Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Currently at Roswaal's manor, Ichigo and Rem were getting the carriage ready for departure, Ichigo was packing it with both Roswaal's and Emilia's luggage while Rem was up front getting the land dragons ready.

The orange haired teens brows were furrowed in thought, he couldn't shake this feeling that Roswaal was up to something... why exactly did he want Ichigo to accompany Emilia? It was more to it then Roswaal catching word of some intel for the soul reaper and wanting extra protection for Emilia... no... that clown face had ulterior motives.

Ichigo was sure if it... unfortunately he just wasn't sure what they were... still the orange haired teen didn't mind tagging along, he cared about Emilia and was all for the sliver haired girl's safety...even if it meant he was playing along with whatever that damn clown was secretly plotting.

At least it didn't feel too shady...but there was growing concern for the teen...he was slowly losing his power and it was becoming even more noticeable to him, if they were attacked by someone strong or similar to the Bowel Hunter...Ichigo wonders how long would his power even last?

The teen sighs at the troublesome thought... Ichigo was so deep in thought that he didn't notice that someone was approaching him.

"Ichigo?" A soft voice calls out breaking Ichigo from his thoughts. the teen turns his gaze towards the owner of said voice.

Emilia stood there with a concerned expression as her amethyst orbs stared up at the tall teen.

The sliver haired girl must have noticed Ichigo deep in thought looked and became concerned for the Ichigo.

"I'm fine...don't worry" Ichigo affectionately pat Emilia's head for some reason...he did it without thinking, but it was an act to reassure the young half elf and get her to worry less about the orange haired teen.

Emilia's amethyst gaze still held concerned despite Ichigo's assurances...but she did pout when he messed with her hair, she immediately tried to fix it.

"What about you though? Feeling nervous heading back to the kingdom?"

Emilia shakes her head, doesn't feel like the half elf was being all that truthful."No...why?" She tilts her head.

"Hmm...I just thought that you might be a little nervous due to what happened last time, meeting the bowl hunter and...we still don't know who hired her" Emilia had a thoughtful expression.

"Well...I have you and Puck, don't I?" Emilia had faith in the two to be there for her, Ichigo as proven himself be reliable and trustworthy...though...even with the trust she holds towards Ichigo and Puck, she still doesn't wish to burden them.

Ichigo ruffles the Emilia's hair once more as Rem looks on with envy.

"Yeah, you do" Ichigo had a soft look in his chocolate brown eyes as he gazed upon Emilia like an older brother would (not that Rem saw it that way.)

Just as Ichigo pulled his hand away Clown face made his appearance and Ichigo's eyes narrowed. "You sure did take your time."

"Swooooorry,the trip is going to be a while so I had to make sure I gave Ram a thoroooough goodbye ~" The clown said as he fixed his collar up and behind him was Ram fixing her own appearance... Ichigo blushes... it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what transpired between the two.

Ichigo turned sharply on his heel with a mad blush as Emilia watched him curiously, wondering what was with his reaction.

"Is everything alright Ichigo?" The sliver haired girl approached with concern but Ichigo assured her it was fine.

"Let's get going." Ichigo sat up in the driver's seat with Rem, which to no one's surprise made the blue haired maid incredibly happy.

Rem held the reigns in her hands as she smiled brightly like a child who got what they wanted for Christmas , the kinda made it impossible for Ichiro to not have a soft one of his own.


The ride was pretty uneventful for a while, things were quiet while Rem drives to the kingdom of lugunica,Ichigo overheard Clown face's and Emilia's conversation.

"So, Emilia, have you given more thought to my suggestion about Ichigo?" Ichigo heard Roswaal begin to speak to Emilia after all this time of riding in silence and...the topic had Ichigo's interest.

What was it that Clownface suggested to Emilia?

"I have and...I'm still not sure about it...." Emilia responded.

"What's there not to be sure of? He's a strong capable young man, I'm sure he'd make a fine knight." Ichigo frowned, why was Clonwn-face discussing that with Emilia?

"Doesn't he want to return home? wouldn't seem right to ask him...what if he felt he had to stay?" Emilia thoughtfully replied, she clearly considered Ichigo's thoughts and feelings and didn't want to burden him by asking him to be her knight, sure he could always say no...but what if he felt like he had to or was too kind to leave her on her 'own' like this?

