Do I have a crush on her?

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MC: Now for the performance...... Stray kids!
"Everyone claps and cheers. "
Y/n :*claps along with the others*
Y/n : They are really good at dancing and singing.
"Changbin's rap part comes. "
Y/n : Damn.... He is too good.
"Stray kids return back to their seats. "
Staff : Y/n can you go give them tissues and water. I gotta go back stage to fix some problem.
Y/n : Ah sure. *grabs some tissues and four water bottles*
Changbin: Oh Y/n.*smiles and waves*
Y/n : Coming... *trying not to drop any bottle*
Y/n : Here you go guys.
Seungmin : Thank you.
I.N: Thank you.
Felix : Thank you.
Han: Thank you.
Y/n : I will go get water for the four of you-
Bangchan : Let me help you.
Y/n : No it's okay. It's my job to take care of you after all.
Bangchan : But-
Y/n : *had already walked away*
Felix : *looking at bangchan*Hyung....
Bangchan : Yeah..?
Felix : *gets closer to him and whispers in his ear* Do you have a crush on Y/n?
Bangchan : *blush* W-what no-
Felix : Don't try to deny it you are blushing...
Bangchan : ...
Y/n : Here you go guys. *hands water to the rest*
Felix : *smiles*
Inner Y/n: What's up with his smile? I thought he hated me?
Y/n: Well I gotta get back enjoy the show.
Bangchan : *nods*
Felix : *smirk*
Bangchan : Yah stop it I don't like her.
Felix : But I can see in your eyes.
Hyunjin: Y'all are cheesy..
I.N: Is Felix hyung confessing his love to Bangchan hyung?
Felix : What no!
Seungmin : *narrows eyes* Feels like it.
Han : We get it Felix you are bisexual.
Felix : Bruh what? It's not really that. He has a crush on someone.
Changbin: Who you?
Felix : No.
Hyunjin : Then who...
Felix : A girl~*smirks*
Lee Know : A girl!? Who tell me quick! Lee Know needs to know!
Bangchan : Stop it you guys... *covers his face in embarrassment*
Inner Bangchan : Why am I acting like this??? Do I have a crush on her...?
Hyunjin : Oolala~ He is flustered.
Lee Know : Who is she tell me fast!
Bangchan : *glares at Felix*
Felix : Well looks like he wants to kill me so... I won't tell anyone.. Haha..
Changbin : So you are just leaving us on a clip hanger?
Han : Yo shush.! Seventeen Sunbaenim are about to perform.!!
Y/n : *watching from afar* .... Bats..?
Staff : Yeah. The song is called homerun. So they brought bats for the performance I guess..? They are very good performers btw.
Y/n : Ah...
Inner Y/n : So the guy who saved me earlier... Must be from this group..?

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