Chapter 11|Rem's Request

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Today during Ichigo's day off, he finds himself training with Emilia, teaching the silver-haired girl martial-arts from his world. It first started simply because the silver-haired girl happened to be walking by and questioned Ichigo as to what he was doing out of curiosity then somewhere within his explanation, he offered to teach her a few moves. 

Emilia was a bit shy and nervous at first but not because she didn't want to learn, it was mostly due this just being a new experience and she was unsure of herself (probably afraid of embarrassing herself as well). She was a complete beginner at this, so she needed to be taught the basics first.

"Remember to keep your form, don't let your guard down and protect your vital areas" Emilia nodded her head in a shy manner.

"R-right" Emilia tried to place her feet the way Ichigo had instructed her, due to Emilia's duties as a candidate and Ichigo's chores, the lessons were often inconsistent and space apart, so Emilia doesn't get to practice them enough for it to have stuck right away though the half elf tries.

Sometimes right before bed she finds herself practicing her form then later blushing if she feels herself to be a bit silly though that doesn't mean she isn't taking Ichigo's lessons seriously, the orange-haired teen is devoting his spare time towards training her, so the least Emilia feels she could do is not let him down.

"Good, you are getting better Emilia" Ichigo smiled encouragingly (If she were Rem her face would be beat red right now by the sheer brilliance of the orange-haired teen's smile).

"Really?!"  Emilia's face lit up and her amethyst orbs sparkled cutely upon hearing Ichigo's praise, Ichigo nods and pat's Emilia on the head, he felt a strange chill and as if he were being watched, but did noting since it didn't feel like an enemy's presnce.

Shaking off the feeling, Ichigo verbally responded to Emilia. "Yeah, let's call it here for the day" Emilia nodded and headed over to where Puck was spectating, the little furball, praised and complimented Emilia as he always does before flying over towards Ichigo.

"Hey Ichigo" Ichigo hummed as he raised a brow, curious as to why Puck wanted him. "Remember promise when I said I'd allow you to train Emilia?" 


"That I wouldn't allow you to harm her in anyway?" Ichigo frowned deepened further as he cut his brown orbs over to Emilia, quickly taking in her appearance.

"What are you talking about? She's fine, like I promised she would be" Puck nodded.  "True, but you came awwwwfully close to hurting her earlier, do you remember?" Ichigo thought back and did recall a moment in their training where Emilia almost tripped when he was showing her the proper movements though he had ended up catching her and Emilia came out of it unharmed.

"I take my daughter's safety very seriously, and if anything were to happen to her...well, let's just say you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" Puck lifted a paw and hover above it was a tiny shard of ice he summoned to help make his point. 

"Puck, stop joking around, Ichigo wasn't to blame, I was the one who misplaced my foot!" Emilia blushed from remembering her little slip-up.

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