I like you Y/n

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"It had been months since stray kids' last comeback came out. They were preparing for their next comeback. "
Bangchan : *practicing with the others*
Y/n : *watching the T.V*
Choreographer: Okay you all can take a break now.
Felix : *sees Y/n fixated on the T.V* What are you watching so focusly?
Y/n : Ready to love's performance.
Author : BTW check out that mv if you haven't yet. *wink*
Felix : So you became their fan now?
Y/n : Yeah thanks go Jeongin.
I.N: *smiles proudly*
Lee Know : What are you smiling for? Now she will stop liking us one day.
Y/n : .... I told you a thousand times-
Lee Know : I know I know no need to repeat.
Y/n : ...
Felix: Do you like them more now?
Y/n : *looks at Lee Know* At the moment yes.
Lee Know : ....
Bangchan : *eating his food*
Y/n : *coming back with more food*
Han : How much money do you have?
Y/n : Well.... It's my pocket money.
Hyunjin: Pocket money? How much?
Y/n: Around 1000 dollars.
Hyunjin : *drops his spoon*
Han : For how long..?
Y/n : For a -
Han : A year haha right?
Y/n: A month.
Han : .... You know what I will just eat. *stuffs his mouth with more food*
Y/n : *smiles* You need to eat more so that you can practice well.
Lee Know : *sulking* Why don't you go feed your seventeen members...
Y/n : I am not their manager unfortunately. *mocking Lee Know*
Bangchan : Yah be grateful. She brings us food from her own money.
Y/n : It's okay. *laughs* It's fun to see him get jealous.
Lee Know : Who said I was jealous??
Changbin : What do you do with the money the company gives you to buy us food then?
Y/n : I save them to buy you all more stuff later when needed.
Bangchan : ...
Inner Bangchan : She is just wasting her money on us...
*on the television*
Soobin : Let's see who won! Aren't you excited Arin-shi?
Arin: Of course I am. *smiles*
Y/n : ...
Inner Felix : She is focused on the TV again.
" Seventeen wins. "
Y/n : Yesssssssss!
Lee Know : See she is so excited because seventeen won..
Y/n : *completely ignoring him*
*on the TV*
S.coups: Thank you to our carats for making us win.
Mingyu : We love you please keep listening to ' Ready to love ' . *smiles*
Y/n : He is so unbelievably handsome....
Inner Felix : ....
Inner Bangchan: ....
Felix and Bangchan : *together * He isn't that handsome...
*both look at each other*
Y/n : *looks at them both* Yeah sure...
Lee Know: She is being sarcastic btw.
Y/n: They already know...
Inner Y/n: Man mingyu probably doesn't even remember me....
I.N: Btw noona do you know seventeen sunbaenim and we will be in inkigayo together next week!
Y/n : That's awesome!
Lee Know : You didn't have to tell her...
I.N: Well she is our manager she would find out anyhow..
Inner Y/n : This is my chance... I can finally thank him properly.
*in the evening*
Tzuyu: Oh you guys are still practicing?
Han : Yes noona..
Tzuyu : You should get home and rest.
Bangchan : We will after one last rehearsal.
Tzuyu : Okay best of luck. *smiles and leaves*
Seungmin : Btw where is Y/n noona?
Changbin : Oh right.. I completely forgot about her...
Lee Know : She is probably at some corner singing ready to love...
*with Y/n and the staff unnie*
*After some more time*
Y/n: *smiling looking at her phone*
Han : You look happy?
Y/n : *shows him the photo of mingyu which she was staring at for hours*
Han : ... Girl you obsessed..
Y/n : Nah.. It will go away someday anyway. If this is obsession, I was obsessed with Bangchan back then too.
Bangchan : Back then ouch...
Y/n : No no.. I didn't mean back then.. I still like you as my bias.
Bangchan : I understand you don't like me anymore. *emotionally blackmailing Y/n*
Y/n : ...
Felix : Hyung is kidding don't take it seriously.
Y/n : *nods*
Bangchan : *gets a call from Ji-ah* Ah your best friend is calling me.
Y/n : You gave her your number??
