Chapter 16

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(Sorry it took me so long.....I got something new brewing👀.)

"Angel." Adam called, she hummed walking out of the bathroom in her undergarments. He sat with his feet up, his dress shirt open showing his chiseled chest. She bit her lip walking over to him. He grabbed her hand placing a kiss on the skin.

"You did good tonight baby." He praised, she blushed looking down. He smiled pulling her to straddle him.

"You are so beautiful." He praised cupping her face.

Pulling her down to his lips he kissed her thoroughly. She moaned into the kiss running her hands over his muscles. She loved looking at the contrast between their skin. Her mind took her back to dinner throwing off the mood. She was so deep in her thoughts, she hasn't noticed he had pulled away. He tilted his head observing her.

"Did something happen between you and Lucious?" He asked, she blinked meeting his eyes. She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him, her silence aggravated him.

"I asked you a question." He snapped, just like that the vibe in the room switched.

She shook her head looking down, her curly hair acting as a curtain. Her breath caught when he gripped her jaw roughly. He jerked her head up to look at him. He searched her eyes for the truth. She knew she couldn't hide from him. His features darkened drastically, with a glare he shoved her off his lap. She landed on the floor hard, wincing at the odd way her hand twisted.

".....Adam I..." He lifted his hand cutting her off.

Giving her a dark look he flicked his wrist, an indication she knew all to well. She got up walking back into the bathroom to give him his space. She sighed pulling off the diamond choker. Running herself a bath she rolled her wrist around, it still hurt but it wasn't bad. Stripping fully, she pinned her curly hair up. Climbing in she settled, she decided she was gonna tell him. She didn't want him upset, she knew he hated liars.

Resting in the hot water, she heard the bathroom door open. He spared her a single glance before continuing to the toilet. Relieving hiself He stripped heading for the shower. She pouted as she scrubbed her skin, she had hopes he would join her. After his shower he grabbed a towel and headed out of the bathroom. She finished cleaning her body then hot out. Oiling her body down she walked out of the bathroom. He sat on the bed tapping away at his phone, his naked skin on display.

"Adam.....Im sorry." She spoke, he didn't respond.

Instead sitting his phone down then turning off the lamp. He ignored her sliding under the covers and laid down.  She pouted climbing onto the bed, getting under the covers she glided over to him. Kissing along his back up to his neck.

"I'm sorry." She whined running her hands across his chest. He grabbed her hand stopping her.

"What are you hiding?" He questioned as he turned to face her. As she looked into his eyes her damn broke, she busted into tears making him sit up and pull her into his chest.

".....Whats going on? Are you pregnant?" He questioned, she shook her head.

"...My family might not be my family." She cried, he grew more confused.

"Calm down, and explain to me what's wrong." He spoke softly, she took deep breaths wiping her eyes.

How did she explain it? She was so confused, one minute she was sure she was she was related to the Lyons, the next she wasn't so sure, and on another hand she assumed she was her mom's preme baby. She was so fucking confused, one dinner to flip her world upside down. She ranted on and on about what happened. Adam held her close just listening.

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