Chapter 8| The Target

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Sitting alone in wooden room at a desk, writing away in a journal was a beast woman, tan skin with a tone, muscular figure that showed off her years of training. Long thick black hair with white tips that was neatly brushed and combed to look presentable, wolf like ears were alert and ready atop the woman's head while a tail swung around in frustration poked out freely from her chair.

Cold icy blue eyes were narrowed down into a glare as she looked down at the piece of paper, teeth bared and gritting.

Day 4 and still no signs of my target, this kind of work was degrading having to act and dress like some cutesy mindless twit.

I'm a warrior, not some actor/spy, alright? I don't belong in some cafe, playing the role of some submissive girl, I belong out on the battlefield, slashing down my opponents, bringing them down to their knees! 

But no, instead they have me working at this filthy place until that asshat shows, so I can gather intel on him and whoever he's supposed to meet up with.

The Beast woman huffed angrily; a sharp clawed tip finger tapped aggressively at the wooden desk as she thought over her next words to jolt down in the journal to vent out her emotions. 

Normally she'd be beating down a training dummy or some rando beast or stray hollow, but on the rare occasions she couldn't, she expressed on feelings on paper.

The Beast woman's ears twitched slightly and stiffened up as they turned to focus on the sounds of footsteps making their way up the stairs and towards the beast woman's room. Quickly she shut her journal and hid it away safely before getting out of her chair and rushing over swiftly to her bed fiddling with her stockings to appear as if she were just finishing getting dressed, making it in the nick of time just as the other girl arrived.

"Oh, hey, I just came to tell you that your shift's is about to start" The girl said in a nice and friendly tone.

"Aw thanks, I was just about to head down!" The Beast woman smiled a bright and cheery smile as she spoke in a sugary sweet peppy voice.

"No problem" The girl's smile widen and her expression seemed to have brighten as she heard the Beast woman's voice and received her thanks. "See you down then" The girl waved before leaving.

"Okay, I'll be there shortly!" The Beast woman returned the waved and kept the fake smile on until the girl was out of view.  "Tsk, so annoying" The Beast woman quickly finished up the rest of her business before leaving her room and heading down to the maid cafe where she was working temporarily.

Her fake persona on full display as she began her fake maid work at a maid cafe, her tail happily swaying to make it appear as if she was happy and joyful, a sweet smile placed upon her lips and her cold icy eyes were soft, warm and welcoming instead of hard and intimidating, usually a gaze so harsh that would scare others away was now inviting you in.

The Beast woman hated it, inside she was burning with hate for this role she had to play and the work she had to do, the people she had to call her master, it was humiliating, if she didn't have a strong will and incredible self-control, she would rip that s.o.b's throat out the moment he steps through that door.

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