Bangchan : Well we are still friends technically. *walks away to take the call*
Y/n : Why do I feel like they are getting closer day by day?
Hyunjin : You jealous? Honey you have me-
Y/n : What no. I am happy for them. They have a lot in common. And they hang out when they both are free.
Hyunjin : Hm true. Bangchan hyung looks happier these days.
Y/n : Ji-ah too. *smiles* *looks at Felix*
Inner Y/n : Now I just wanna see Felix and his crush happy together as well. Even though it will hurt me. At least he will be happy.
Felix : Y/n? Are you okay?
Y/n: Huh yeah.. *smiles*
Y/n : I will go to the rooftop to get some fresh air....
Han : Okay put a jacket on. It's windy tonight.
Y/n : Nah it's so hot. *walking up the stairs*
Felix : I will go with her. *stands up*
Han : Take a jacket with you.
Felix : *nods*
Hyunjin : He totally likes her.
Changbin : Yap.
Bangchan : Who likes whom?
Lee Know : Oh you are back?
Bangchan : Yeah haha...
*at the roof top*
Y/n : Okay it's freezibg out here... I should have listened to Jisung...
" Someone covers her with a jacket. "
Y/n : *looks at Felix* Oh you came too.
Felix : *smiles* Yeah.
Y/n: *looks away*
Felix : Hm ... I can tell you are kinda avoiding talking to me.
Y/n : I am trying to get over you...
Felix : Why?
Y/n : *looks at him* You like someone else? What will be the reason?
Felix : *smiles*
Y/n: Stop smiling like that. You make my heart flutter.
Felix : *smiles even more*
Y/n: ... I wouldn't need to see your smile any more. I have found someone else.
Felix : Someone else..?.
Y/n: Yes. I will get over you and show you!
Felix : Who is he?
Y/n: Why do you need?
Felix : Well how would I know if you are telling the truth or not...?
Y/n : Mingyu.
Felix : *looks at her*
Y/n: I have started liking Mingyu..
Inner Y/n : Who am I even kidding? I still like Felix... Maybe love now.?
Felix : What...
Y/n : I hope your crush and you get together....
Felix : Y/n...You haven't yet asked me who my crush is...
Y/n : It's better if I don't know.. I will just get jealous of her...
Felix : *smiles* You will get jealous of yourself?
Y/n : Why would I get jealous of myself-
Y/n: Wait... *looks at Felix*
Felix : *smiling* Yes... You are my crush..
Felix : 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐘/𝐧...
Y/n : .... *looks at Felix*
Felix : I am sorry...
Y/n : Why?
Felix : Of the sudden confession..
Y/n: Yah why didn't you tell me earlier!
Felix : I did... That day in Jeju Island we were on the rooftop at the hotel.. I did say I like you but due to the loud noise of the airplane.. You couldn't hear it..
Y/n : Wait.. So you confessed before me??
Felix : *nods*
Y/n : I feel stupid right now... But you could have told be again!
Felix : I didn't have the courage to say it again.. Back then..
Y/n: Well..
Inner Y/n : Let me tease him more.
Y/n: You are late now..
Felix : Huh..?
Y/n : I already like Mingyu now..
Felix : ... Please give me a chance..?
Y/n: No.
Felix : ... Please..?
Y/n : No.
Felix : Please Y/n-shi..?
Y/n: I refuse. *walking away*
Felix : Yah Y/n!
Y/n : I will confess my love to Mingyu in front of you next week. *running away*
Felix : No you won't. *chasing her*
Y/n : Minho help me! *hides behind him*
Felix : Yah!
Lee Know: What's going on..?
Felix : Come here.
Y/n : No you will tickle me.
Hyunjin : This is fun to watch.
Lee Know : Y/n stop pulling my T-shirt... And Felix go away..
Y/n : *trying to run from there*
Felix : *catches her* Caught you. *smiles*
Y/n : No please don't tickle me... *closing her eyes*
Felix : *smiles* I won't..
Changbin : Wait did you confess to each other??
Felix : *nods*
Bangchan : What is happening here..? *coming out of his room*

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