Chapter 4

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Sorry nothing really intersting happens in this chapter and im trying to make it longer but im not sure how long it is till i post it sorry. This is more of a filler chapter and one to give more info on the charictors. So thanks for reading vote and fan if you like it please.

Sorry for any spelling And grammer issues.

"So do you live here alone?" Daniel said.

We sat on the coach in my living room just talking like we have been doing for the last few hours.

"Um ya" I said trying not to meet his eyes.


"Because I have no where else to go."

"What about your family?"

"They died im the battle between the angels and the fallen angels. Their kinda the reason I fell. My family ment everything to me when they were gone I didnt know what to do I lost myself and made stupid decisons thats when I fell.". Tears were threatening to spill. I took a shake breath trying not to cry. I dont know why I opened up to him like that the only one who I ever told that was Liam. Now im telling Daniel a guy I just ment today.

He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. Just seeing the look of love and compasion in his eyes made me lose whatever composure I had left and the tears flowed freely.

He leaned over and pulled me into him arms and I rested my head on his chest.

"Awe im so sorry Amberly. I didnt know or i wouldnt have brought it up. Its alright now everything is going to be ok." Daniel said.

He kissed my forehead and sat there silently just comforting me.


I lazily open my eyes to fine that it was pitch dark outside. I felt Danial's warm muscular body pressed against my back and looked down to see his hand resting on my waist. I carefully got up and turned back round to see him still peacefully sleeping.

I was starving so i went to the kitchen to make some food. I ended up making spaghetti. I walked back to the living room and grabbed a pillow off my chair and threw it at Daniel. He jumped up like he was about to fight off any attackers.

"Wow chill out no ones trying to kill you" I laughted.

He glared at me an threw the pillow back I caught it laughing. I threw it back on the chair and walk back to the kitchen.

"If your hungry I made some food so come get it before its gone." I called back.

I have never seen anyone move that fast at the mention of food. He jumped up and bolted in to the kitchen and sat at the table in 3 seconds maybe less.

I laughed and grabbed to plates and piled the with spaghetti and sat one in front of him and took the chair across from him.

"So what about you? Why dont you live with your family." I asked.

"I made a bad decision a few day ago and when I did my parents disowned me and when they did that it somehow caused me to fall I dont know why ive never been for evil or on the bad side or anything." He stated as if it were nothing.

"So your with the good fallen angels?" I asked

"Yep, but I dont understand that term. I mean we fell because of the bad things we did so i dont see how we are still considered good."

"Well we are because be know we did wrong and we would go back if we could but we cant." I said.

"Ahh well right now I wouldnt want to go." He said looking at me lovingly.

"Why not?" I asked startled.

"Because your here. I wouldnt want to be there if your not." He said as he reached across the table and gently took my hand.

We sat there for awhile like that just lost in eachothers eyes.

I cleared my throat, stood up, and put the dishes in the sink.

"Well you better get going its late." I said.

"Well another reason i came to find you was as you know I just came yesterday and I have no where to stay I was hoping I could stay with you." He asked.

He knew I wouldnt be able to turn him down. He had a mischivious look in his eyes.

"You know I cant turn you down. You can have the guest bedroom at the end of the hallway. And whatever your planning dont do it cause I know its not anything good."

He laughed. "How did you know I was planning something."

"I can see the mischivious look in you eyes. Your really bad at hiding stuff." I said laughing. "Well goodnight. I guess ill talk to you tomarrow." I called behind me as I walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight" He called back.

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