"Hmmm, buuut if he doesn't find his way back, what's the harm in asking, just in case?" It was silent for a moment, Ichigo could only hear what was going on, so he wasn't too sure just what sort of expression either party was making...but from what he"s learn about Emilia thus far... he could tell she was carrying a conflicted look, just from her silence alone.

Roswaal soon speaks up once again."it's just a suggestion after all, one you might want to consider some more." And with that the conversation seemed to have come to an end...

Ichigo wasn't sure what to make of their conversation...Roswaal wanted Emilia to make him her knight?... but why? What was he playing at?...

Before the orange haired male could get too lost in thought, Rem finally speaks up.

"How's training coming along with Sister Ram?" The blue haired maid asks while keeping her eyes focused on the road ahead.

Ichigo shrugs. "Not bad, I'm a faster learner when it comes to physical activities...she even offered me a compliment on how fast I was learning..." as close to one that the pink haired maid was capable of.

"Sister really is quite nice~" Rem smiles as she does her usual stick of speaking kindly about her twin.

"...Yeah...sure..." Ichigo knew better than to say otherwise so he just causally agreed.

"Though I am surprised that I am a wind type, it's not really what I imagine I would be." Rem looks at him curiously momentarily, wondering what he might have thought he'd have instead of winds as his type?

"I don't know... I guess I always saw myself as maybe a fire or....shadow type" *Ichigo scratches his cheek not wanting to sound too rpg like but then again... he doubts Rem would know anything about that.

"Those do sound like they'd suit you ~" Rem smiles happily as she agrees, pretty normal of her to do.

Ichigo smiles in return, the mere sight makes Rem heart stop! If she were a weaker woman she'd be dead in the spot, the orange haired male had a smile that could kill*

"Thanks" Ichigo appreciated the blushing maid's words as they continue to talk amongst themselves during the ride, nothing too noteworthy until they the drew closer towards the kingdom.

"What will you do once you are in the kingdom of lugunica?" Rem asks curiously, she was hoping to see if she can help in anyway.

Ichigo's brows furrowed. "Well first I wanna check out what happened to Felt once I've done that I will investigate the info Roswaal told me...said I should check some place called the...boot? Have you heard of it?"

Rem nods. "Yes, if it's alright with Miss Emilia and Lord Roswaal, I could show you."

"Thanks, I'd appreciate it." sure Clownface told him how to find it but, having a guide would be better.

Ichigo really appreciates how helpful Rem is, though she can be **too** helpful at times... it was still nice having her by his side...

Orange brows furrowed...suddenly out of nowhere...the teen got this strange feeling as they approached the kingdom's gates... something big was about to happen soon...

He just didn't know when.


As soon as they arrived the second home Roswaal had within the walls of the kingdom of lugunica Ichigo and Rem were unloading the carriage while Emilia was still thinking over Roswaal's 'suggestion'...Ichigo couldn't become her knight.

Yes he was more than capable and besides Puck...there was no one else who she trusted more than ichi-...wait...that doesn't feel completely right, there **was** someone else, but for someone else that Emilia couldn't remember quite right, only a blurry visage of a man was all that remained of the person.

Who was this mystery person and why couldn't she remember him clearly? All she could make out where those sorrowful eyes of his gazing back at her, the rest? stated was a blur, a memory locked away somewhere in Emilia's mind, her delicate fingers toyed with a small marble that was attached to her necklace as she vaguely recalls the strange man.

The silver haired elf shook her head when she realized she was lost in her thoughts, she shouldn't be dwelling on such things right now, there were more urgent matters at hand. She still had to think over Ichigo being her knight and get ready for the meeting she was called here for...Emilia's brows knitted together...

Once they within the kingdom of lugunica walls,it's beauty became more apparent. Last time Ichigo was here, the teen didn't really give it much thought... there was too much going on at the time. But now that things were more lack, he could take in the sight more and it was a beautiful, Ichigo couldn't help but notice the kingdom's appeal, the architecture really was different than Japan's and the soul society's, definitely giving this place that other world feel.

'This must be the 'nicer' part of the kingdom, things and people looked a lot more put together than the part outside of alley Ichigo first arrived in and obviously cleaner than the slums he had to visit with Emilia to get her crest back.

