Soju is lifeu

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Felix : ....
Bangchan : It has been 25 minutes...
Y/n : *shouting* GUYS I AM BACK
*stops and breathes heavily*
Felix : Are you okay-
Bangchan : *runs towards Y/n* Are You okay??
Y/n : Yeah don't worry.. *smiles*
Felix : ...
Inner Felix : Yeah that's right I shouldn't be close to her...
Y/n : Guys let's get going-
Lee Know : Yah why did you go to the hospital!?
Y/n : *looks at the staff*
Staff : I am sorry...
Y/n : *sighs* It's nothing. Let's go.
Changbin : Aren't friends supposed to share everything?
Y/n : ...
Changbin : *walks past Y/n*
Y/n : ...
*at JYP building*
Y/n: Guys we can go to your dorm now.
I.N: *nods*
Hyunjin : Hyung let's go .
Changbin : *nods*
Y/n :...
Inner Y/n : Seriously? Everyone is ignoring me except Bangchan, Jeongin and Seungmin...
I.N: Noona let's go.
Y/n : Ah yeah right..
Y/n : *driving the car*
" Everyone was quiet. "
Y/n : Isn't the weather nice today?
Bangchan : Yeah.
Inner Y/n : ... Not you Bangchan I want the others to answer me.
Hyunjin : I am hungry..
Inner Y/n : This is my chance...
Y/n : There is a chocolate bar in my bag you can eat it.
Hyunjin : I don't like chocolate...
Y/n: ...
Inner Changbin : He is lying so hard...
*at the dorm*
Y/n: You guys must be tired... Should I make dinner for you?
Lee Know : No need.
Y/n : ...
Y/n : I guess I will just go then..
Bangchan : Return home safely. *smiles*
Y/n : *nods*
Seungmin and I.N: Bye noona!
Y/n : Bye guys...
" The others were ignoring her. "
Y/n : *leaves*
Bangchan : Guys seriously?
Lee Know : Don't blame us. She is the one hiding things.
Bangchan : Let's respect her privacy shall we?
Changbin : Why would she go to hospital? Probably because she is sick? Can't she tell us? We are just worried.
Bangchan : *sighs*
With Y/n
Y/n : .... *sighs*
' gets a call '
Y/n : Hello?
Ji- ah : It's me. My phone died so I am calling from the hospital.
Y/n : *smiles* Oh Ji-ah. How is your dad?
Ji-ah : He will have the surgery tomorrow thanks to you. *smiles* Can you meet me tomorrow at the hospital?
Y/n : Yeah sure.
Ji-ah : Again thanks a lot..
Y/n : You don't have to thank me.
Ji-ah: I will pay back your money soon-
Y/n : Yah what are friends for? You don't need to return any money to me. I was the one who insisted to help you.
Ji-ah: Alright then. At least I can treat you to dinner?
Y/n : Okay then let's have dinner together tomorrow. *smiles*
*hangs up*
Y/n: What do I do about them now..? They are just ignoring me?
Y/n : *sighs* I can't do anything. I will just do my job and return home.
Jin : Y/n you are home.
Y/n : Oh? You are already home?
Jin: My meeting got cancelled.
Y/n : Ah.
Jin: What's that?
Y/n : *hides the bag*
Jin: *raises an eyebrow* Did you buy something?
Y/n : Hehe don't worry it's from my own money I didn't take any more money than I asked for.
Jin: What did you buy though?
*walks up to her*
Y/n : It's nothing...
Jin: *grabs the bag from her*
Y/n : Yah!
Jin: 5 bottles of Soju..?
Y/n : *snatches it back*
Jin: Yah you are just 20.
Y/n : I will be 21 in some months don't worry.
*runs to her room*
Jin : *sighs* This girl..
Y/n : I needed this. *gupls down a glass of Soju*Ahhh~
Y/n : ... Is Felix ignoring me because I confessed that I like him? Was that even a confession? Ughhhhh.. Why did I even tell him.. Now things will be awkward.
*sighs* Let me just get drunk on my feelings tonight.
*after 2 hours*
Bangchan : *cooking*
Lee Know : *eating* Oh?
Hyunjin : What happened?
Lee Know : Y/n sent me a text.
Hyunjin : Open it. Let's see what she has to say..
Lee Know : ... It's an Emoji..
Changbin : Crying emoji?
Lee Know : No..
Hyunjin : Praying emoji?
Lee Know : No..
Han : Heart emoji?
Lee Know : No...
Bangchan : Cut the chase just tell what is it.?
Lee Know : *shows his phone* A middle finger...
Felix : *laughs*
Bangchan : I never knew Y/n was this bold...
Hyunjin: What..?
Lee Know : *texts* Yah how dare you!?
Lee Know : ... *looks at the others* You know I am afraid to text her now..
Y/n : *drunk af* Whom should I text now..? Oh yeah!
Bangchan: *gets a notification* Huh?
Lee Know : It must be Y/n..
Bangchan : *opens his phone and smiles*
Hyunjin: What did she sent?
Bangchan : *blush* She said that she loves me..
Hyunjin : What!?
Felix : ...
Lee Know : Of course..
Changbin : *bursts out of his room* Yah Y/n texted me!
Lee Know : What did she sent?
Changbin : " You asshole you are ignoring me huh? Who do you think you are? "
Lee Know: ...
Hyunjin : Wait she also sent me a message..
*reads the message*
Hyunjin: " Yah you bitch! "
Lee Know : She became really violent with words..
Seungmin: I just got a message from Y/n noona saying that she loves me.
I.N: I also got one.
Bangchan : What did you get?
I.N: " I love you the most Jeongin-ah. "
With a purple Heart.
Bangchan : Oh..
Lee Know : Well you are her bias after all...
Han : *walking to the kitchen* Is Y/n okay?
Lee Know : What did she text you?
Han : How did you know she texted me?
Lee Know : I have my ways..
Han : " You hamster looking ass! You are still ignoring me?! "
Changbin : Oh well..
Hyunjin: Felix did you get any message?
Felix : Nope..
Bangchan : She might text you let's wait for a while.
Felix : *nods*
With Y/n
Y/n : Felix huh..?
Felix : Oh she sent me a message...
Hyunjin : What is it??
Hyunjin : What does she mean by that...?
Felix : ...
Inner Felix : Ah shit...
Bangchan : Did something happened between you two?
Felix : Ah no...
Bangchan : Then she must have meant something else.
Felix : Yeah...
Y/n : *kisses the Soju bottle* Soju is the best!

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