Unexpected feelings

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Felix : Y/n Y/n please open your eyes...
*hugs her*
Inner Felix : I need to do something. She isn't responding...
Felix : *carries her*
Felix : Y/N please stay with me...
*starts walking out the forest while carrying Y/n*
Bangchan : Why aren't they back yet..?
The rain has already stopped...
Han : Wait Felix is carrying Y/n...
Bangchan : What..? *looks out of the window*
*sees Felix carrying Y/n bridal style*
Bangchan : ... *opens car door*
Jin : We are here...
Jisung : *sees Felix carrying Y/n* Noona... *opens the door and runs out*
Jin: *looks out* Y/n....
Bangchan : *about to go towards Felix*
Jisung : Noona!
*runs towards Felix*
Bangchan : Noona..?
Han : Wait is that..?
Changbin : Jisung?
Han : Yah I am here!
Changbin : I am talking about Y/n's younger brother....
Han : Ah...
Hyunjin : Probably...
Jisung : What happened to her???
Felix : Who are you..?
Jisung : I am her brother.
Felix : *shocked*
Jin : Y/n! What happened to her!?
Felix : *looks at Jin*
*at the hospital*
Jin : *walking back and forth outside a room*
Jisung : *trying to look inside the room*
Felix : ....
Jin : I swear if something happens to my sister I won't hesitate to go to jail after killing you.
Felix : *bowing* I am sorry sir..
Jin : Sorry!? She ended up in the hospital!
Bangchan : *steps forward* Sir it's not his fault.
Jin : Now who are you?
"The doctor comes out."
Jin : *walks up to the doctor* Doctor is she okay..?
Doctor : Don't worry she is safe. You can go meet her.
Jin : *walks inside*
Felix : *walking towards the room*
Bangchan: Felix wait...
Felix : *looks at Bangchan*
Bangchan : Not now..
Felix : *nods and steps backwards*
Jin : Y/n...
Y/n : Jin... *sits up*
Jin : *runs to her and hugs her*
Jin : Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Y/n : I am okay.. Don't worry..
Jin: Gosh you scared me...
Y/n : Were is Felix?
Jin : Who Felix?
Y/n : The guy I was with..?
Jin : Don't worry about him. I will make sure he gets arrested.
Y/n: What arrested?? He was the one who found me in the forest and saved me.
Jin: What.?
Felix : Doctor what happened to her?
Doctor : She fainted due to fever.
Felix : Fever..?
Doctor : Yes. She probably got fever due to sudden climate change and soaking in the rain.
Felix : Ah thank you....
Doctor : *walks away*
Jin : Felix..
Felix : *looks around* Sir...
Jin : *walks up to him*
Felix : *looks down*...
Jin: *holds Felix's hands*
Felix : *looks up in shock *
Jin: Thank you for saving my sister...
Felix : ...
Y/n : *sigh* Where did he go..?
Bangchan : *enters the room*Y/n..
Y/n: Bangchan have you seen my brother-
Bangchan : *runs to her and hugs her*
Y/n: Bangchan...
Bangchan : Do you know how much worried I was?
Y/n : *hugs him back* I am sorry for making you worried...
Hyunjin : *clicking photo secretly* I can blackmail hyung with these photos hehe.
I.N: *clicking photos as well* Same.
Han : *sigh* Well looks like Felix isn't in problem. *looks at Jin and Felix*
Changbin : Yeah everything ended up well...
Seungmin : We should go meet Y/n as well.
Lee Know : *stands up* Y/N I MISSED YOU! *runs into the room*
Lee Know : *pushes Bangchan away and hugs Y/n* I missed you!
Bangchan : Ouch that hurt...
Y/n : ...Lee Know I can't breathe..
Lee Know : Ah I am sorry... *lets her go*
Felix : *walks into the room*
Y/n : *sees him and smiles*
Felix : *smiles back* *slowly walks towards her* Are you okay?
Y/n : Yeah...
Felix : *smiles*
Inner Y/n : This is my first time seeing him smile like that... It's different... Much more warmer...
Seungmin: Y/n are you okay?
Y/n: Yes Seungmin I am okay...
I.N: Noona are you okay??
Y/n : Yeah-
Jisung : Who the hell are you calling my noona your noona?
I.N: She said herself that she is my sister. Didn't you Noona? *looks at Y/n*
Y/n : *looks at Jisung and gulps*
Jisung : You said that!?
Y/n : Jisung I can explain...
Jisung : She is my sister not yours!
I.N: No she is my sister!
Hyunjin : Yah you kids don't make noise.
Jisung : Who are you?
Hyunjin : I am your sister's boyfriend.
Y/n : Yah Hyunjin!
Jin: You got a boyfriend!?
Y/n : What no!
*after a while*
Jin : You are coming with us.
Y/n: What but this is my job-
Jin: *looks at Y/n*
Y/n : Jin please..
Jin: Call me oppa it sounds better.
Y/n : *remembers calling him oppa over the phone*
Inner Y/n: Bruh was I that scared and emotional that I called him oppa..?
Jin: And I won't let you stay here. What if something like this happens again?
Y/n : ...
Jin : And about your job. Quit it. I can find another job for you.
"The stray kids members eavesdropping on them."
Bangchan : What!?
Han : *covers his mouth*Hyung keep it down..
Y/n : Oppa...
Jin: Yes?
Y/n : *looks down*All this years you helped me in school, finding job, cooking and all the other things, which I am very grateful for.. But...
Y/n : *looks at Jin* Please let me do something on my own for ones...
Felix : ...
Y/n : I wanna make you proud.. I wanna achieve something on my own.. I wanna be independent.. I don't wanna depend on you and be a burden for you.
Jin: Y/n you are never a burden for me...
Y/n : Still will you let me have this job..?
Please oppa...
Jin: *sighs* Alright then.. *smiles* I will let you have this job.
Seungmin : *covers his mouth* ...
Jin : Did I just hear someone scream..?
Inner Y/n : Wasn't that I.N's scream...?
Jin: Leave it. *looks at Y/n* But me and Jisung will stay here only.
Y/n : Okay unless you bother me in my job. I won't say anything.
Jin: Okay deal.
Y/n : Guys we should get going.
I.N: *nods*
Felix : I will drive the van.
Y/n : No it's okay-
Felix : No leave it to me. Where are the keys?
Y/n :...
Changbin : *whispers to the other members* Yo let's make Bangchan and Y/n sit together!
Hyunjin : Good idea.
Lee Know : Consider it done.
Bangchan : Oh Y/n *smiles*
Y/n : *sitting at the window seat* *smiles*
Changbin : *pushes Bangchan in* Hyung get in fast!
Bangchan : *gets really close to Y/n*
Y/n : ...
Bangchan : *blush* I am sorry Changing pushed me..
Y/n : It's okay...
*after some time*
Felix : *looks at Y/n from the rear view mirror and smiles*
Seungmin : Why are you smiling?
Felix : I am smiling..?
Seungmin : Yeah.. ?
Felix : Ah.. Sorry..
*sees Bangchan sitting next to Y/n*
Bangchan : Isn't the weather gloomy today?
Y/n: Yeah.. *smiles* Actually I like this weather.
Bangchan : You love rain?
Y/n : *nods*
Bangchan : *smiles* You seem like a romantic person.
Y/n : *blush* What..?
Bangchan : *blush* Wait I didn't mean it like that.. I am sorry.
Y/n : *laughs* You look so cute when you are flustered..
Bangchan : *smiles*..
Felix : ...
Inner Felix : What is this feeling...? Do I feel jealous..? What no right? Why would I be jealous? Perhaps...Do I like Y/n..?

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