Rem easily navigates the streets, driving the carriage towards the desired location which most have been Roswaal's second home...

It was a nice place as to be expected from Roswaal, it wasn't as grand looking as the main home, but it was still elegant and screamed, "hey a wealthy man lives here!".

As soon as the carriage was parked, Rem hopped off and opened the door for Roswaal and Emilia while Ichigo got the luggage unloaded, the two step out one at a time.

Roswaal headed inside without a second thought leaving Ichigo and Rem to take care of the luggage, but Emilia being the kind girl that she is, stayed behind to help.

Though Rem did mention that she didn't have to do so, but Emilia simply replied with. "I can't just leave you two to handle my wouldn't feel right." Emilia said softly in a manner that suggested that the half-elf truly would be bothered if she left the pair to handle things on their own.

With Emilia's help (and puck's background support), the 'four' of them finished unloading the carriage and bringing everything inside faster than expected.

But that didn't mean Ichigo was free to do as he pleases just yet... there were a few more chores he had to do to help Roswaal and Emilia settle in...

It was annoying work but it was the least he could do since Clown face was helping him out by providing a place to stay and offering information on others like him.

Still the teen sighs... 'this was going to be a long day...'

There was time before Emilia had to head for the castle so Ichigo and the silver haired girl decided to make a quick visit to the knight's garrison to inquire about Felt and see how the young girl was doing.

With Ichigo's presence, Emilia felt safe enough to be deep in thought as she thought over what Roswaal suggested to her.

The young elf's pretty amethyst eyes turned towards the clear blue sky in thought.

Ichigo's brows furrowed when he noticed Emilia's slower pace and thoughtful expression. her mind drifting back to thoughts on if she should really trouble Ichigo by asking him to be her knight? It was a serious task and she knew he was more than capable of handling such a responsibility but...wouldn't it only be a burden on him due to the young man trying to find his way back home?

'How did he manage to get so lost in the first place?' the girl pondered, Ichigo certainly was a mysterious one.

The orange haired teen practically came out of nowhere with strange powers that Emilia hasn't heard of before, it was like he was some sort of spirit from what she could tell, a spirit inhabiting the body of another ...when he unleashed his true power that is.

Emilia only witnessed it once, but it was like his spirit left his body or something when he fought Elsa.

"Hey, are you okay?" The teen waved his hand in front of the girl's face, her eyes widened in surprise and she blinked a few times before responding.

"Oh um yes, I'm fine..." Emilia replied softly, unsure if she should disclose what's on her mind, concern with the trouble it 'might' cause should she do so.

"Worried about the king's candidate meeting that you were called here for?" Ichigo inquired, wanting to know what was troubling the young girl, he had heard her conversation with Roswaal in the carriage but not enough of it to really grasp the situation, there had been more that was going on that he wasn't aware of at the moment.

Emilia nods softly, her sliver locks reflecting the light of the sun as she does so. "Yes...a little bit." She wasn't used to being in meetings felt very intimidating but she couldn't let that show lest she run the risk of making Ichigo worry for her.

"But only just a little, okay" Emilia repeats, doing her best to convince the tall teen walking alongside her that she was fine, that the upcoming meeting didn't bother her at all.

Ichigo's brown eyes stare down at her, unsure of what he should say to that, it was clear that Emilia wasn't being entirely honest. That the meeting she was called to, worried her, Ichigo could see that she wasn't the best around other people.

The young man wishes that he could tag along for moral support but unfortunately, it didn't seem like he was allowed to.

A small lopsided smile as he ruffles her hair causing the girl to puff her cheeks as she tries to stop him."You've got this...I'm rooting for you every step of the way" Ichigo said encouragingly when he couldn't think of how else to express his support, and it seemed to work, Emilia stares up at him with those soft amethyst eyes of her's.

"I've seen how hard you work, you'll do fine." Ichigo removed his hand from her hair, returning his hands to his sides and back to putting on that tough guy look...he had to start from scratch with his appearance here.

"Thank you" Emilia spoke softly, touched by his support other than Puck, it wasn't often that she received such kind words.

"How far are we from the garrison?" Asked Ichigo, wanting to know how much closer they were to the Knights.

"We're not too far, once we're there we should be able to get ahold of Reinhard" Answered Emilia as she points in the direction the building was.

