Working Together

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Mully Pov

This project is going to be hell. I have to work with Josh on it. He's going to ruin this. We're both going to fail this and it's going to be his fault. Ms. Smith is my favorite teacher and she likes me too. But I guess it can't be too bad. He'll have to be kind of nice. And I'll get to work with my crush. Even if he's also my bully. Gaege is my only friend I've told about liking Josh. Because if I told Eddie or Grant, they'd be pretty pissed that I have a crush on the person that makes my life a living hell. It seems really messed up to be attracted to the person that hurts you and usually means you have a problem. Which I might. I check the clock and it reads 6:55. I should probably get going. I grab my computer from my back pack and walk to my mom's car. She's asleep inside the house and won't mind if I borrow her car. I drive to Josh's house. He wrote the directions down on a piece of paper and handed it to me as I was at my locker. Gaege was by me and gave me a "ooooo" before shutting up from the glare I gave to him. Once I get to Josh's house, I knock on the door. A person I don't recognize opens the door.

"Whatever you're selling, we don't want it," he says.

"Uh, actually I'm here to to talk to Josh," I say.

"F*cking hell," he mutters. "What did he do now?"

"Nothing. We just have a project we need to work on together. I told him I'd be over," I say.

"Well, he's out right now. Left about an hour ago," he says. 

"Ok, well tell him I stopped by," I say. I can't believe that he left when he knew full well that we had to work on this. I go back to my car and drive back to my place. I look at the piece of paper again. He also has his number scribbled across it. I punch the numbers into my phone and dial it.

"Hello?" Josh's voice says.

"You f*cking idiot," I say.

"Oh, you," Josh says.

"Did you forget about our plans?" I ask.

"Shit. Sorry," Josh says.

"Fine. I'll just start it and then email you the document. You can finish it then," I say.

"Are you pissed off?" Josh asks.

"What the hell do you think?" I ask.

"No?" Josh says. I hang up on him and drive the rest of the way home. I sigh when I pull into the driveway and shake my head.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!

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