Chapter 1| Strange World

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CO-WRITTEN, EDITED and COVER By My Sister @Coolkat122 

Blood, crimson red blood was splattered all over the place as Ichigo laid in a pool of his own, his chocolate orbs looked around in confusion as he questioned how did he end up in this  situation.

He couldn't remember how this happened , his head was in too much pain to actually focus on the memory... was it because of the blood loss or the cause of some other event at play? Ichigo wasn't sure.


A body collapsed right beside him, one of a girl dressed in white, though now it was stained red, and getting dirtier by the second.

Ichigo didn't know this girl, but their eyes locked for a moment, her  amethyst orbs losing their light and spark of life in them, causing hate and anger to swell up inside of Ichigo.

Whoever did this to her, he wanted to make them pay, but couldn't, he had lost too much blood and was therefore. 

Losing his strength and power to do anything, he could even use his badge right now, his body lack the power to lift his arms, cause of how much blood he loss he suffered from.

Soon enough, his vision darkened, his thoughts began to fade to black as death consumed him...


"Ugh" Ichigo clutched his head in pain, from the throbing pound he had felt, it came as quick as it left after having such a weird dream...

"The hell was that?" Ichigo confusedly muttered with a tense voice caused from the previous pain he felt.

Ichigo groaned as he rubbed his eyelids trying to clear away the blur, eventually it faded and what he saw before him left his speechless.

"What the?..." Seeing before him was a medieval fantasy setting at play right before his eyes, demi looking humans, full on beast men mixing in the crowd of normal presenting civilians.

Glancing around him, Ichigo took in his surroundings trying to piece things together, he was certain that this wasn't just another part of the soul society, the atmosphere and overall feel, were different.

The energy he felt there and here were like apples and oranges, a difference in night and day, so, if this wasn't the soul society, then just where was he?...

His first thought of the place appearing to him as a medieval fantasy was a pretty close assessment, given the look of the world and how the people dressed, definitely the kind of old European fashion he would see in his friend Keigo's isekai manga.

...Isekai manga...wait, no, that's just crazy, there's no way that happened, Ichigo was sure that that thought was just not possible, it had to be maybe some other part of the soul society and the difference in their flow of soul energy was probably because it was in a another part of the world somehow.

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