"Get a hold of him?" Ichigo rises a brow, the way she said that made it would like he wouldn't be there and if that were the case... Ichigo didn't really wish to wait on a letter... he wasn't too sure if that was what she meant though.

Perhaps they had setup similar to the soul society?They do have magic so it wouldn't be too far fetched to believe they had some other means of long distance communication.

"Would they have anything to communicate with him, something that's long range?"

"They should have a metia* " Ichigo had never heard of this thing before so he had a perplexed look as he then questions.

"Metia?" The way he said it showed that he didn't know what that device was that Emilia mentioned.

But he assumed it was something close to a phone...hopefully, it would make things rather convenient if it was.

"Do you not know what a Metia is?"

"I guess not..." Ichigo was getting concerned for a moment, how well know was a Metia?...was he making himself out to look absolutely clueless?

"Well they are a way to communicate long distance and they resemble a mirror 🪞" Emilia did her best to explain the device to Ichigo who nodded in understanding

"Oh sort of like a Snow White"

"Snow White?" This time Emilia looked confused as she tried to think of why Ichigo mentioned the color of snow, what similarities did that hold to a Metia?

"Like the fairy tale?" That didn't clear up anything as Emilia continued to look on in confusion, heck now even Puck was looking at the orange haired teen like he was speaking nonsense.

"It''s a story that my little sister used to a performance of" It was sort of true...she did watch it but it was on tv and not in the manner in which Ichigo was making it out to be.

"I've never heard of it before" Puck shook his head too showing that neither had he.

"Is it popular where you're from?" Ichigo thought about it for a moment.

"Sort of, I guess,my sister was the one who was into it" Ichigo answered to the best of his abilities.

It wasn't easy, it's not like he paid much attention to the films popularity in his world.

"Can you explain this reinhard and felt situation...did he really just take Felt and go?"

"And didn't say anything as to why he was taking her?" *Ichigo found it weird that someone would do that though...since Felt was a thief perhaps he arrested her or something?

Emilia shakes her head. "he didn't say why he just left with Felt... but he's an honorable I trust he had good reasons "

Ichigo's expression remained neutral but he wasn't too sure if he trusted Reinhard...guess he'd see for himself when they meet Felt....see how she's doing.

While deep in thought Emilia's voice called Ichigo out. "We're here" her soft voice captured his attention causing him to raise his gaze forward.

...He could see why this was the noble district, shouldn't have come as a surprise really with a name like that.

This area was more put together. More refined if you will as its people walked in a more dignified manner.

Ichigo didn't put much effort than that to sight see, his eyes just scanned over briefly and then landed on what he assumed was their destination.

The garrison, this was all he cared about right now. Emilia lead the way as Ichigo followed not far behind,taking note on how the guards seem to eye him funny.

If he could read minds he'd be able to hear how untrustworthy they find him to be...he clearly looked like he was up to trouble with how his eyes were narrowed down like he meant business,the way he carried himself too was no joke and it was all thanks to those years of Ichigo perfectly crafting his nonsense image.

Just as Emilia was about to knock for entry,the door opens to reveal a knight in all white.

"My it is not often that I meet an acquaintance in a place like this, it has been some time Lady Emilia, you have not changed since then" The young knight bowed to Emilia while Ichigo watched the exchange, looks like it was someone Emilia knew.

...And he recognized her despite the hoodie she's wearing, so definitely another person capable to see through the hood's enchantment like Wilhelm.

Emilia greets the young man with her usual polite smile, her eyes shining up at him brightly. "Thank you, there have been no changes specifically"

"I see that you are in good health Julius" the young knight that Ichigo now knows as Julius smiles.

"I'm honored that you remembered me" Julius smile widens ever so slightly, his violet hair bounces lightly with the tilt of head as he then goes on to praise Emilia's beauty... while ichigo felt like Julius reminded him of someone but couldn't place who at the moment, he was definitely coming across as a ladies man though.

Ichigo remained silent throughout their brief exchange, not seeing a reason to engage since he doesn't know this Julius guy and neither party was addressing him so he had no need to do anything other than observe.

As Ichigo stood on the side lines he took in more of Julius's appearance, the way he held himself with dignity and pride, the confidence in his eyes, that light smirk on his lips, the rapier on his hip, he didn't seem too different from anyone Ichigo would meet in the soul society.

