Chapter 9

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Daniel's pov

I walked out of the steamed up bathroom and into my room and threw on a pair of red shorts.

I walk down the hall to Amberley's room and saw she was laying on her bed curled into a ball with her injered cheek up still bleeding slightly.

I sat on the end of her bed and gently shook her.

"sweetheart, wake up for a minute i need to docter the cut on your cheek." i said.

She grumbled in protects and swatted at my hand.

"come on. Right when im finished you can go back to sleep."

She mumbled a little more the streched out and turned onto her back.

I stood up and grabbed her hands and gently pulled her to her feet. She slightly swayed and i wrapped my arm around her waist the keep her upright.

"its ok. Let me just docter this then you can go right back to sleep."

She nodded sleepily and slowly made her way to the bathroom.

She sat down on the counter and i looked in the cabnet and grabbed everything to docter her cut.

I took a rag and poored alcohol on it.

"this is gonna hurt a little." i said.

I dabbed the cut on her face gently. She jumped making me press down a little to hard.

"ow" she cried as tear spang to her eyes.

"im so sorry baby it will be better in a second. I promice." i said kissing the tear that rolled down her other cheek.

I wiped away most of the blood and saw that the cut was a lot deeper than i thought. I put two butterfly bandages on the cut to help close it up.

"wow. If you were human this would have needed stiches. Were lucky that we heal alot faster." i said.

She gave me a confused look.

"did you not know that we heal alot faster the humans?" i said.

She shook her head.

"wow you really do have alot to learn." i said"

I put one of those sticky gauze things over her cut so it wouldnt bleed everywhere.

"there with out healing abilities that should be good as new by tomarrow."

I turned away and put up all the stuff i used.

"thank you" she said quietly.

"for what? Im your soul mate this is what im suposed to do. Take care of you and love you." i said taking hold of her hands.

"still thank you for everything youve done. It means alot to me even though i might not show it sometimes." She replied.

"its no problem. Come on you should get some sleep."

I lifted her into my arms and walked into her room. I shifted her to one arm and moved the covers aside, layed her down, and covered her up.

"sleep well sweetheart." i said lovingly and kissed her forehead.

I walked out of her room turning off the lights and closing the door behind me. I went to my room and layed in bed. As i was thinking of everything that happened today i drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I was woken up by Amberley screaming in terror. I jumped out of bed and ran to her room.

I opened her door and saw her thrashing around and screaming.

I ran over and sat on her bed.

"amberley. Wake up. Its ok. Nothing is happening." i said gently shaking her awake.

Her eyes flew open in horror and she continued screaming.

When she realized it was me she collapsed into my arms and cried.

I held her tightly against me and whispered comforting words into her ear.

"its ok baby. It was just a dream. Your alright." i whispered.

She looked up at me with her big watery blue eyes. Her cheeks were tear streaked and her hair was messed up.

"it was horrible. Its seemed so real i thought they were comming for me again and you wernt there to save me." she sobbed into my chest.

"ill always be here for you amberley. Im never gonna leave again. I promice." i said.

She stayed quite for awhile trying to compose herself.

She lifted her head off my shoulder and wiped away the remaining tears.

"come on you need to get back to sleep." i said.

She nodded and layed back down.

"please stay here with me. I dont want to be left alone." she said.

I nodded and layed down beside her. She turned over and put her head on my chest and her arm around my waist. I kissed the top of her head and rested my hand on her waist. She looked up at me and for the first time i saw true genuine love. I tilted her head and for the first time acually kissed her and she acually kissed me back. I pulled back and saw that she had shock in her eyes but the good kind.

"you smile when your bein kissed?" i asked amused.

"it depends on who im kissing." she said and kissed me again. She pulled away and layed back down on my chest.

"goodnight daniel." she whispered sweetly.

"goodnight sweetheart." i said softly.

Then i fell asleep with the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms.

Ok for the people reading thank you so much. Im sorry this update was so late ive been really busy and probley will be for awhile. This is a passion of mine but its also only a hobby now so please do push me to hurry and update. I write when i can and im sorry if it takes time. Please Fan comment and vote please.

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