Chapter 20

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Lucious eyed his wife sitting at her vanity. She was wrapping a head scarf around her head, in no moods to go anywhere. Her bump on display today, he didn't understand why she insisted on hiding it from the public he didn't know. Yet that argurmemt wasn't one he wanted to take up before he got some pussy, cause he knew the momemt he said the wrong thing that would be locked down. She'd fight her own need to prove a point.

"Quit looking at me like that." He heard her say, his eyes moved from her body landing on her eyes in the mirror.

"So she speaks..." He teased, she glared at him. She had been giving him the silent treatment since they woke up. After taking a good look at the bandage on his side she shut down.

"Go get that changed." She spoke referring to his bandage. He nodded acknowledging what she said. Getting up he walked over to her. Leaning down he ran his hands up her legs to her side's.

"Stop being mad first." He whined like a child putting his head into her neck.

"Please..." He continued kissing her neck.

"Pleeeeeeeaaassseee....." He whined seeing her tough facade cracking. Kissing all over her face made a smile break out as she tried to push him away. He chuckled stealing a few kisses before moving.

"Now I get why you're mad at me, but I'm mad at you too. Sometimes my projects are for me, and your projects are for you. When we mix them unexpectedly someone gets hurt, and that was both of us." He spoke as she got up. He looked at her bruise and frowned. Bending down he kissed it. She wanted to point out keeping secrets was what was dangerous but she had bigger things on her mind. She had been calling Angel all day long.

"....has she called you?" She asked in a small voice, he knew who she was referring to. He sighed and shook his head, he knew where she was headed though. He always knew, biting the bullet he decided to tell Cookie.

"She's flying out of here and going to Texas last time I checked." He spoke watching that crack her heart.

"What? But she just, is she....she coming back?" She asked brokenly, he didn't know the answer to that question. Her eyes glossed making him sadder.

"Babe, she'll come back. We gotta give her time, can we just be thankful our child is alive and well. Even if she's not here physically." He spoke trying to stop the incoming tears.

"What if she doesn't come back?" Cookie asked shakily, the first tear falling. He wiped it placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Then we love her regardless...." He answered, even though his hurt was still simmering. He wanted to drag her back and make her stay but she was an adult, not a rebellious teenager. He couldn't push too hard, she was grown. When she needed him, he'd come running though.

Cookie looked into his eyes blinking away her tears and nodded. Tucking herself in his arms she breathed in his scent. They stood there embracing eachother for a few minutes before she pulled back. She felt the baby moving around, it's kicks weren't strong enough to see just yet but she could tell it was moving.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at her face.

"The baby's moving." She answered with a smile, he slowly kneeled down and cupped her stomach. She was 4 months a docters appointment coming up, he was hoping that the baby would cooperate and show them what it was. Though he knew he didnt want to count out a chance. He didn't want to wait till she was 9 months to know, so he hoped his child would be nice to them.

"Daddy can't wait to see you. When you're bigger I'm gonna play with you all the time, as long as you don't use mommy's body as a soccer ball." He spoke looking at her belly intently, as if he could see through her body and look his child in the eyes.

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