Other than the way Julius dressed, he could totally be someone from the soul society, he certainly had this high energy to him.

"However, isn't it more of a rarer sight to see you at the garrison, you a royal guard's men?" Ichigo heard Emilia ask as she stares up at Julius in response to his earlier comment about meeting her here.

Still with that 'charming' smile Julius answered Emilia's question. "I've come to express appreciation for the soldiers service and take the opportunity to observe the city...or something like that~"...well that didn't sound like he truly cared about what he was here for, Ichigo couldn't help but raise his brow at the violets haired guard's rather... 'passionate' response.

"A friend asked me to pay a visit and I suppose it is good to put first once in a while, after all I was able to lay my eyes upon a beautiful flower" The way this man speaks mad it hard to tell if he was polite or flirty...perhaps both? Before the orange haired teen could think about it any further, the sliver tongue guard with well practiced movements, took hold of Emilia's hand and got down on one knee as if proposing but instead it was to place a kiss upon the back of the half elf's pale hand....

Ichigo brown eyes moved to gauge Emilia's expression, was she bothered or okay with this turn of events, was this the norm?...he wasn't sure but if it was...there was no way in hell was he doing that...

Once the formalities were over with Emilia got to the point of our visit.

"I know that this is sudden, but I have a request for you" Julius's expression held that of slight intrigue as he wonders what Emilia wished to ask of him.

Julius voice lowers as he speaks with Emilia. "Ah I that's why you made your way to the garrison, tell me." his eyes flickered briefly towards Ichigo the only time he seemed to even acknowledge the male's presence. "Does this favor have something to do with him?"

Ichigo's brows furrowed wondering what the hell was that supposed to mean? the orange haired teen didn't quite like the way that violet haired knight spoke about him though he couldn't do anything about it, Julius addressed Ichigo directly.

Putting Ram's lessons to good use Ichigo played by this world's etiquette and introduced himself.

"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki" The teen did his best to display the air of class and politeness Ram taught him, the needed Julius's it wouldn't do any good to upset the man...

Julius hums in acknowledgment. "You do fit the description..." the knight replies though his words left Ichigo curious and confused...

"what description?" Who was going around describing him and for what reason?

"In Reinhard's report naturally" Was Julius's simple reply to the carrot top teen whose body stiffens ever so slightly.

"Was there anything else he put down about me?"

"Yes there's more, he also wrote down about how you defended Lady Emilia from the Bowel hunter at your own expense, by the time he arrived she was gone and you were injured badly causing Lady Emilia to take you into her care"

"That's it?" Ichigo inquired further trying to see just how much did they know, Julius raises a brow but responds with a light nod.

"That is all he reported, why is there more?" Ichigo and Emilia shook their heads.

"No that was all" He was glad that there were no mentions about his 'spirit' self... it wasn't something he felt like explaining when asked.

"Sorry Lady Emilia, it seems we got off topic" Julius lips curl into yet another 'charming' smile. "About your request, come with me." After that Julius walks off expecting us to follow him and just when I was about to Emilia stops me.

Confused Ichigo raised a brow. "What's wrong?"

"I want you to stay right here." This left Ichigo further confused as he questions why?

"I doubt you'd like it in there so...I think you should stay right here" The orange haired teen couldn't see what about that room he wouldn't like especially since he hasn't even gone in there yet but agrees to her request nonetheless.

"Alright but don't forget to ask about Felt" Emilia nods.

"I won't" the sliver haired girl soon walks off, Ichigo watches after her until she is out of sight....

What was that about, seriously?... it perplexed the substitute soul reaper.

since he figured he'd be out here a while he leans against the brink wall of the building in a manner befitting of his image, the reputation he worked so hard for in his old world was going to need to be rebuilt here but so far he was doing pretty good.

While waiting he noticed a woman in a hard to miss scarlet stood out amongst the rest of the crowd, catching Ichigo's sharp eye.

But what really captured his attention was how when she was passing by an alley way, someone pulled her into it...he doubted that was the costume here so Ichigo pushes off against the wall heading in the direction of the alleyway with the intention to help.

As he approaches the alley he notices three men surrounding her, a scrawny looking guy, a wider set one and a shorty. It looked like your classic mugging except for the fact that...Red didn't seem frightened in the least bit...just annoyed.

