Chapter 9

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[Semi edited🤣]

Dedicated to my bitch I_Give_Life FOR COMING BACK. I missed you hoe!

The loud buzz of honking cars sounded out around them as traffic finally gave way. Lucious looked out the window sighing in relief as things got rolling again. He trailed his fingers down the side of Cookie's neck effectively breaking her intense concentration on her game. She whined shooting him a glare, grinning he kissed her forehead.

"Can't we just kill him and send her his head?" Lucious nonchalantly asked as they pulled up to Giselle's fiance's restaurant on the outskirts of New York.

Andrew's head snapped back to look at his father. Sure he knew his father was a cold blooded killer, but not even he expected him to say that. Plus the look on his face conveying his seriousness. Even worse Cookie had paused, she furrowed her brows thinking about it.

"No?...." She responded more like a question. He shrugged raising a brow. Andre couldn't believe she was considering it.

"Ma?" He snapped.

"What?" She responded, to her this was normal.

"Actually yeah no. Then it's no fun for me. Who am I gonna torment if she already has his head. It's no fun." Cookie spoke, Lucious nodded opening the door and letting her out of the car.

"I mean I can make it fun." He chuckled.

"Let me think on it." She responded, he grinned running his tounge over his pearly whites. She lightly nibbled on her bottom lio, he coukdd be so persuasive. Andre rolled his eyes walking around the car.

"Can we at least eat before we go murdering people?" Andre groaned, they've been out and about all damn day. He was hungry.

"Yeah." Cookie responded as if it was nothing.

Lucious opened the door for her. She stepped in taking her sunglasses off. Looking around the room all eyes were on them. A server rushed over to them. Cookie gazed down at the boy. He had to be no older then 18.

"How many sit you? Oh my God I'm so sorry! How many of there are you?" He corrected, the poor kid looked like he was gonna cry.

"3. Anywhere is fine sweetie." She replied with a smile. Her friendly smile relaxed him a bit. Nodding he lead them to a secluded part of the dinner.

"Talk about special treatment." Andre chuckled sitting down.

"I like the vibe of this place. It's classy, but all so out gives you a relaxed feeling." Cookie muttered looking around.

A man slowly strolled out from a back room in a grey Armani suit. He looked clean and sharp. Cookie's eyes narrowed a slow smile forming on her lips. Lucious followed her line of sight, looking back at her he felt his jaw tick. Slipping an arm around her waist he gave her a warning squeeze gaining her attention.

"Be careful with those eyes my love." He spoke calmly, although she could hear the venom in his words. With just the way he said it she already found herself getting wet.

"Look at him Lu, and tell me he doesn't scream owner." She spoke, he glanced back over at the man that was now approaching him. Analyzing him quickly he realized she was right.

She just knew he was Micheal. Though she was surprised to find him attractive considering what Eddie looked like. But hey stick a checkbook in front of Giselle and she might just orgasm on the spot. Her type was money.

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