Chapter 2| Ichigo vs The Bowel Hunter

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Hi this is Mike, I hope that you enjoy the second chapter!


"You!" Felt whipped out her knife and had it at the ready for a fight, the sliver haired girl conjured up shards of ice in response to Felt's actions.

Ichigo not wanting things to get out of hand quickly intervened, positioned himself in between the two girls with his arms raised out to each one in a stop posture.

"Hey, wait! We're here to bargain, remember? " Ichigo turned towards the sliver haired girl when he spoke the last part of his sentence.

"But she-" The silver haired girl tried to come to her own defense before being cut off by Ichigo.

"I know but, let's not lose focus of our goal here" The silver haired girl pouted then huffed erasing the light anger and disappointment she had in those purple orbs of hers and replacing those emotions with a much calmer and composed ones.

"Alright" her focus turned back to Felt, "I am here to demand for back what you stole, if you hand it over willingly I will see no need to report this and we can all go our separate ways"

Ichigo wanted to face palm at the silver haired girl's method of 'bargaining' judging by the place Felt lives in and how she must struggle to survive, he's really finding hard to imagine, that form of 'bargaining' will sway her much.

"You call that a bargain?" Felt questioned with a raised brow while maintaining her fighting stance.

"Yes, it doesn't belong to you and you have no right trying to sell it off" The silver haired girl spoke calmly and in a matter of fact so manner.

If things kept going like this, she was not going to get her thing back in the peaceful way that they were originally were hoping on.

"I don't think that's going to work, why not just buy it back?" Ichigo whispered to the silver haired girl, who shook her head in response.

"No, it's my property, I shouldn't have to 'buy' it back when it was mine to begin with" Her purple orbs lit up fiercely and with a stubborn spark.

"Look, giving how she lives I really don't think your getting your thing back for free, especially if it's really expensive looking and lives up to it's appearance"

The silver haired girl's brows tilted downward meeting together conveying that she was in deep thought, her amethyst orbs held an unreadable emotion within them as they semi focused onto that tops of her hands, worrying Ichigo.

"What's wrong?" cutting her eyes away from her hands to gave her attention towards Ichigo to answer his question.

"It's just that-" Before she could finished Felt interrupted rudely, probably tired of standing in her fighting stance when a fight wasn't currently happening at the moment.

"Hey are we going to fight or are you ready to 'actually' bargain for this thing?" A thin blonde brow raised up in question while her ruby red eyes stayed locked onto the sliver haired girl.

The Silver haired girl frown deepen as she looked on to Felt with a serious and determined gaze as she responded. "I have already tried to reason with you , if you still insist on trying to pawned it off then I shall of no choice but, to take it back by force"

Before the silver haired girl could fire off her shards of ice Ichigo intervened once again

"Wait she's just a kid, how hard can it be for you to just buy it back?" Upon mentioning the word 'kid; Felt loudly retorted back in an angry offended manner.

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