Did this happen to her often or was she capable of fighting them off? Ichigo knew plenty of women from his world that could easily take these guys.

And the few he met here were no joke either, so maybe she had this under control?

"We're not playing around hand over your valuables!" The scrawny one demanded angrily to the noncompliant woman, her gaze filled with disgust as she turned up her nose almost as if to say she no longer wished to stare at them.

"And why should I have of value to mere trash like you?" Her tone was harsh yet classy and feminine something you'd expect from a noble woman.

The one wielding the knife grits his teeth in anger. "Why you!-" before the crook could finish, he felt someone tap his shoulder.

Further aggravated by someone's interference, the knife wielding one turns around sharply with the intent on scaring away any would be hero...only...that didn't go so well...

The poor fool was met with a knuckle sandwich the moment his face was in punching range.

Oooo...he was out like a light... his 'friends' looked on on shock...they were torn between helping their friend or fighting Ichigo...

They picked wrong...the bigger and buffer one tried to take over and act tough but...he was shaking in fear, but helplessly tried to cover it with anger.

"Just who in the hell do you think you are?!" Ichigo raised his brow, a look of indifference mixed with some light anger.

"Me?...I'm just the guy who's gonna send you to the infirmary" Ichigo cracked his knuckles as his expression became much more intense.

Those words sent shiver down the two who were **currently** still awake.

Unfortunately...they had no survival instincts...the little one came charging at Ichigo but he was easily dealt with via a swift kick...what?...he was the perfect height for it...

The kick sent him soaring out of the alley, screaming like a little girl as he fell onto the streets where it caused a stir, someone screamed when his body fell upon their path (he's still alive don't worry.😉)

Before Ichigo could take much time to admire his handiwork, the big guy tried coming up behind with, going for a hammer strike.

The big guy wasn't fast enough so he was dealt with just as easy as shortie was, a quick kick to his shins bringing him down to his knees then another to his head, putting him out.

With each one out cold, Ichigo approached the girl in the scarlet dress.

"Hey are you alright?" The teen boy asked, his eyes narrowed down into a serious expression as he looked her over briefly for any injuries but found none. It was clear that he was concerned for the red haired girl's safety but...his kindness wasn't met with appreciation as one would except.

"What gives you the right to talk to me?" The scarlet dress girl turns up her head in an arrogant self centered manner as she gazes at her the orange haired teen with indifference with eyes that suggest she saw him as something insignificant despite how he helped her.

"Is that how you speak to someone who just helped you out?" Ichigo's brows furrowed, his expression was one of annoyance and mild anger as he was speaking with this uptight noble woman.

"Helped me? You truly are a foolish one~" The girl spoke in a prideful and grand tone, her eyes shining with this twisted sense of superiority.

"Everything in this world is designed to work in **my** favor~" The scarlet dress girl makes a grand gesture with her arms while Ichigo couldn't help but think.

'What is it with me and running into crazy people?...' truly this boy was like a magnet for the strangest people.

...Well since he has experience with crazy people, Ichigo knew just what to do in this situation...he turned around and began walking away, if things truly did work out in her favor then he can just leave now.

But before he could exit the alley way, two visages appeared at its entrance...

One of them was Emilia and the other...some guy he's never met until now.

"There you are!" The newbie exclaimed, Ichigo ignored him for now since the man seemed to be interested in the scarlet dress girl.Ichigo turned his focused on Emilia.

"Emilia?...what are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you" Emilia replied as she took a few steps forward towards Ichigo. "When I left the knights garrison, I saw that you were no longer where I had left you."

"...I grew concerned and began looking for you and to my surprise as I searched for you I spotted a man flying out of an alley..." Emilia's expression changes from concern to...a more stern look one much like a mother whose reprehending their child..."I see you in a fight."

Before I could explain myself the newbie cuts in. "Hold on before we jump to any conclusions, why don't we hear him out?" The man suggests.

"From the looks of it, these guys were the ones who started the fight" Emilia nods before she speaks up.

"I know...Ichigo's not the type to go starting fights." Emilia trusted in Ichigo enough to believe that he didn't just go around picking wasn't in his character at least not from her observations.

"He must have a good reason for fighting these guys."Ichigo appreciated Emilia's faith in him, it was nice knowing that she didn't and wouldn't jump to any bad conclusions about him.

