I don't have feelings for her. Do I?

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Felix: What?
Bangchan : *staring at Felix*
Changbin : Hyung it was an accident... I meant to push her towards you... But you ducked down so...
Bangchan : It's fine.. Don't worry about it.
*With Y/n*
Y/n : Should I wait for them in the van? *walking deeper and deeper into the forest*
Y/n : *looking at her phone* Ah shoot I think I am walking the wrong way... *looks around* Everything looks the same...
Bangchan : Where did Y/n go?
Han: Maybe she got awkward so she might be waiting for us in the van?
Lee Know : Might be?
Bangchan : She isn't in the van...?
Felix: Something feels wrong..
Bangchan : *looks at Felix* Wait...
"Bangchan and Felix together."
Them: Is she lost in the forest!?
Y/n : *sits down* Ugh I give up my legs are cramping...
Y/n : It's getting dark great.... *sighs* I will die here tonight won't I?
Y/n: Let's be hopeful... *stands up*
Y/n : *starts walking again*
Bangchan : Y/n!
Felix : Hyung she isn't near.
"Back at the van."
Han : I can't believe they didn't let us go with them to find Y/n...
Seungmin : Ikr...
Hyunjin : I think Felix also started liking Y/n.?
Lee Know : Oh no...
Changbin : What..?
I.N: I hope Felix hyung and Bangchan hyung won't fight...
*with Bangchan and Felix*
Felix : Y/n if you can here me shout back yes!
Y/n : *collapses down* My legs have given up...
Bangchan : Y/n!! Where are you..?
Y/n : *starts tearing up* Felix was right I miss Jisung and Jin...
*opens her phone*
Y/n : Why is the signal so weak..?
*dials Jin number*
Jin: *sigh*
Jisung : Who is it?
Jin: Y/n..
Jisung : Hyung pick up! She doesn't call often. It's rare for her to call us..
Jin: *picks up the phone* Why are you-
*hears crying from the other side*
Jin: *stands up* Y/n what happened??
Y/n : Oppa...
Jin : *in shock* Y/n what happened??
Y/n: I am lost in a forest... I don't think I will make it out alive...
Jin : What!?
Jisung : What happened?? What did she say?
Y/n : Oppa I love you....
Inner Jin : She is saying it sincerely...
Y/n: Tell Jisung I love him too and mom and dad as well... I might not be able to see you all again..
Jin:Yah don't say that! Where are you right now?? We will figure out a way okay? Stay positive.
Y/n : I am in a place called-
*suddenly the call cuts off*
Jin : Hello?? Y/n???
Y/n: There is no signal...
Jin: Hello??
Jisung : What happened ??
Jin: The call got cut off....
Jin : *dials a number*
Jungkook : Hello sir..?
Jin: Secretary Jungkook I need you to book me two flight tickets to Jeju Island and please make it quick.
Jungkook : Okay sir. Consider it done.
Jisung : You are going??
Jin: I can't leave you here alone... We both are going. Go pack your stuffs.
"With Y/n"
"Suddenly rain starts to pour.*
Y/n : *sits underneath a tree*
Y/n : .... What am I gonna do now..
Felix : *soaking in the rain* Y/n!
Bangchan : *also soaking in the rain*
Y/n! Where are you!?
Felix: Y/n if you can hear me please shout back please..
Y/n: This is it... I will die here tonight...
Felix : Y/n!
" Just as Y/n was about to lose hope, she heard Felix shouting her name."
Y/n : Felix..?
Felix : Y/n if you hear me please shout back!
Y/n : *stands up* Felix! I am here!
Felix : *hears Y/n* Where are you!?
Y/n: Felix I am here! *slowly moving towards the voice*
Felix : *sees Y/n walking* Y/n I am here!
Y/n : *sees Felix *
Felix : *smiles and runs to her*
Y/n : Felix..
Felix: *hugs her tightly* I thought I lost you...
Y/n: *hugs him back*
Bangchan : Y/n!
Bangchan : .... Where is she..
Y/n : You are soaked wet...
Felix : Don't worry about it...
Y/n *breaks the hug* *takes off her coat* Wear this.. This isn't that wet.
Felix : No it's okay you might catch a cold...
Y/n : *holds Felix's hand* Come with me.
"They both run under a big Tree."
Y/n : Let's stay here till the rain stops.
Felix : *nods*
Y/n : Wear it.
Felix : No it's really-
Y/n : *covers him with the coat*
Felix : ...
*sits down*
Y/n: Rain in winter... Isn't that weird?
*sits beside him*
Felix : Not really. The winter wind must have brought this rain.
Y/n : Huh?
Felix : You didn't understand, did you?
Y/n : No...
Felix : *looks at Y/n*
Y/n : *trembling due to cold*
Felix : *covers her as well with the coat*
This coat is big enough for two people...
Y/n : *surprised by his act* ...
Felix : I hope you don't feel awkward... But you are trembling due to cold. I don't want you to get sick.
Y/n : *blush* Yeah it's okay...
Bangchan : Y/n!
Hyunjin : Hyung!
Bangchan : Hyunjin..? Why are you here?
Hyunjin : Hyung it's raining you will catch a cold please let's go back to the van.
Bangchan : But what about Y/n-
Hyunjin: I am sure she is okay. Felix must have already found her. Please let's go.
Bangchan : ...
Hyunjin: *drags him towards the van*
Felix : *looks at Y/n*
Y/n : *looks at Felix *
"Both look away."
Y/n : *blush*
Felix: *blush*
Inner Y/n: Why is my heart beating so fast... ?
Inner Felix : We are too close...
*after an hour*
Jin : *looking out the plane* I hope she is okay....
*looks at his phone*
Inner Jin : The gps is still showing her location... That's good..
Jisung : Hyung..will Y/n be okay?
Jin : Don't worry I am pretty sure she is okay..
Felix : Looks like the rain has stopped...
Y/n we should go it's already dark...
*looks at her*
Y/n : *sleeping on his shoulder*
Felix : ... *blush*
Inner Felix : What is this feeling... I don't have feelings for her... Do I?
Felix : Y/n wake up...
Y/n :....
Felix : Y/n..?
*shakes her a little*
Y/n : *doesn't move*
Felix : Y/n??
Y/n : ...
Felix : Y/n yah answer me. You are scaring me.. *grabs her hand*
Felix : ...
Inner Felix : Her hands are cold...

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