Side Chapter| Strange Company

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"Alright, someone actually wanted to buy those oils off of me, looks like those two really did come through for me... though, I can't help but wonder how those two even know that sort of fellow..." Otto felt an inky chill run down his spine as he thought back to that..."unique" man who was interested in Otto's oils when practically no one else was anymore. 

"Uh, never mind, I rather not think of it... well, I suppose I have to get them their gift now, don't I? I mean after-all a deals a deal and they did help me get rid of all my oils, so whatever it is they want, I guess it'll be on me..." Otto scratched his cheek, wary of what his new companions might have him buy for them, they promised that it wouldn't be anything that would cause it to go broke, but that didn't mean he was any less worried of whatever they might have him purchase for them.

The twins were,well.. how should he put this? quite..."peculiar" so to speak and as he let them bump a free ride off of him due to a promise that they made, Otto has come to become very aware of those two's strange and unusually taste in things, hell one look at them and you could tell that they were an abnormal bunch and yet when Otto spotted them on the side of the road down on their luck he couldn't help but offer them some kindess... 

How was he supposed to know that those two would latch onto him so like leches?!!! Okay perhaps that phasing is a bit harsh, they weren't a bad bunch, just a bit hard to shake off and can't seem to take a hint! Though it does look like it did have it's upsides for Otto, those two did have some connections (believe it or not) and were able to help him sell what was once his most useless and completely low in value wares! And to a very wealthy man no less!!!

...They may actually be very valuable business partners, so it would be in Otto's best interest to keep them around, who knows they might be able to introduce him to another friend of theirs that could help him achieve his dream! Besides... it's not like they were bad company...just a little weird and eccentric, but he's pretty much gotten used to their strange behaviors by now.

"Well, whatever it is let's hope it's nothing too crazy now" Otto said aloud to himself as he headed back to his wagon as he drew closer just a few feet away, he heard someone rampaging through it.

Otto felt his heart drop as his widened and a dreadful feeling run throughout his body, a group of strange men were trying to rob him, he didn't have much but that didn't matter, they were still taking what little Otto had. 

Panic, Otto rushed over to those men without thinking, his friends, those two he had met on the road a few weeks back should still be with the wagon resting, they slept like the dead in their coffins, they would have no idea what was going on and when those men eventually got to them who knows what they might do!!!

"Hey, wait stop! You don't want to upset them!!!" Otto shouted his voice laced heavily with concern.

The men paused in their burglary all turning their attention towards Otto briefly alarmed by his sudden appearance and shouting though became relaxed and unconcerned once they saw who he was. A few of them even approached him in a menacing manner while the rest got back to looting the wagon.

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