Ichigo's eyes flickered over to the new guy...well now that that was somewhat settled he felt like addressing the elephant in the room...

"Who's that guy?" Ichigo jabs his thumb over to the stranger's direction.

He didn't **look** like a knight at least not anyone from the garrisons, his 'outfit' was much too different for that.

"I don't know...this is my first time meeting him..." Emilia replied to Ichigo's surprise...the young Half elf had been growing on him, playing the role of a little sister to big brother part of him came out as he placed his hand on her delicate shoulders.

Ichigo with stern eyes said. "I didn't think I'd have to tell you this really shouldn't go anywhere with strangers."

The stranger hearing their conversation decided to take this moment to introduce himself now.

"Hey, you're right! I didn't get to introduce myself!" The stranger takes a few steps closer then stopping.

"I'm Al." The man held out his hand, his face was hidden so...Ichigo couldn't see his face. "See now we're not strangers anymore!"...what kind of logic is that?

"Yeah...that doesn't help at all..." Ichigo couldn't sense any hostile intent behind this the teen decided to shake the man's was the one hand the man had, since his right arm was missing.

...It would have been rude to ask so Ichigo stayed silent on this but couldn't help but wonder if magic here couldn't fix that? There were times he himself had his arm served but thankfully he had Orihime for those times.

"So what brought you with her?" Did the man just see that flying thug and investigate it alongside Emilia or what?

"I was looking for someone too" Ichigo raised his brow curiously...who was he looking for?

"Maybe you happened to see her?" Al left hand gestures as he begins to describe the girl he was looking for. "She reaches about here, has orange hair...kinda like yours, she wears a red dress." Ichigo's eyes widened upon hearing the description before shifting over exactly where the girl stood...was he talking about her?...did Al not see her when he came into the alley?

"And to be perfectly honest she has a tendency to get on others nerves" yep...that was very much the girl Ichigo had just saved being described right now.

"You better not be me that you are describing" The girl's delicate but haughty voice replied as her eyes narrowed down slightly.

Al turns and immediately walks over to her, his left arm out in a wide gesture. "Of course not princess ~" the man lied his ass off.

"Not a single word I said fits you at all~"...they seemed close.

Ichigo turned his attention back towards Emilia though more specifically Puck.

"I'm surprised you were okay with Emilia hanging out with that 'guy'." Ichigo lightly jerked his head in Al's direction as the little cat soon made himself visible.

"Hey this isn't **my** fault." Puck shook his tiny little head. "As soon as she stepped out for the garrison looking for **you** she spotted that weirdo digging through trash looking for someone"

"She was quick like lightning to help, I barely had time to react" Puck defended himself."I swear...she's just too kind for this world" Puck sighs dramatically.

Ichigo nodded in agreement...Emilia can be too trusting and helpful for her own good...

Wait...Ichigo turned focus back onto a specific part of Puck's comment earlier.

"Hold up...he was looking for the trash?" Ichigo cast a glance back at the other two..."Does she have some sort of habit of falling in or something?" Ichigo questions loud enough for just himself and Emilia to hear.

As he soon turns to face the sliver haired girl he finds her hiding behind him, taking hold of his shirt with her head down.

"Can we go?" Ichigo's brows furrowed with concern...why did Emilia's demeanor suddenly change?...he glanced back at where Al and that red dress chick where...a bit of anger swelled in him when he thought that perhaps she was a bully to Emilia in the past or something.

This was very unlike the sweet girl turning back to face Emilia before he could ask what's wrong, he heard footsteps approaching...and while he'd like to get to the bottom of this...Emilia's feelings came first so he took hold of her hand and began walking away.

"Sorry, but we've got to go now." He didn't bother to wait for either Al or the red dress girl's response as he focused on getting Emilia away from there with fast steps.

Emilia was deep in thought as Ichigo was lightly guided her away from the alley...'He must be wondering why I suddenly wanted to leave...' the sliver haired girl thought.

She tried to figure out how to explain it to him but before a solution could come to her, Ichigo spoke up.

"How did it go?...did you get to meet Reinhard?" Emilia was surprised by the wasn't the one she thought he'd ask but was grateful for the change in subject.

" couldn't get through to him." Emilia's tone was soft and expressed her disappointment."And none of the knights have seen him either..."

