bangchan*
Jiah : Okay bye gotta help mom in the kitchen.
Y/n : Ah okay bye!
With stray kids
Jihyo: Who would be in trouble?
Bangchan : Noona....
Jihyo : Did something happen?
Hyunjin : Haha nothing we are just role playing.
Jihyo : *smile* Oh okay I came to look for my water bottle. Oh there it is! *picks it up* Practice well.
Bangchan : Phew that was close....
Lee Know : Let's go and ask the staff about the ring then?
*Somewhere else*
Y/n : *walking to JYP building* It's been a while since I walked out of home twice in a day...
Y/n : Ugh this heels are killing me.
"Btw she was wearing a suit for an interview because she is about to resign from her old job."
Y/n : Ugh finally made it! Now do I enter inside...?
*She passed through a room with a notice pasted on the wall.*
*The notice said "Interviewing room for manager role"*
Y/n : Huh? Where does this lead to..?
*opens the door*
With the members
Staff : No I am sorry but we are pretty sure there wasn't any ring not even ring accessories.
Bangchan: Are you sure not even on the ground?
Staff : No.
Lee Know : Thank you...
Staff : *leaves*
Bangchan : *looks at Felix* You are in big trouble young man.
Felix : ....
With Y/n
Y/n : Excuse me-
Staff : Ah you must be for the manager role!
Y/n :What-
Staff : Please sit down.
Y/n : Oh okay...
Staff : Your name?
Y/n : Lee Y/n..?
Staff : If you were Stray Kids' manager what would you do?
Y/n : *so into the question* First of all I will try to protect them from possesive fans . Especially saesangs.
Staff : Go on... *writing stuff down*
Staff : Okay you are hired!
Y/n : Hired?
Staff : Yap! Follow me I will introduce you to the members.
Y/n : But-
Staff : *pulls Y/n with her*
Bangchan : *sighs*
Lee Know : Hyung don't take stress we can buy another ring-
Bangchan : Where can we find it? They were limited edition specially designed for us...
Staff: Guys!
Bangchan : *stands up and bows*
"The other members also bow."
Staff : Meet your new manager!
Bangchan : Wait.... Y/n..?

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