Chapter 30

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Lucious glanced at his watch irritated. He was ready to punt Andre like a football. He missed Cookie at the office. She knew how his mind worked, more often then not was on the same page. All he and Dre did was but heads. When Andre wasn't arguing with him. He was chasing behind Calypso's 3 month pregnant ass. That girl was a peice of work without the extra hormones. He still felt like Andre lacked some brain power in every day life. What man willingly put a pregnant ex in a house with his girlfriend.

Lucious was gonna skin him if his relationship started interfering with Jazmine work in progress album. Popping a sucker in his mouth as his office doors swung open. Cookie pushing in with a stroller. Lucious felt a grin spread across his face. She was in a rather good mood by the looks of it. Lately she had been zoning out and a bit down.

He didn't feel the need to press it. When she was ready to tell him he was all ears. At first he was worried it was post partum but she confirmed it wasnt. Getting up he walked over giving her a kiss. Before snatching up Prince. Reclaiming his throne with his son in his lap.

"What brought you two here? You ready to get back to work?"

"Nopeeeeee. Prince had a checkup. Figured I'd stop by real quick. V has a song she wants me to hear too so." Cookie answered, he pursed his lips not commenting. Hopefully a little studio time with V woke her up. He was really starting to worry. Cookie didnt want to get back to Empire? In what world? She couldn't have been serious those months back when she said she was losing her fire. Music was Cookie, Cookie was music.

"Where's Rose?" He tossed, on cue the little girl came bouncing in with Porsha.

"Daddy!" She chriped, rushing over to him. He chuckled as she climbed into his lap.

"When you coming back boss lady? I miss youuuuuuuu." Porsha whined, Cookie rose a lazy brow taking a seat.

"I thought you said you were enjoying being Andre's assistant?"

"He's too nice." Porsha huffed, bring a laugh from Cookie. Leave it to Porsha to miss getting yelled at.

"You can work for Lucious." Cookie tossed, Porsha looked to the man who's grin fell looking back at her. No secret the man couldn't stand her.

"No thank youuuu! Think that's Andre calling me right now......coming Andre!' Porsha rushed, scurrying from the room.

"Speaking of him. Why is he blowing up my phone?" Cookie questioned, walking torwards his desk.

"Oh he called his mommy?" Lucious chuckled, gaining a scowl from her.

"Its nothing Cooks. Just some disagreements." He added, she hummed looking at the time.

"You're on daddy duty." She stated.

"Glady, missed my little monsters today." He happily stated, Rose grabbed his tablet exiting out of his emails with ease. Pulling up her game, Cookie pursed her lips not in the mood to fuss. That little girl talked when she wanted to but she damn well knew how to argue. Cookie remembered the good old days where kids actually went outside. She hated these damn electronics and how parents were teaching them how to work a phone before a potty.

"Only for an hour mami." He spoke, reading Cookies face. Rose gave him a distracted nod not paying him no mind.

"I'll be back up here in a minute. He just ate so he should be fine. If he's not theres fresh milk in the bag." Cookie informed him, swiping her phone she sent Andre a text to come up. He needed Lucious to hear him and the only way he could do that is if he had the kids. No way was he about to blow a fuse with them in the room.

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