" he didn't take her in to arrest her but she hasn't been seen since?" Ichigo raised an orange brow. "Sounds like kidnapping to me."Emilia was quick to defend Reinhard's honor.

"Reinhard wouldn't do something like that, he's a good man from what I hear." Ichigo's gaze fell on her as she speaks.

"If you say so" Ichigo trusted her judgment, she knew Reinhard longer than him anyway.

Ichigo continued walking knowing that Emilia would follow which she did, moving on from the topic.

Emilia glanced over at Ichigo as her mind went back to the previous thoughts in her mind...why hasn't he asked about the alleyway? Surely he was confused by her sudden desire to leave?

She knew it concerned him when she asked to go..she saw it in his eyes that he was worried by her sudden change in behavior.

It must have looked like it came out of nowhere and yet...he still lead her out of the alley no questions asked and ignored Priscilla when she called out to him.

Ichigo did all this for Emilia and didn't even ask why...

The teen felt Emilia's stare so he glanced back why she was focusing on him so?

When he glanced back Emilia spoke her mind."Why haven't you asked about the alley?"

Ichigo paused in his steps as he turning his focus to her.

"Well obviously you two have some kind of pass...I just figured you'd tell me when you're ready" Ichigo's answer surprised the half elf and she really appreciated his consideration towards her feelings.

"So I'll wait until then" Ichigo offered a slight smile and Emilia couldn't help but think...was this what it was like to have a big brother?...

If felt nice, the thought of Ichigo as her older brother gave Emilia this warm feeling that she hasn't felt in a while.

Emilia then began to think back to the conversation with Roswaal once again...about making Ichigo her knight...and she was starting to grow more accustomed to the idea...who else could she entrust with such a role other than him?

Just as Emilia was about to ask she ran into someone. The person she had ran into was a woman dressed as a priestess, adorned in white robes with gold thread and marking along the dress.

The woman had completely white skin and long blonde hair, her eyes were obscured with a pure while blindfold that had two black numbers marking it, the digits were the number '11'.

Emilia immediately apologizes for colliding into the girl but the strangely dressed girl dismissed it.

"Please, it was my fault" Emilia shook her head.

"No, it was mine I should have watched where I was going." Emilia being the polite and sweet girl that she is insisted on apologizing.

The strange girl just laughs. "I'm the one in the blindfold here...wouldn't it stand to reason that I should have been more careful of where I was going?"

"Still...I played a part in it too..." Emilia softly replies while Ichigo did think the other girl had a point...she was wearing a blindfold for whatever reason...that had to obscure her vision.

'Why was she wearing that anyway?'Ichigo couldn't help but wonder, did she have sensitive eyes, was she blind?

"You really are quite a sweet girl...very well... we were both a bit careless" The girl in the blindfold tilts her head with a smile as she reaches her hand out to gently pat Emilia head...which seems like a strange thing to do to someone you just met.

"You really are such a lovely girl...such beautiful eyes...and soft are positively radiant...**with such a bright future ahead of you**" the tail end of her comment was low...hard to hear...Ichigo wasn't sure if he heard her right and before he could address it the girl spoke up once more.

"Now, I believe I've spent enough time dilly dallying, I must return to my original task and continue my search, so for now consider this my farewell~" The girl politely dismiss herself, speaking as if we'll meet again before breaking off into the crowd.

Ichigo had considered calling out for her but...didn't deem it necessary, the girl however strange didn't appear to be a threat even with the cryptic comment that he barely heard but...even Puck was looking at her oddly as she left.

When she distanced herself she moved so swiftly... and in a hurry to or no threat...Ichigo still sensed that something wasn't quite right about her.

And that troubled him...

"Come on...let's get back too Roswaal's place..." Ichigo commented before gesturing his head in their original direction, Emilia broke her gaze from where the girl was seen last in the crowd and nodded.

...Was the area a little colder than before?
Co-Writier: *My literal thoughts about ichigo when I used to watch Bleach back in my teens, so it really helps me when writing how I think Rem would be feeling about

CoolKat122 (2nd Author) here and I just wanted to apologize for how late this is, I'm sorry. I got sick a couple of times and have been busy with other things after that...stuff that kept me away from the keyboard for a while delaying the story.

Thank you for patently waiting and I hope that this is enough to excite you for the next chapter~
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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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